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:mellow:Jack Neo has the support of his wife

Xin.sg - Wednesday, March 10

The wife of disgraced filmmaker Jack Neo, 50, Mdm Irene Kng has been a sea of calm and forgiveness since news his two-year extramarital affair with a woman less than half his age surfaced over the weekend.

The 46-year-old, who's been married to Neo for 27 years, has four children aged six to 19 with him. Her composed reaction shocked freelance model-actress Wendy Chong, 22, when she went to the couple's Paris Ris semi-detached home last Friday.

Mdm Kng, who knew of the affair a year ago, has expressed that she had already forgiven her straying husband and will continue to support him during the scandal. She added that their family would not be affected by it.

She said that she "did not care who Jack was involved with, as long as she loves him." She became aware of their affair when a family friend spotted the two together.

Neo, Singapore's most commercially successful movie director and producer admitted to his infidelity a day after a Chinese evening daily broke the story last Saturday.

The paper said that Chong, who has a role in Neo's film Being Human currently in cinemas, became enraged that the actor-comedian did not answer her calls last Friday. She went to his home around 3pm and waited for him to return. She told him she wanted to see his wife which he obliged by calling Mdm Kng to come downstairs, surprising Chong.

The three then left to carry on the meeting at Changi Airport's Crowne Plaza hotel which allegedly lasted four hours and were subsequently joined by Chong's father and sister as well as Neo's pastor, church friend and manager.

Neo's family has moved out of their Pasir Ris home temporarily to avoid media attention. He has claimed that he had been unable to end the affair with Chong because she threatened to harm herself.

Chong first knew Neo when she had a small role in his Money No Enough 2. He started wooing her and a month later they had sex in his car, she revealed. During the two years they were seeing each other, she said he brought her overseas on four occasions to Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

The 1.63m tall model's father was shocked by the revelations, and was said to have momentarily thought his daughter alerted the media for fame's sake.

Neo has apologized to Chong's family and sought for "a chance to live." The Cultural Medallion holder had also called his friend, Foreign Minister George Yeo, to confess his transgression.

His manager Tang Wing Fai announced that Jack will meet the media "once and for all" when he has settled the matter and made peace.

:pirate:Model exposes affair with S'pore director Jack Neo

Posted: 07 March 2010 1427 hrs

SINGAPORE : Singapore director Jack Neo should take some lessons from his latest film "Being Human" - you reap what you sow.

The filmmaker's life has been thrown into chaos after his two-year affair with 22-year-old model Wendy Chong was exposed.

Chong, who plays the sister-in-law of actor Mark Lee's character in "Being Human", turned up at the director's home on Friday and demanded to speak to his wife.

She told a local Chinese daily that she was upset that Neo, 50, did not answer her phone calls and decided to confront him at his Pasir Ris home. When he finally came home at about 3pm, he returned Chong's calls and agreed to let her in to speak to his wife, Irene Kng.

Chong said she was shocked by Kng's reaction to the affair. Kng, 46, appeared "calm" and told her that she "did not care who Jack was involved with as she was content that she loved him".

As Neo's children and maid were home, the three headed to a restaurant at Changi Airport's Crowne Plaza hotel where they were joined by Chong's father and sister, as well as Neo's manager, pastor and friend.

There, Neo admitted to the affair and apologised to Chong's father who was shocked by the affair. He said both parties were "rash" and the affair was a mistake.

Chong and Neo met when she landed a bit part in his film "Money No Enough 2". The model said Neo had initiated the relationship by asking for a number and then invited her to watch him film a movie. He also took her on trips to Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia.

She added that she did not get together with the director for fame and thought they "would only be together for three months" but her love for him grew deeper.

Neo confessed that he had let his wife down but could not end the affair as Chong had threatened to harm herself.

Kng who was not surprised that Chong had turned up at their home revealed that had already known about the affair but did not confront her husband and instead chose to forgive him. She said she learnt about it a year ago after friends saw Neo and Chong together.

The couple who have been married for 27 years have four children - three boys and a girl aged between seven and 19.

- CNA/il

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:( Jack Neo loses Mitsubishi endorsement deal

By Han Wei Chou | Posted: 10 March 2010 1301 hrs

SINGAPORE : Mitsubishi Electric Asia will no longer feature Singapore director Jack Neo in its advertising, a spokesperson for the electronics giant told Channelnewsasia.com.

It has also decided not to renew its endorsement contract with Neo's production and talent management firm J Team Productions.

The announcement comes after Neo's affair with 22-year-old model Wendy Chong was exposed over the weekend and speculation that J Team Productions will dissolve.

"We are going to withdraw the advertisements and we won't be renewing the contracts," said the spokesperson, adding that all advertisements featuring Neo should have been pulled by Tuesday night.

She declined to give any estimates about how much the endorsement deal was worth.

Neo, a Cultural Medallion winner, had been endorsing Mitsubishi's StarMex air-conditioners for at least two years and was often seen in advertisements for the appliance on television and taxis.

"I think we are doing the right thing by removing, dropping all the advertisements that are related with Jack Neo," said the spokesperson.

Mitsubishi may have cut ties with Singapore's most successful film-maker but other advertisers that had worked with him are apparently adopting a wait-and-see attitude.

Local firms Bee Cheng Hiang and Goh Joo Hin which had product placements in the beleaguered director's earlier films have reportedly declined to comment.

- CNA/ha

:eyebrow:J Team may dissolve, Mark Lee to set up own company

Posted: 09 March 2010 1554 hrs

SINGAPORE : Singapore funnyman Mark Lee intends to set up his own production company, Huang Production Pte Ltd, in January next year after his contract with disgraced director Jack Neo's firm, J Team Productions, expires at the end of 2010, said local Chinese newspaper Lianhe Wanbao.

Lee's revelation comes amidst rumours that J Team Productions may dissolve after company founder Neo's affair with 22-year-old model Wendy Chong was exposed over the weekend.

Lee, 41, reportedly said that "J Team exists only in name" after this incident.

He explained that J Team Productions' current leader, Neo's wife, Madam Irene Kng, had said in a recent meeting that she had a hard time caring for her four children. As a result, she was not up to the task of managing the firm's many artistes and intends to let the artistes go.

Lee pointed out that it was not the artistes who were abandoning Neo, but the other way round.

Like abandoned orphans, they were told to fend for themselves once their contract expires, hence his decision to start his own firm.

Lee expressed that he will not be terminating his contract early but prefers to leave gracefully when it expires. He added that he will not poach talents from J Team Productions.

"I don't want people to call me a traitor, but if my brothers and sisters [Lee's fellow J Team artistes] want to join my firm, I am willing to 'take them in'," he said.

Apart from Lee, comedian Henry Thia and actress Tay Yin Yin's contracts will also expire at the end of the year.

When contacted, Neo's manager was said to have confirmed that there were indeed a few artistes who intend to start their own firm but added that he was unclear what the rest planned to do at this point.

- CNA/ha

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:whistleI won't return to Jack Neo

Mar 8, 2010 By Melissa Pang

THE 22-year-old model who spilled her two-year affair with filmmaker Jack Neo said she won't return to him again.

Wendy Chong told Shin Min Daily News: 'Disappointment and sadness have replaced my love for him. Even if there was a shot at a second chance, I wouldn't want it. Even if he wanted to return, I wouldn't accept it.

'But I know Jack. He won't turn back. He is probably feeling very remorseful and guilty about his actions.'

In an interview with the Chinese evening daily, Chong also expressed guilt and regrets for alerting a reporter to the meeting with Neo and his wife last Friday at Changi Airport's Crowne Plaza Hotel, after she showed up at his Paris Ris home.

'I was a little rash and wonder if I have caused harm to innocent children. But the next day, after reading the reports, my guilt subsided. Because Jack Neo lied. He told me that besides me and his wife, there weren't any other women.

'He also swore to god countless times, that if he had other women, he would be hit by a car, and asked me to believe him.'

'But later I found out that even his wife knew that there Jack Neo had trysts with other women. Looks like I came out looking sillier in this incident.'

Chong also apologised to Neo's wife, Madam Irene Kng, 46, and her four children, as well as to her own parents for causing them embarrassment.

She advised other 'third-party' women to cease their affairs with married men as 'it's tough to be a mistress.'

'I shouldn't have continued affair'

FREELANCE model Wendy Chong has regretted letting her affair with Jack Neo drag on for two years.

She told Shin Min Daily News in an interview: 'The last two years has been tumultuous for us, ending with both of us deeply hurt and scarred.

'I feel I have grown up a lot overnight. Previously, I didn't give a damn to anything else in the pursuit of love. I just wanted to possess him, regardless of whether I was right or wrong. And I got myself into a mess.

'I now realise I was wrong and I have hurt many people. I shouldn't have gone into an affair in the first place, shouldn't have fallen in love with him.

'It's like taking drugs, you think you have control of your feelings and yourself, but in the end, I couldn't get out of the mess. I just got myself more and tangled and eventually found myself at a dead end.'


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:sick:2nd woman claims tryst :paiseh:

Mar 8, 2010 By Melissa Pang

HE WOOED her with the promise of grooming her into 'Fann Wong No. 2', and even booked a hotel room so they could get to know each other better.

This claim was made by a second woman who has decided to speak out on Singaporean filmmaker Jack Neo, just days after a 22-year-old freelance model Wendy Chong broke the news of her two-year fling with the Cultural Medallion recipient.

Lianhe Wanbao on Monday identified the latest woman as 25-year-old Foyce Le Xuan, who alleged in an interview with the Chinese evening daily that Neo had sexually harassed her when she was a member of the Liang Jia Ban (Neo's Family Group).

Ms Le, described by the Chinese daily as 'sexy and beautiful' and drew comparisons with Hong Kong pop star Coco Lee, was a member of Liang Jia Ban for a year from 2004.

In the interview with Wanbao, she claimed that Neo wooed her aggresively after she joined his entertainment group. Once, he allegedly told her that he had made a reservation at a hotel and was waiting for her so that they could spend 'quiet and private' time together to 'get to know each other better'. She did not show up.

She also said that when she first started out at Liang Jia Ban, Neo offered to send her home as she lived in Tampines, which was near his Pasir Ris home. But these rides turned out to be more than innocent, she claimed.

Shortly after, she alleged that Neo tried to hit on her. She said once in his car, Neo grabbed her hand and said, 'I want to groom you into 'Fann Wong No. 2'. I will direct a film and make you the lead actress.'

'At that time, I was only 20, just a small girl... I didn't dare to speak out... When he held my hand tight, I didn't even dare to resist,' she told Wanbao.

On her decision to go public with the affair, Ms Le said: 'After reading the reports on Wendy Chong in Wanbao, I was reminded of a very unpleasant period in my life. Jack Neo's wooing methods are the same. He asks for your number, sends you an SMS, and says all sorts of sweet things to his 'prey'.

She added that she 'admired Wendy Chong for standing out to reveal the truth'. This, she hoped, would prevent similar incidents from happening.

Why I decided to speak to reporters

Foyce Le Xuan said she decided to speak to reporters after reading reports about freelance model Wendy Chong, who acted in two of Neo's movies.

He SMSed me 30 times a day

ACTRESS-SINGER Foyce Le Xuan, 25, the second woman to come forward to expose film-maker Jack Neo as a love cheat, said he sent her home after every filming session during her first year with J team, Neo's management company.

The attention he lavished on her upset her boyfriend and they broke up, reported The New Paper on Tuesday.

He also SMSed her to ask her out, including to dinner at Good Park Hotel.

She told TNP in an interview on Monday: 'He sent me an SMS every two hours every day initially, reporting things like how hot it was, where he was working. Or asking me to join him or watch him edit his shows.

'He sent up to 30 SMSes in a day. Even when we were in the same room and there were other people around, he SMSed me to tell me how sexily I was dressed that day or how beautiful I looked that day.

'He even messaged me, 'Hope that you are3 mine.''

Le admitted to TNP that she fell for the promises first. But even though she was flattered, she said some of his attention distressed her.

But she maintained that she never slept with No or reciprocated his affections because he has a family, and Neo's wife, Madam Irene Kng, 46, was nice to her too.




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:peace:Jack Neo has the support of his wife

Xin.sg - Wednesday, March 10

The wife of disgraced filmmaker Jack Neo, 50, Mdm Irene Kng has been a sea of calm and forgiveness since news his two-year extramarital affair with a woman less than half his age surfaced over the weekend.

The 46-year-old, who's been married to Neo for 27 years, has four children aged six to 19 with him. Her composed reaction shocked freelance model-actress Wendy Chong, 22, when she went to the couple's Paris Ris semi-detached home last Friday.

Mdm Kng, who knew of the affair a year ago, has expressed that she had already forgiven her straying husband and will continue to support him during the scandal. She added that their family would not be affected by it.

She said that she "did not care who Jack was involved with, as long as she loves him." She became aware of their affair when a family friend spotted the two together.

Neo, Singapore's most commercially successful movie director and producer admitted to his infidelity a day after a Chinese evening daily broke the story last Saturday.

The paper said that Chong, who has a role in Neo's film Being Human currently in cinemas, became enraged that the actor-comedian did not answer her calls last Friday. She went to his home around 3pm and waited for him to return. She told him she wanted to see his wife which he obliged by calling Mdm Kng to come downstairs, surprising Chong.

The three then left to carry on the meeting at Changi Airport's Crowne Plaza hotel which allegedly lasted four hours and were subsequently joined by Chong's father and sister as well as Neo's pastor, church friend and manager.

Neo's family has moved out of their Pasir Ris home temporarily to avoid media attention. He has claimed that he had been unable to end the affair with Chong because she threatened to harm herself.

Chong first knew Neo when she had a small role in his Money No Enough 2. He started wooing her and a month later they had sex in his car, she revealed. During the two years they were seeing each other, she said he brought her overseas on four occasions to Taiwan, Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia.

The 1.63m tall model's father was shocked by the revelations, and was said to have momentarily thought his daughter alerted the media for fame's sake.

Neo has apologized to Chong's family and sought for "a chance to live." The Cultural Medallion holder had also called his friend, Foreign Minister George Yeo, to confess his transgression.

His manager Tang Wing Fai announced that Jack will meet the media "once and for all" when he has settled the matter and made peace.


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George Yeo slammed by angry netizens for supporting PBM Jack Neo after his sexual exploits were leaked

The Temasek Review - March 10, 2010

Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo has been slammed by angry netizens for issuing an open call to Singaporeans to rally around PBM Jack Neo who was embroiled in a sensational sex scandal involving a 22 year old model Wendy Chong.

Mr Yeo claimed that PBM Jack Neo called him before the news broke on Saturday evening to inform him of what happened. He pledged his “full†support to PBM Jack Neo and his wife on a blog post entitled “Rallying around Jack Neo and his familyâ€

While Singaporeans do not take issue with Mr Yeo lending support to PBM Jack Neo’s wife Irene Kng, they are incredulous that he had implored them to “rally†around PBM Jack Neo too as if he is a victim.

“Life is a long and often difficult journey, and what Jack and his family

are going through is what he might have presented in his own movie, except

that this time it is about himself. We are used to having Jack make us

laugh, bring cheer to our daily lives, explain our trials and make them

easier to bear. Let us rally around Jack, his wife and his children at

this time,â€

he wrote.

Mr Yeo, who took two months to respond to a road traffic accident involving a Romanian diplomat was made to look like a clown when it was subsequently revealed in the media that Wendy Chong is not the only mistress of PBM Jack Neo and that he is a serial sex predator who literally went after anybody who wears a skirt including a 16 year old girl.

Netizens were outraged at Mr Yeo’s call for support and questioned if he is “too free†and “having nothing better to doâ€.

He had already been slammed two months ago for a curt reply to a molest victim seeking help on his Facebook to which he asked to see her MP.

Full article.

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I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

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George Yeo slammed by angry netizens for supporting PBM Jack Neo after his sexual exploits were leaked

The Temasek Review - March 10, 2010

Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo has been slammed by angry netizens for issuing an open call to Singaporeans to rally around PBM Jack Neo who was embroiled in a sensational sex scandal involving a 22 year old model Wendy Chong.

Mr Yeo claimed that PBM Jack Neo called him before the news broke on Saturday evening to inform him of what happened. He pledged his “full†support to PBM Jack Neo and his wife on a blog post entitled “Rallying around Jack Neo and his familyâ€

While Singaporeans do not take issue with Mr Yeo lending support to PBM Jack Neo’s wife Irene Kng, they are incredulous that he had implored them to “rally†around PBM Jack Neo too as if he is a victim.

Mr Yeo, who took two months to respond to a road traffic accident involving a Romanian diplomat was made to look like a clown when it was subsequently revealed in the media that Wendy Chong is not the only mistress of PBM Jack Neo and that he is a serial sex predator who literally went after anybody who wears a skirt including a 16 year old girl.

Netizens were outraged at Mr Yeo’s call for support and questioned if he is “too free†and “having nothing better to doâ€.

He had already been slammed two months ago for a curt reply to a molest victim seeking help on his Facebook to which he asked to see her MP.

Full article.

clap clap...ho say.....i think he can say bye bye to his GRC......romanian hit-and-run case...now plus this....

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:whistleMayhem at Jack Neo’s press conference as Irene Kng fainted after scuffle broke out between members of J Team and journalists

March 11, 2010 by admin

The much anticipated “tell all†press conference by Singapore’s famous movie director PBM Jack Neo who was embroiled in a series of sex scandals lately might have been short, but it was no less dramatic as the sobbing couple was mobbed by journalists at the scene as they left the stage.

A few members of the J Team Productions, Jack’s entertainment group rushed forward to push the journalists aside and a minor scuffle broke out.

John Cheng (circled in red in the photo) who used to play the role of gangsters and loansharks in Jack’s films was heard shouting at the top of his voice:


The journalists continue to ignore him and tried to ask the couple further questions and as Jack Neo waved them away, mayhem broke out:

“Please, please let us move, please…will you?†he pleaded.

A member was overheard saying:

“What do you want??? Can you please give them some space? You got nothing better to do is it?â€

As our field reporter followed the crowd from behind, somebody was heard screaming:

“Madam has fainted!!! Madam has fainted!!! Please move away, all of you!!â€

It appeared that Jack Neo’s wife Irene Kng had fainted and was carried away by the security personnel into the waiting vehicle.

The journalists continue to chase after them, refusing to let go.

We had a quick chat with one of the J Team members who said that many of them were angry with the mainstream media for “distorting†the story to increase its circulation at the expense of Jack and his wife.

He took issue with a Shin Min Daily report comparing the physical appearances of Irene Kng, Foyce Le Xuan and Wendy Chong a few days ago and the “lack of discretion†in reporting the lurid details of Jack’s sexual exploits.

“The media should have been more objective and not give so much free publicity to these girls who are just seeking instant fame,†he said.

The J team members left the scene soon afterwards as the journalists tried to interview them.

During the press conference, Jack Neo revealed that this would be the “last time†he is talking to the media. According to insider information, J Team Productions may be folded up and Jack is considering leaving the local entertainment scene for the time-being to wait for the storm to blow over.

The saga has gripped the attention of the entire nation as Jack Neo is a well-known comedian and public figure in Singapore. Arguably Singapore’s most successful movie director to date, he was awarded a PBM in 2004 and a Cultural Medallion in 2005.

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.... saw the conference.

- Jack's apology is crap. but I guess saying less is more at this time and hence the simple apology.

- his tears are definitely faked. just before the tears drop, he had to cover his face and get the emotions out.... if you are really crying, then he should be speaking, lose voice, sound cracked, tears drop then cover his face and usually will have more mucus... sniffling of nose... ... all these my opinions lah.

- questionable if he really felt remorseful.

- his wife did not faint lah, but prob the strain of this event has greatly weaken her.... why you are in grief, your knees get really week, could hardly walk. Feel so sorry for her. Don't think she is staying with Jack for the money. But more for the family. Also for housewives, all their stakes are placed on the family, no more career, circle of friends shrinked, no income, their family is their everything. I think she is a Christian too so I don't think divorce is on the cards.

- not sure why the wife is there at the conference. prob just to plea for the media to leave their family (including kids) alone so that they can heal.

JN is simply reaping what he has sowed. I do not condone what JN has done but my heart really goes out to the wife and his children. they are the innocent parties.

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:pirate:Mark Lee to leave J Team and start his own company

Xin.sg - Thursday, March 11

In the midst of Jack Neo's infidelity scandal, his longtime apprentice Mark Lee has dropped another bombshell - the famed Liang Jia Ban (or literally 'Neo Clan', referring to Jack's band of artistes) will split and he will start his own company when his contract ends.

Mark and other artistes like Henry Thia, Michelle Tay, John Cheng (Ah Nan), Apple Hong, Brandon Wong, Nick Shen, Tay Ying Ying and Jeremy Chan are contracted to J Team, an artiste management and production house founded by Jack. The former four can be said to have been groomed by the film director himself.

But since Jack's straying ways were exposed last Saturday by the local Chinese media and with more women coming out fast and furious, close friend Mark only had strong reactions and words on this matter.

Regarding questions of whether Liang Jia Ban would survive this storm, he said frankly, "It will be all but over."

Sources say that at a recent J Team meeting, Mdm Irene Kng, Jack Neo's wife, expressed her difficulty at juggling and managing her four kids and the artistes.

Mark, Henry, Michelle and Ying Ying's contracts are expiring this year, Mark revealed that he would start his own Huang Production Pte Ltd next January. He said that he would not poach his fellow artistes or end his contract prematurely, because he wants to leave his longtime employers with his head held high.

"I don't want to turn on my own. But if my brothers and sisters want to come over, I'm willing to 'adopt' them."

The comedian-host explained that the stars are not abandoning their mentor at this time of crisis, but likened themselves to orphans who need to learn to be independent now.

Upon queries, Jack's manager Tang Wing Fai confirmed that there would be a new company set up by a J Team artiste but could not confirm the status of the others like Henry, Michelle and Ying Ying.


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:o Jack Neo's exploits pale in comparison...

:angry2:'Britain's Fritzl' raped daughters for over 25yrs

AFP - Thursday, March 11

LONDON (AFP) - – Two British women who were raped and abused by their father for over 25 years, becoming pregnant 18 times, have won an apology from local authorities for failing to prevent the serial incest.

In a case compared with that of Austria's notorious Josef Fritzl, the 56-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is serving a life jail term for raping his daughters, who had seven babies by their father.

Details of the abuse were revealed Wednesday in a case review by local authorities, who accepted that 28 agencies and 100 officials had dealt with the family over 35 years.

"We want to apologise to the family at the heart of this case. It will be clear that we failed this family," said Sue Fiennes, head of the Sheffield Safeguarding Children Board.

"This report will not make comfortable reading for any of the organisations concerned with the family. We are all committed to working relentlessly to do all we can to minimise the risk of this happening again."

"Lessons are being learned by the agencies involved," she added.

The ordeal started in 1981 when the daughters were aged eight and 10. At the start they were attacked every day, and later were raped two or three times a week, review documents revealed.

If they refused the advances of their father -- who called himself the "gaffer", or boss -- they would be punched, kicked and sometimes held in the flames of a gas fire.

The case review showed that the family moved home 67 times over a 35-year period so that the father could avoid detection.

The women's brother voiced anger that his sisters had not been protected, saying: "I blame a lot of people."

"I blame people that were meant to be looking after children because we were all meant to be under child protection at five, so I blame the people that should have been doing their jobs looking after us," he added.

Children's Secretary Ed Balls branded the crimes "horrific" and said they should have been prevented.

"Like many people, I find it impossible to understand how a father could treat his own daughters in this way," he said.

"It is absolutely right for people to want to know how such abuse could go on for so long without the authorities and public services discovering it and taking action."

Media compared the case with that of Austria's Fritzl, who was jailed for life last year for holding his daughter as a sex slave for 24 years in a cramped, windowless chamber and murdering one of their seven children.

The Daily Mail newspaper said the case bore "chilling echoes" of Fritzl's crimes.

The British serial rapist had "left a trail of misery and recrimination, and a family of children whose warped parentage will scar them for life," said the paper.

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:whistleCheating director called Singapore's Tiger Woods

By ALEX KENNEDY, Associated Press Writer - Friday, March 12

SINGAPORE – Columnists and bloggers are calling him Singapore's Tiger Woods _ not for his golfing skills but for an extramarital affair that has tarnished the image of the city-state's most beloved film director.

On Thursday, in a news conference reminiscent of Wood's confession on live television last month, director Jack Neo, admitted to cheating on his wife, culminating a week of revelations about a two-year relationship Neo had with a 22-year-old model.

Other aspiring actresses and models, including a 16-year-old, have told local tabloids this week that Neo aggressively tried seducing them, including promising to make them stars in his movies.

"It's all my fault," Neo, 50, said before covering his face with his hands and crying. "Please give us a chance."

Neo's wife of 27 years, Irene, was by his side. She said she forgave her husband and would stay with him. She broke down after speaking and collapsed while walking away. She had to be carried from the stage amid a blaze of photographer's flash lights.

"I've already been hurt," she said through tears. "I really need your blessings."

Neo gained fame as a comedian on Singapore television in the 1990s and later directed popular Chinese and English-language movies _ such as "Money No Enough" and "I Not Stupid" _ that celebrated the importance of family among other topics.

His latest, "Being Human," opened in Singapore last week.

The government has recognized Neo with public service and cultural awards and he shares a blog with Foreign Affairs Minister George Yeo, who wrote on Sunday that Singaporeans should "rally around Jack, his wife and his children."

Others have been quick to distance themselves from Neo. Mitsubishi Electric Asia on Wednesday dropped Neo as a spokesman for the company's StarMex air conditioners.

"It amounts to Singapore's very own version of the Tiger Woods sex scandal," said Chia Han Keong, a columnist at newspaper My Paper. "Just like Woods, his act of unfaithfulness to his wife has elicited far more reprehension than perhaps he would have expected."

Woods ended three months of silence last month and confirmed he had extramaritial affairs, at a televised public statement not attended by his wife, Elin. The golf superstar lost a number of advertising sponsors and says he is taking leave from the sport while working to save his marriage.

Neo's saga began Saturday when Wendy Chong, a model who had small roles in two Neo movies, told a Chinese-language tabloid she has been his girlfriend for two years and confronted Neo's wife last week.

"Aw come on, that girl is young enough to be your daughter," wrote blogger Victor Koo. "Jack seems to be playing Tiger Woods."

Newspapers have published allegations of more affairs and quoted actresses who say they spurned his advances.

Maelle Meurzec, 21, said that after a small role in Neo's 2004 movie I Do I Do, he bombarded her with text messages and told her to meet him at hotels.

She turned him down.

"This guy is supposedly promoting family values but he can't even hold himself back from sending text messages to a 16-year-old," Meurzec told the New Paper.

Associated Press writer Chun Han Wong contributed to this report.

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:erm:French girl spills on Neo

Mar 10, 2010

A YOUNG French student is the latest to claim that film-maker Jack Neo hit on her - when she was only 16 more than five years ago.

Maelle Meurzec, now 21, told The New Paper in an interview at her Upper East Coast road home on Tuesday night, that the 50-year-old movie director hit on her while she was acting in his movie I Do I Do in Nov 2004.

From what she thought was a 'friendly' wrap around her shoulders on the first day they met, she claimed that Neo continued to make more aggressive advances on her even after the filming had ended, including sending her 30 SMSes, and repeated attempts to take her out to dinner at hotels.

The pretty Singaporean citizen of French descent, then a model with MC Models, did not mince her words in the TNP interview, calling Neo 'a bit of a creep', 'a sleazebag' and 'a jerk'.

The final straw came on Christmas Day 2004 when Neo sent her an SMS, saying that he wished they could be together. Upset, Maelle told her mother, Ms Agnes Meurzec, 51, about it. The family also decided to make a police report if Neo continue to harass the girl.

Neo stopped messaging her and they never met again. Neo's daughter, the eldest of his four children, is two years younger than Maelle.

At least 10 more women are reported to have been linked to Neo since his affair with 22-year-old Wendy Chong first broke last weekend when the freelance model showed up at his Pasir Ris semi-detached house last Friday, demanding to see his wife, Madam Irene Kng, 46.


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:whistleMark Lee on Jack's look of haggardness: "It's his retribution."

Xin.sg - Saturday, March 13

Standing by the corner throughout Jack Neo's press conference this morning was local actor-comedian and good friend to the embattled film-maker, Mark Lee. Despite being furious with Jack as reported in earlier news, Mark was there to lend his moral support to his mentor.

At the start, Mark was seen standing by the corner as he watched Jack and his wife, Irene spoke to the media but when Irene collapsed towards the end the session, Mark was one of the first to rush forward to support her.

Our reporter caught up with the actor-comedian this afternoon to check in on Irene's present state. According to Mark, he is not clear about the current situation as the couple left immediately in their pastor's car after the press conference but he added that "[irene] should be fine after a rest."

When asked about the apparent look of haggardness on Jack, Mark heaved a sigh and replied: "It's his retribution."

Mark shared that he drove Jack and his wife, Irene to the press conference this morning and that Jack and him only spoke less than five sentences during that entire session. "I didn't say much to them as they were clearly not in the best of mood."

Following this morning's drama, some members of the public and netizens have expressed their views that the film maker's act of putting his wife in the spotlight is but an added grief for her.

When asked about his thoughts, Mark believes that Jack would not force upon Irene to face the media if she had not wished to do so, and added: "It is their joint consensus to assume the responsibility together in facing up to the media."


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:pinch: Not again !!!

Thaksin protesters descend on Thai capital

AFP - 2 hours 33 minutes ago

BANGKOK (AFP) - – Tens of thousands of supporters of deposed premier Thaksin Shinawatra on Saturday streamed through military checkpoints into the capital, heading for a rally aimed at toppling the government.

Thai authorities have deployed a 50,000-strong security force, including soldiers, to patrol the streets and search protesters as they entered the city, fearing some could incite trouble ahead of Sunday's main rally.

Some 35,000 protesters in their signature red shirts passed through the busiest checkpoint in Ayutthaya, 80 kilometres (50 miles) north of Bangkok, the provincial governor told AFP.

Governor Withaya Pewpong said the Red Shirts, waving red flags and travelling mostly by pick-up truck and car, had been searched by 700 unarmed soldiers and police without incident.

One Red Shirt leader, Kwanchai Praipana, said most protesters from the rural northeast had already reached Bangkok.

"All of us Red Shirts... have already arrived," he told AFP. "We've prepared for a long fight this time but if the government dissolves the house today or Sunday then we are ready to disperse and go home," he added.

Organisers insist the protests will be peaceful, but the government has enacted the strict Internal Security Act to monitor the rally, allowing authorities to set up checkpoints, impose curfews and limit movements.

Thai Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who has refused to bow to the protesters' demand to step down and call elections, spoke to reporters after meeting with ministers and top brass at a military barracks on Saturday.

"We should not be complacent because there are some groups of people still wanting to create violence and cause confrontations," said Abhisit, who has cancelled a weekend trip to Australia because of the rally.

Metropolitan police said protesters trickling into the rally site near government ministry buildings had partially blocked traffic and set up giant projectors and mobile toilets next to a large stage.

The government has lowered its estimate of expected turnout at the rally to 70,000, but the Red Shirts say the figure will be nearer 600,000.

The protests come two weeks after Thailand's top court confiscated $1.4 billion of Thaksin's assets, and are the latest chapter in a political crisis that has beset Thailand since Thaksin was toppled in a 2006 coup.

Thaksin, who has been living mostly in Dubai to escape a two-year jail term for corruption at home, has been encouraging his supporters using text messages and his Twitter page.

"Thank you for your dedication.... I want to give my support to the people in the north," he told his followers on Twitter on Saturday, before announcing that he was about to fly from Dubai to Europe to see his two daughters.

The protest is set to be the biggest since the Red Shirts rioted in Bangkok in April last year, leaving two dead and scores injured.

The Red Shirts mainly represent Thailand's rural poor, who benefited from Thaksin's populist policies and say Abhisit's government is elitist, military-backed and has ignored their democratic rights.

Thaksin, by contrast, is loathed by the rival royalist "Yellow Shirts" backed by Bangkok's establishment, who accuse him of corruption and of lacking loyalty to the revered royal family.

Thirty-five countries have issued travel warnings for Thailand because of the protests, according to the country's tourism authority.

Analysts say the number of Red Shirts who actually rally on Sunday will be key to deciding whether they have any chance of pushing out the government before Thailand's next elections, due in December 2011.

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:bow:Scandal-plagued Jack Neo's obvious bid to boost his movie ticket sales <_<

Xin.sg - Thursday, March 18

"I'm regretting my wrongdoing and I'm sorry to have disappointed everyone. I hope everyone will go watch my movie."

With his comrade, Mark Lee by his side, Jack Neo sat forlorn in the studio of Love 97.2FM radio station, the first media appearance after his supposedly 'tell-all' press conference-turned-dramatised event that set off a media storm and lambast from the public.

What was supposed to be a media and visual delight - when we were first informed of Jack's LIVE radio interview that was to be conducted by 56-year-old radio DJ Marcus Chin, who was also embroiled in a height of [last year's] infidelity scandal over his affair with his 24-year-old personal assistant - was quickly dampened, by fate, blessing or pure shithouse luck, at the news of the Marcus's sick leave. Oh well.

Fidgeting about during the session, Jack was clearly uneasy with the pack of cameras clicking away as he went about the radio interview to promote his latest film, "Being Human".

Certainly, Jack's taken to his blog with an online apology that's admittedly far more heartfelt than the statement he made at the press conference; and he's even made his first public appearance with his family at Great World City. Now really, one would have thought the least Jack could [and should] do is to have the decorum to stay inconspicuous for the next three months, right?

Well, the cultural medallion recipient and Singapore's most successful director thinks otherwise - his dalliances aside, the man is clearly working the money for his latest film.

Known for making moralistic movies mostly with an educational slant, Jack was forthright about the irony of his movie ["Being Human"] script that's like a semblance of his public transgression. The unexpected frankness, perhaps a premeditated act of crisis management was bluntly interjected with Mark's cutting remark, "this is retribution".

"When I was editing the film, these lines keep appearing to me: "you reap what you sow" and "don't think you are hiding in the dark and nobody will know", and I felt the pressure."

"I hope everyone will give me a chance to start afresh, be a good husband and a father. Please forgive me and give me a chance to prove it."

Since the scandal news broke, Jack has been out of sight for the first week of the promotional events for "Being Human" and now the director, who's known to be at his cast's side at every movie's promotional event, wants to keep to his promise and "stop hiding because it's not fair".

"I'm very grateful that my disciple, Mark, has been very supportive [in promoting this film] although at the start after [scandal] news broke, he told me "not free"."

Jack reiterated his mistake and spoke about taking an indefinite break after this saga to spend time with his wife and family: "My wife has been very supportive and I need to gain back her confidence and go back to living a normal life."

He added: "We may be smiling on the outside but deep down, we are still healing."

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:pirate:Judge ticks off lawyer of man accused of molesting young son of good friend

Channel NewsAsia - Wednesday, March 24

SINGAPORE : The lawyer representing a 44—year—old man on trial for sexually abusing an eight—year—old boy was ticked off by the trial judge for asking the victim complicated questions during a cross—examination.

At the High Court on Tuesday, Justice Kan Ting Chiu told lawyer Wee Pan Lee that his questions were "difficult to answer (and) can be misconstrued as an acceptance ... he is a child and even I have difficulty understanding".

Mr Wee, who was acting on behalf of Peter Lee Chee Soon, had earlier asked the boy via video link about the number of times he had been left alone with the accused.

Lee, a taxi driver, is on trial for allegedly performing fellatio on the boy, who was four years old in 2005.

On the advice of Justice Kan, Mr Wee broke down his questions to make them simpler for the Primary Three student to understand.

As a plump, bespectacled Lee sat in the dock taking down notes, Mr Wee disputed the charges, saying the former had been asked to look after the boy on three occasions and not six as claimed by the family.

At no time was Lee alone with the boy during the time of the alleged offence, as Lee’s mother was also present in the flat in Yishun, the lawyer said.

Furthermore, Lee did not perform fellatio but had instead "accidentally" bitten the boy’s pXnis :wacko: , said Mr Wee, adding that at no time had his client intentionally taken off the boy’s trousers.

"Not correct," the boy said through an interpreter, looking visibly tired from the day—long questioning.

Lee originally faced five other charges which included outraging the modesty the boy’s sister, now 18 and aunt, 20. :pinch:

These charges have, however, been stood down.

He is now out on bail of $80,000. If convicted, he could be jailed for life, or jailed up to 10 years and fined.

The hearing continues on Wednesday.

CNA /ls

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:shock:Thai 'Red Shirts' vow to shut down Bangkok with new rally

AFP - Tuesday, March 23

BANGKOK (AFP) - – Thailand's red-shirted protesters vowed to "shut down" Bangkok with an anti-government rally Saturday, defying the government which had raised the stakes with new security measures.

The "Red Shirt" supporters of deposed prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra are in their second week of rolling demonstrations, demanding snap elections to replace a government they say is illegitimate and backed only by the nation's elite.

Their numbers, which had peaked at more than 100,000 people, had begun to wane but the movement's spirits were revived with a carnival-style parade last Saturday that drew around 65,000.

"On Saturday we will shut down Bangkok and rally at provincial halls across the country," said Jatuporn Prompan, a leader of the Reds, who have used their own blood to splatter the prime minister's house and offices. :o

Jatuporn did not give details but said the event would be bigger than last weekend's noisy but peaceful procession, which saw a convoy of protesters in cars, trucks and motorbikes snake through the capital's teeming streets.

Authorities escalated their response Monday, saying personnel guarding key sites would be armed because the government was "very concerned" after several minor grenade attacks.

"Starting from today, the military deployed at checkpoints, government buildings and military bases will be armed in order to prevent ill-intentioned people from inciting unrest," said army spokesman Colonel Sunsern Kaewkumnerd.

Sunsern said that only officers at sensitive locations would be supplied with firearms. Previously the 30,000 military personnel deployed for the protests were not armed.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said the government would also extend a stringent security law enacted ahead of the protests for an additional week in Bangkok and two other provinces.

The Internal Security Act, which allows authorities to set up checkpoints, impose curfews and limit movement, had been enforced across eight provinces since March 11 and was due to expire on March 23.

Thaksin, who lives in exile to avoid a jail term for corruption, criticised the measures against a protest movement that, despite fears of violence, has passed off largely without incident in recent months.

"If they come out in tanks and with war weapons it shows they are not respecting democratic rule," he said on Twitter.

Another Reds leader, Veera Musikapong, reiterated their demand for talks with Prime Minister Abhsisit Vejjajiva, rejecting the premier's offer of negotiations with a junior minister.

"He is the one who can dissolve the house," he told protesters at the encampment in the city's old quarter. "Free and fair elections will decide our future and end the political conflict, and everybody must accept the result."

Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij said in Hong Kong that the anti-government protests had not deterred foreign investors, but admitted Thailand's tumultuous politics were "impossible to understand".

"The main issue... is that we manage it in a civilised manner within the rules of law and under democratic principles," he told an investment conference.

The Reds, mainly from Thailand's poor rural regions, oppose Abhisit's government as illegitimate because it came to power with army backing in a December 2008 parliamentary vote after a court ruling ousted Thaksin's allies.

They say they are fighting a "class war" against elites in bureaucratic, military and palace circles.

Thaksin, who was deposed in a coup in 2006, still enjoys strong support for the populist policies he introduced when in power.

Police said that by Monday evening there were around 20,000 demonstrators at their base in Bangkok's old quarter, down from 45,000 the night before.

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:whistleWant to look rich in China? Buy a Tibetan mastiff

By CHICHI ZHANG, Associated Press Writer - 1 hour 40 minutes ago

BEIJING – China's latest must-have luxury for the ultra-rich, to go with mansions and sports cars, is a large, slobbery dog with massive amounts of hair best known for herding sheep in Tibet.

Once banned by the Communist Party as bourgeois, pet ownership is booming in China, and the Tibetan mastiff is the dog of the moment for those who want to spread their wealth beyond stocks and real estate.

"I used to invest in German shepherds, but Tibetan mastiffs are what's hot right now," said Sui Huizheng, a business owner who has about 20 of the dogs and attended the 6th annual China Tibetan Mastiff Expo this past weekend.

Hundreds of the hairy dogs were on hand, and owners and handlers marched the most expensive ones down catwalks as though they were fashion models. Some carried the names of wealthy Americans like "Warren Buffett," while others were called "God" and "Prince." Among the owners was a controversial running coach who trained world track champions in the 1980s.

Their hoped-for prize: breeders willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars for a mate for their mastiff. Sui spent $43,000 for a large platform and a poster-plastered booth to show off his dogs. One breeding session with Sui's top mastiff King goes for $40,000.

The craze seems to defy sales patterns and common sense elsewhere, especially for a dog that is common, has thick, lion-mane-like hair, grows to 180 pounds (80 kilograms) and is known for being fierce.

"I can understand racehorses and diamonds, but I don't understand why someone would want to pay half a million dollars for a dog," said Martha Feltenstein, president of the American Tibetan Mastiff Association. "They have a relatively short life expectancy and are not especially rare, so it's quite puzzling why they are fetching such a high price in China."

In the U.S., Tibetan mastiff pups can be bought for as little as several hundred dollars, Feltenstein said.

Breeders in China say adult Tibetan mastiffs sell for tens of thousands of dollars, and can even go for more than $100,000. <_<

One of them sold for more than half a million dollars last year to a woman in northern China who then sent 30 black Mercedes-Benz and other luxury cars to fetch the dog from the airport, according to a report in the state-run China Daily.

After splurging on real estate in Australia, American thoroughbreds and European designer fashions, China's rich see the Tibetan mastiffs as a new status symbol. China is now home to an estimated 825,000 millionaires, its most in modern history, and its luxury goods market is one of the fastest growing in the world. Among the must-haves for rich men in northeast China, the official Xinhua News Agency recently said, was a young beautiful wife, a Lamborghini and a Tibetan mastiff, "the bigger and more ferocious the better."

"You could call it a local luxury brand," said Rupert Hoogewerf, a Shanghai-based tax specialist who compiles a popular annual list of China's richest people. "Luxury brands are growing at phenomenal rates in China and owning a Tibetan mastiff is another channel for increasing your credibility and showing off your rich status."

The mastiffs, themselves, look like money, resembling a lion that is a traditional symbol of good fortune.

"We want a breed of dog that is home grown, and this guardian dog is perfect because it is also a symbol of good luck for Chinese people throughout history," said Wu Yunliang, the owner of "Warren Buffett" and nearly 20 other mastiffs. He keeps them in the northern city of Taiyuan where he owns a nursing home.

Potential profits from mastiff breeding are what drew Sui, the businessman-breeder, who said he isn't a dog lover. "I don't touch or play with them much," Sui said. He leaves the brushing and fluffing of his dogs to nearly a dozen handlers.

Passers-by were told only to admire the dogs from afar and not get near them because they're hostile to strangers - all the better for protecting flocks and herders on the isolated Tibetan plateau, where they originated.

Retired track coach Ma Junren became fascinated with the mastiffs when he was training female distance runners on the Tibetan plateau in the late 1980s. Ma claimed the high-altitude training and concoctions of turtle blood and caterpillar fungus he fed the runners helped them set world records. But some of his athletes were later caught using banned performance-boosting substances. Ma retired, denying wrongdoing.

At the expo, he exhorted breeders to raise their standards so that China can gain entry to the World Canine Organization (Federation Cynologique Internationale), an international federation of kennel clubs. The organization has so far kept China out over lax controls on vaccinations, several breeders said.

"I hope all our Tibetan mastiff lovers are honest. We don't want to see thieves, criminals or cheaters around us," Ma said.

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:blink: Tsk..Tsk..wat a 'WASTE' ! :wacko:

Ricky Martin: 'I Am a Fortunate Homosexual Man'

FIRST PUBLISHED: March 29, 2010 5:05 PM EDT

LAST UPDATED: March 29, 2010 7:47 PM EDT

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- After years of keeping quiet about his personal life, pop star Ricky Martin has announced that he is gay.

“I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man,” Ricky said in a message posted on his offical Web site. “I am very blessed to be who I am.”

Ricky said writing his memoir and thinking about his two twin sons led him to go public.

“To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where [sic] born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment,” he wrote.

Though the 38-year-old kept his sexuality private throughout most of his career, Ricky said he drew strength from that time.

“These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn’t even know existed,” he continued. “What will happen from now on? It doesn’t matter. I can only focus on what’s happening to me in this moment. The word “happiness” takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.”

Earlier this month, Barbara Walters told The Toronto Star that her 2000 interview with the “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer, where she grilled him about coming out, was a misstep on her part.

“In 2000, I pushed Ricky Martin very hard to admit if he was gay or not, and the way he refused to do it made everyone decide that he was,” she told The Toronto Star. “A lot of people say that destroyed his career, and when I think back on it now, I feel it was an inappropriate question.”

Ricky also Tweeted a link to his coming out announcement on his Web site, simply writing, “my life.”

In an earlier Tweet on Monday, the singer posted a quote attributed to the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. M.L.K.Jr.,” he wrote.

Copyright 2010 by NBC Universal, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Hahaha should come as no surprise. I think Ricky Martin is the last person in the world to find out that Ricky Martin is gay.

My 1.5ft nano cube

My 24G nano tank (Decommed)

I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate.

And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.

-- Jack Handey

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:wacko:Beauty queen late for her own radio show

Xin.sg - Wednesday, March 31

"What's the meaning of i-d-i-o-s-y-n-c-r-a-s-y? I think the person who coined this word is crazy..." came the unprompted reply before she drifted further into a rambling speech. And that, everyone, was Ris Low's maiden voyage hitting the airwaves as a newly-minted 987FM radio DJ on The Shan, Rozz [& Ris] Show.

Fortunately, the bewilderment was nipped in the bud by a swift response from co-host, Shan Wee who stepped in with the denotative meaning [of idiosyncrasy] before turning to his new radio partner to ask if she has any strange habits to tell.

:bow:"Yes I do. I shave my armpits every morning, otherwise it will overgrow," Ris offered matter-of-factly over an interview with xinmsn during her radio show.

This, is a beauty queen fallen from grace, besieged by controversies and her bad 'ingrish-speaking' fashion yet she remains oblivious to the stream of stinging criticism; and instead of scrambling for a shovel and digging a hole to bury herself, it seems she is quietly determining her next move - like, ink a radio DJ contract on a primetime show. It certainly looks like all the bad publicity has done its part to muddy up her resume.

News of the ex-beauty queen's co-hosting gig on 987FM broke last week and the station's shocking decision has since drawn flak from several netizens and radio listeners, who feel it is a publicity stunt that, if not managed well, could go terribly wrong.

Posted on MediaCorp's message board, forum user 'jeat17141' wrote: "Gawd no no no no no no no. Poor Shan and Rozz; not going to tune in to them as often now. Thank you for ruining one of my favourite radio shows by turning it into a complete joke."

When asked to comment on the rationale behind its decision, 987FM Senior Creative Director, Georgina Chang said: "Ris has proven that whatever she does, she gets people talking so she really draws a lot of attention and curiosity and [having her], it is just to spice up the evening drive [show]."

Georgina also revealed that the team was appalled at her decision to sign on the controversial ex-beauty queen and despite a slew of negative feedback from the public, she thinks otherwise: "She's not hired for her radio talent but she has a certain reputation and she brings something else to the show. She's not hired for her diction and people are always curious about the things she says so I think it'll be highly entertaining."

When asked about how she would help "to spice up the evening show", Ris replied: "I'm funny, witty and I'm real. I think people want to hear real stuff."

Echoing Ris's stance is Shan, who was extremely sweet toward his rookie partner, and even provided Ris an on-the-spot diction coaching peppered with encouragement. He said: "Rozz and I have been doing a radio co-host show for about three years now [and] that's quite a long time so I'm quite happy to have a change and it's just fun."

"Personally, I think that personality is the most important thing when it comes to the different factors that make up a DJ so Ris's personality is her main asset."

In contrast to the easygoing nature of her regular partner, Rozz appeared a little awkward, at times, certain moments during the show when Ris candidly declared: "I'm settling down pretty well but Rozz seems to be unhappy with me".

Admittedly, Rozz shared her initial hesitation about her new co-host but assured us that she is "ok now". She said: "Ris is very new. Of course she brings a different dimension to radio and obviously we are banking on her popularity but chemistry-wise, I think we'll need a little more time [because] Shan and I actually took a year and a half to get to a comfortable stage where we are now. So yes, I'm a bit apprehensive, to be honest."

To which, the excited rookie partner quipped: "We'll make this work Rozz, don't worry."

If Ris was feeling stress or nervous, she hid it well for she was a picture of calmness despite hosting a 'live' radio show for the first time with zilch experience. When we asked Ris on her thoughts and emotions on her first day on the job, she replied coolly: "It's good for me and it's feels like home."

Well, don't write her off just yet. Take it with a bag of salt, if you must but we hope Ris knocks the socks off her listeners and you may discover yet more reasons or even more of her idiosyncrasies, to love - or hate - the controversial media darling.

She was, after all, named CNNGo's 25 most influential people in Asia (2009) and that, to us, is totally boomz, you know.

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:eyebrow:Here's a legal way to print money: change the font

By DINESH RAMDE, Associated Press Writer – Tue Apr 6, 4:17 pm ET

MILWAUKEE – Here's a way you might save $20 this year: Change the font in the documents you print.

Because different fonts require different amounts of ink to print, you could be buying new printer cartridges less often if you wrote in, say, Century Gothic rather than Arial. Schools and businesses could save thousands of dollars with font changes.

Data on the subject from Printer.com, a Dutch company that evaluates printer attributes, persuaded the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay to make a switch. Diane Blohowiak, coordinator of information-technology user support, has asked faculty and staff to use Century Gothic for all printed documents. The school also plans to change its e-mail system so it uses Century Gothic.

"The feedback we've gotten so far has been positive," she said. "Century Gothic is very readable."

The school of 6,500 students spends about $100,000 per year on ink and toner cartridges. Although students and staff can change the default font to something more ink-intensive, Blohowiak said the university expects to save $5,000 to $10,000 per year with the font switch.

When Printer.com tested popular fonts for their ink-friendly ways, Century Gothic and Times New Roman topped the list. Calibri, Verdana, Arial and Sans Serif were next, followed by Trebuchet, Tahoma and Franklin Gothic Medium. Century Gothic uses about 30 percent less ink than Arial.

The amount of ink a font drains is mainly driven by the thickness of its lines. A font with "narrow" or "light" in its name is usually better than its "bold" or "black" counterpart, said Thom Brown, an ink researcher at Hewlett-Packard Co., the world's top maker of printers.

Also, serif fonts — those with short horizontal lines at the top and bottom of characters — tend to use thinner lines and thus less ink than a "sans serif" counterpart.

But while using less ink at home can help you buy roughly one fewer printer cartridge each year, it's not necessarily better for the environment.

That's because some fonts that use less ink, including Century Gothic, are also wider. A document that's one page in Arial could extend to a second page if printed in Century Gothic. Blohowiak said her research suggests that ink comprises the main cost of a printout, but the environmental costs of paper are probably higher.

"Maybe the individual characters use less ink, but if you're using more paper, that's not so green, is it?" said Allan Haley, director of "words and letters" at Monotype Imaging Inc. in Woburn, Mass., which developed Century Gothic.

Also, Century Gothic was designed for limited blocks of text such as titles and headlines, not for full documents, said Haley, who describes fonts as his "children." Despite Printer.com's research and UW-Green Bay's experience, Haley said he still recommends Times New Roman or Arial for their readability.

The standard advice for trimming printing expenses still applies: Print in "draft mode," if you can. Use both sides of a page and do a print preview to make sure you're not printing pages with useless text such as a copyright line. Using an ink-saving font is just one more technique to consider.

And the greenest way to save on ink is not to print at all.

That's the philosophy Microsoft Corp. said it uses in deciding which fonts to include in its Outlook and Word applications. The more pleasing a font looks on the screen, the less tempted someone will be to print, said Simon Daniels, a program manager for Microsoft's typography group.

That's why the company changed its defaults in Office 2007 from Arial and Times New Roman to Calibri and Cambria, he said.

"We're trying to move the threshold of when people hit the print button," he said.

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