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Elegance Coral


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  • SRC Member

Here are some tips i have found while reading up on these corals:

Some things to keep in mind if you are going to care for this animal, despite warnings against it, the purple tipped variety is the worst to attempt to keep. Since these are the corals being collected today, this article will focus on their care.

* Low flow is necessary, but 10 x tank turnover is the minimum

* Fine sand or mud substrate

* Calcium and strontium, as per all stony corals

* Pristine water condition is not good for this particular animal, high organic nutrient concentrations with 10's of PPM of nitrates is desired. Be careful not to over skim!

* Mouths facing up, V shaped point stuck down in the mud is the way this animal should be oriented.

* NEVER place this coral in live rock or at an angle

* Calm water movement, away from a power head.

* Target fed with meaty food two to three times a week

* Low-Medium lighting, using compact fluorescents or VHOs, do not use metal halides

What i read from other marine forums that they say last time these corals are more adaptable to HO or NO lightings as they get sunburn.The symptoms is that the coral swell up and excrete loads of mucus and shrink.Below an article relating to Elegance Coral Syndrome.

Beginning sometime in the late 1990s, specimens entering the trade were doomed by a condition that had no known cause or cure, ECS, characterized by the following:

1. Colony's o ral disk swells, sometimes with excessive mucus production from the mouths

2. Tentacles do not expand

3. White opaque mucus-like webbing may present itself across the o ral disk, originating between the coral's tissue and skeleton. This stage typically lasts from days to nearly a month.

4. Coral bleaching or colour change

5. Tentacles lose their stickiness and so the coral does not feed

6. The coral's tissue eventually shrinks

7. Secondary infections may occur, but are not common

8. Colony dies despite all manners of experimental intervention that have been attempted

That's all for now.If find any relating articles you may wish to post it here :)

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  • Senior Reefer

since u have posted here, lets discuss about cataphyllia here rather than hijack bro vlamingi's thread.

- they dun like intense lighting. as in the wild they are found in sea grass biotopes, diffuse lighting is enough. T5 are suffient, no need for metal halides. if using MH, put it in a less intense lited area.

- they like egntle flow. no blasting power heads at them please

- they prefer to be on the sand. this is how they are found in the wild. many reefers place them on the rocks. it is fine too provided the rock doesnt hurt the flesh

- NEVER place them in a vertical position. place them in a horizontal position with mouths facing upwards and skeletal base poiting downwards. they have conical shaped skeleton that is best stuck in the sand.

- avoid touching them when it is settled down. they get stressed easily.

- do not over feed.

- elegance have one of the highest stinging capabilities of all cnidarians (although my xenia seems to be unphased by it.). place them away from other LPS and softies. thsi is how they are found in the wild, with very little cnidarians around them. if u have sensitive skin, avoid touching them too. they pack quite a punch.

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  • SRC Member

That's right we hijack too much space already.Sorry bro if you are reading this :) .If i manage to keep em for 6 month maybe i'll try another one.Their tentacles are even stickier than RBTA which i just realised as i unpack em from the bag.

May be we could share some pics here to share the successes of some people with catalaphyllia.

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  • Senior Reefer

cataphyllia u mean. actually they are not that hard provided u giv them the conditions they need. they can tolerate up to 20-30ppm of nitrates. in fact they prefer this. just take in mind their placment and flow. most die to improper placing and flow...

i lost 1 elegance not too long ago from ECS. seems like there is no cure for this. hopefully it doesnt resurface again. really sick.




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  • SRC Member

Like that i need more fish.I just fed my elegance and they close up to consume it damn fast.I saw it eats fast but now can see still bloated :)

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  • Senior Reefer
Like that i need more fish.I just fed my elegance and they close up to consume it damn fast.I saw it eats fast but now can see still bloated :)

ok good. but remember dun feed too many times ah... next week or 2 weeks later again. i\

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