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Poor dog needs help


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Hi all,

This is an URGENT APPEAL to everybody out there.

We are raising funds for the hit and run victim - a stray mongrel named White feet who was knocked down recently.

This boy was knocked down and his leg might have to be amputated.

His ligaments etc are all showing, and the vet has suggested amputation.

Poor boy is now very dehydrated as he refuses to eat or drink

And in pain, when we changed the dressing for him, he yelped.

We have other strays we need to help as well and we'll really appreciate any amount to help white feet.

After white feet's operation, he will need to be hopsitalised for around a week to recuperate while we are trying to source for a fosterer to cut down expenses.

Not intending to put him back to where he was from after the op as it is quite dirty there with alot of houseflies and we don't want to risk a secondary infection on his wound.

White feet is very quiet, not barkish and a very good boy.

No amount at all is too small, and every single cent counts!

All receipts will be scanned and posted here on this thread to show proof.

For those who wish to make a monetary contribution to help in Whitefeet’s medical bills, do transfer over to the rescuer's account: POSB SAVINGS 072-24205-0 and post the amount and reference number of transfer on this thread.

We are also looking for a FOSTER HOME throughout this period to his recovery to help ease the burden of the boarding fees on the rescuer. Food and help will be provided to fosterer, if you think you can help white feet back on his feet to recovery, please PM or email to xintai@hotmail.com

Do contact 97679495.

Any queries, do email me at xintai@hotmail.com

Thank you all so much! Please help to spread the word around!


23 April - BAD news! Vet diagnosed that Whitefeet got heartworms.. he is required to go thru the treatment which will take weeks for fully recovery. For information about heartworms on dogs, please refer to this link > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartworm

25 April - Vet has confirmed Whitefeet is at the final stage for heartworm. As the vet mentioned that he requires immediate treatment, if not he will die anytime. We decided to start the heartworms treatment tomorrow morning at 9am. Please pray hard for him

26 April - Vet has started the heartworm treatment on saturday morning. Have to monitor his condition for the next 24 hour.

28 April - Whitefeet seems to look better when i visited him today. The vet said that he has been eating alot which is definitely a good sign. Vet will do a test on him to check for heartworms.


the above is taken from hardwarezone forum.

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Will be doing my small part within this few days.

hope you guys can do the same.

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  • SRC Member
Hi all,

This is an URGENT APPEAL to everybody out there.

We are raising funds for the hit and run victim - a stray mongrel named White feet who was knocked down recently.

This boy was knocked down and his leg might have to be amputated.

His ligaments etc are all showing, and the vet has suggested amputation.

Poor boy is now very dehydrated as he refuses to eat or drink

And in pain, when we changed the dressing for him, he yelped.

We have other strays we need to help as well and we'll really appreciate any amount to help white feet.

After white feet's operation, he will need to be hopsitalised for around a week to recuperate while we are trying to source for a fosterer to cut down expenses.

Not intending to put him back to where he was from after the op as it is quite dirty there with alot of houseflies and we don't want to risk a secondary infection on his wound.

White feet is very quiet, not barkish and a very good boy.

No amount at all is too small, and every single cent counts!

All receipts will be scanned and posted here on this thread to show proof.

For those who wish to make a monetary contribution to help in Whitefeet’s medical bills, do transfer over to the rescuer's account: POSB SAVINGS 072-24205-0 and post the amount and reference number of transfer on this thread.

We are also looking for a FOSTER HOME throughout this period to his recovery to help ease the burden of the boarding fees on the rescuer. Food and help will be provided to fosterer, if you think you can help white feet back on his feet to recovery, please PM or email to xintai@hotmail.com

Do contact 97679495.

Any queries, do email me at xintai@hotmail.com

Thank you all so much! Please help to spread the word around!


23 April - BAD news! Vet diagnosed that Whitefeet got heartworms.. he is required to go thru the treatment which will take weeks for fully recovery. For information about heartworms on dogs, please refer to this link > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heartworm

25 April - Vet has confirmed Whitefeet is at the final stage for heartworm. As the vet mentioned that he requires immediate treatment, if not he will die anytime. We decided to start the heartworms treatment tomorrow morning at 9am. Please pray hard for him

26 April - Vet has started the heartworm treatment on saturday morning. Have to monitor his condition for the next 24 hour.

28 April - Whitefeet seems to look better when i visited him today. The vet said that he has been eating alot which is definitely a good sign. Vet will do a test on him to check for heartworms.


the above is taken from hardwarezone forum.

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Will be doing my small part within this few days.

hope you guys can do the same.

it's realli heart aching to see dogs suffer :cry:

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