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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/05/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! Super excited and pumped up this weekend for 1) Great Fish Stock Arriving at Specialised Aquatics Solutions @ 19 Anamalai Ave 2) Awesome Fish Food Samples from Pro-Feed made in Japan available with every fish purchased ( no minimum purchase value!) 3) Buy up to $300 on livestock purchase to get $50 voucher on Dry Goods Area ( can be used on the same day!!!) Fishes arriving this evening at the store: Flame Angel- assorted sizes, yellow tang, Chevron Tang, Goldflake Angle, Kole Tang, RedLip Cleaner Wrasse, Lemonpeel Angel, Bartlett Anthias, Achilles Tang, Passer Angel, Blue Spotted Jawfish,Black Angel,French angel, Queen Angel, Rock Beauty,Chalk Bass, Royal Gamma,Cowfish, Blue Reef Chromis, Spanish hogfish, Burrfish, Popeye Catalufa Corals & Inverts: Emerald Crab, Peppermint Shrimps, Turbo Snail,Flower Anemone, St Thomas, Ricordea (blue) See you over at our store.
    1 point
  2. Agree with Sherman, therefore I took the idea of the IM tank and got CRA to custom build it to my requirements... save some money by customizing... it’s also because I already have a cabinet.. if you are looking for an entire system, do consider IM... nice tanks and accessories Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  3. Relax. Sleepless nite will blurr your vision and made wrong decision. Remember is a hobby. You should be relax and enjoy your tank. Do not let the tank be your master
    1 point
  4. New fish arrivals: Goldenback triggerfish, gem tangs, yellow scopas tang, Taiwan blue line angels, sunburst anthias, west african grouper, grissengeri gobies, marbled cat sharks, fire urchin, coco worms, yellow tubeworms, banded maori wrasse, red firefish, purple firefish, niger triggerfish, clown triggerfish, royal flasher wrasse, longnose hawkfish, pink barred goby, green wrasse, dwarf pixie hawkfish, green mandarin, sally lightfoot crab, banded serpent stars, flamboyant cuttlefish, dispar anthias, philippine yellow tang, mask heniochus medium, purple queen anthias, blue throat triggerfish, boxing shrimp, assorted sea stars, blue dot seahares, green chromis, ocellaris clowns, singapore angelfish, flagfin angel, yellow tail damsel, sailfin tangs, powder brown tangs, pinnatus batfish, ruby red dragonet, tomini tang, copperband butterflyfish, emperor angel adult, coral beauty, cleaner wrasse, heraldi angel, hoeven's wrasse, etc. Photos on Facebook: Iwarna Aquafarm
    1 point
  5. Hello all, just a quick update on some fishes available in store: Ps: new livestock update coming in tomorrow evening onwards over the weekend!
    1 point
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