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Regarding buying tank from reefer


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Hi fellow reefers, I was told that it was a practice among reefers when you give a deposit you can't get it back when you cancel the deal?

Firstly I was told that I can give him $50 first after that I can pass him the reminding amount. Today he suddenly changed the amount say that I need to pay $10 extra. So I decided not to buy anymore. And he suddenly say that that $50 was the deposit and I can't get it back its a common practice among reefers.

This is my first tank buying experience. =/

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for this it all depend...

Firstly did he really mention the amount that both of you all agreed on?

Secondly on what base he ask for another S$10 extra?

Thirdly do you feel that it worth while for that increase?

If he did mention the amount agreed on before you pass him the deposit than he have to bear with the consequence.

and return the deposit if needed to.

In another words if he willingly to let go to you on the same price as agreed earlier and you rejected then he's right to keep the deposit.

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Ok I was told that I can pass him $50 first and pass $90 later when I got the tank. Never mention anything about deposit at all until I i can't agree with it he said I can't get it back.

He increase because he says that the mover wants to increase as the mover is a friend of his I think.

And I said I need to go down to help out the mover which I can't. So now he wants me to bear the cost and manpower which I find I ridiculous.

I got this deal from Arie he was a friendly reefer until today..

Here's what he just SMS me,

"I paid that guy a 50 dollar deposit too and i need to get the tank his tank out by friday so if i can't you will pay that deposit"

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Ok I was told that I can pass him $50 first and pass $90 later when I got the tank. Never mention anything about deposit at all until I i can't agree with it he said I can't get it back.

He increase because he says that the mover wants to increase as the mover is a friend of his I think.

And I said I need to go down to help out the mover which I can't. So now he wants me to bear the cost and manpower which I find I ridiculous.

I got this deal from Arie he was a friendly reefer until today..

Here's what he just SMS me,

"I paid that guy a 50 dollar deposit too and i need to get the tank his tank out by friday so if i can't you will pay that deposit"

Hey reefers, regarding the fish tank im the one i wasnt told of the location which he told me he had i thought he lived at toa payoh so i called up my mover and they wanted to charge $50 to move 3 things(4ft fish tank, 4 ft cabinet and a 2.5ft sump tank when i asked for his address he told me its chua chu kang and obviously from ang mo kio to chua chu kang u have to pay more for the distanced travelled. He didnt want to and my mover is offering such a cheap price they needed him to give the manpower to move with the mover alongside . was only informed after we dealed. so he came all saying im a scammer and i go round scamming people money without realising that i can actually have him up for slander well he came to my house just and i didnt want to argue much with him gave him the 50 back .... Pls never deal with such a guy.. ( he has no equipments and the financial means to support a reef tank he doesnt even have a proper wavemaker(not even a cheap china sunsun wavemaker=.=) Because of him i had rejected a deal.I have just bought a new fish tank and i put a 50 dollar deposit to bring in the fish tank i have to move out my current one so he have caused alot of inconvinience to me. Do me some justice pls ukiya dont go ranting that i scam your money its just 50 dont act like its 50,000 =.= And moreover i returned u how can i scam when i'm not taking your money( Get a life dude and quit reefing if u cant afford). he saw my seio wave maker which was 6k litre per hour i told him he could have it for 20.(guess what he message saying that if i sell cheapper he will buy how cheap can u be? =.= thanks

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Being thrifty doesnt means im poor and even if you are rich doesn't means you buy things without even looking at the quality. I have a huge passion for reefing and I'm slowly working towards it. You are rich you make it to a wonderful hobby but you don't always have to invest massive amount of money at once to prove you are a good reefer. I'm just grateful to have my $50 back, mod please close the thread thanks!

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  • SRC Member

not sure what happened but have been dealing on forums including this 1, i've not heard of paying $50 deposit and if the deal is cancel you cannot take back the deposit (except for Mass Order AKA MO).

anyway, can u guys deal with it via PM??

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ok now this is something mis-understanding, both party also have their mistake.

seller presume buyer stay TYP while he stay CCK that is seller wrong as you need to ask and confirm before you make arrangement with mover.

And buyer if you've already got back the money then it shouldn't be speculate further than as both will still meet someday

cheap doesn't means bad nor expensive means good, it'll depend on what u believe and what you want.

I've a setup with a lot of DIY stuff and it works great till now moreover it doesn't cost much $$$ but consume time.

So do respect each other no matter how much he may worth ;)

cause reefing should be an enjoyable hobby.

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