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Status Updates posted by sunny03

  1. Does fragging and then selling of corals consider as commerical?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sunny03


      When you want to join us

    3. orsony


      Thomas. I can sense your smell from my place.

    4. thomas_lim


      wau.. like that also can smell ar.. getting smelly then...

  2. What are the use of giving discount, when you are selling at the price that you use to sell .......

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. sunny03


      More profit from overseas customer then local customer .... But they forget that it is local customer that help to build them up

    3. zabz01


      Golden price :)

    4. sunny03


      It is sad to see so many people found out so late ...

  3. Luminous Green Star Polyps are not rare ....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sunny03


      Klyve treat it as a frag exchange.... but the frag you going to pass to me must of the equivent value....

      Actually this kind of GSP can be found in the farm at east, one palm size rock around $15 the most, you just need to keep your eyes wide enoough....

    3. Solo77


      For some zoas also the same. One colony maybe less than 35 and may have over 100 polyps. If selling one for $1 day, profit will be easily 100%. Reason of stable frag etc may come in picture but there is no 100 % assurance it wouldnt melt. Still a willing buyer and seller thing but if it comes from someone with responsibility...then it may not be ethical...

    4. thomas_lim


      ya.. It depend on how they want to share the rare find. Either by fair value like split cost or split the corals for PROFIT!!!! It say a lot about the character of the person. :)

  4. Should i rescape my tank ?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thomas_lim


      then adjust ur wavemaker can liao la ;)

    3. Eniram


      Trim your sps

    4. sunny03


      My sps still too small to be trim .....detritus all are resting at the base of Tue sps ...

  5. Selling big game fishing equipment. Stella 20k / 17k .. made in Japan jigging blue rose / kabuzu popping rod... pm for prices

    1. sunny03


      Hahaha yes boss follow your foot steps... not going fishing so often now...

      Also have penn and shimano milo tin... penn baitcaster must have collectors items penn 925 to 940 I think brand new

      Jigs range from 200g to 400g, big poppers . Stickbaits etc also for sale..

  6. Our prayers are answered! !!

    1. orsony


      What are???

    2. sunny03


      You know I know . Some of us know

  7. Should i rescape my tank ?

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