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Everything posted by desideria

  1. Craft, I love your hadonni with the clown fish. SO CUTE!! Now kechupt and I are trying our best to find a suitable size one for our tank and 2 little black osci to nest in! See them swim without a home, feel very sad. oh yes... LOVE the way your tank looks. Very cool. Cheers, Desi
  2. HAHAha do I see eggcrate there too? I sense the EGGCITEMENT. Congrats on the new tank... Please do your water parameters checks with test kits every now and then to make sure that your cycling done. Try not to use fish la.... nothing would set your spirits crashing down if you see dead fish in your tank.. you want to throw in something.. THROW IN DEAD PRAWNS to help cycle your tank!!! oh yes, and deshell them before you throw it in. Desi
  3. love the colors of the anthias! nice tank set up! Desi
  4. wah choose on corals from local reefs. wow... Save allot of money! Desi
  5. Thanks all the input.... We will reconsider adding powders for the moment. Yes, BEst to wait for a while more. Keeping fingers crossed that the desire does not overcome logic ALTHOUGH we will quarantine ... but still... .. as you all know the sight of a beautiful fish sometimes causes logical override and before you know it, you walk out of the shop with the bag of fish. Desi
  6. ok we have put the YT in a betta box floating in the main tank......the BT is completely ignoring it. lol, will observe for a while before letting it into it's new home. Cheers, Desi.
  7. SO it really doesn't matter whether I add the powders first Then the YT or the YT then the powders? Just have to find means to reduce the aggression towards each other.... Btw.. I think the glass of the tank already act as a mirror because the first 3 days the BT was in the tank, it constantly banged itself against the glass thinking it's another BT but it's own reflection! HAH I thought YT is more aggresive than BT.. lol which is why I added in the BT first.. Because if I throw in my YT now, it would mean another 30+ days before the Powders go in after quarantine. a tad confused at ze moment. Cheers, Desi.
  8. Hey all, after adding the coral, now we have a couple of fish in there. The big one is a 6 inch BT we got a fellow reefer, a banana (yellow) wrasse and a fire fish. ALl eating anything and everything I throw into the tank. Here's some pics. The old bubble from the 2 feet THe Fire fish : The view! The pig of the tank at the moment with the wrasse behind him. Already suffered one casualty whereby after 5 days, our little watchman goby cleverly swam into the overflow.. I managed to catch him the first time and throw him back to the main tank but this morning after trying a couple of times to catch him as he had gone in again over night.... I couldn't find him anymore. Anyway, currently we only have 2 fish still sadly swimming in a very sparse 2 feet tank which we are going to turn into our QT tank. It's a 3-4 inch yellow tang and a tomato clown. We will be Quarantining 2 powder tangs by the end of this week for about 30 days before putting into the main tank. I got a big Question!!! In the mean time, what do you guys think if I put in the Yellow tang into the Main display before I put in the powders? I was thinking of putting the YT in the sump first but that would mean the YT would be in the sump for 30 days until the powders are fully quarantined and added to the main display. Has anyone come across problems of adding powders to a tank with a YT in it? OR it doesn't really matter.. OR should I say.. it boils down to pure luck? Will the YT attack the Powders or even if I add in the powders first and THEN the YT.. the YT will still behave aggresively anyway? Really grateful for some advice.. Cheers, Desi
  9. ooohhhh.... .... nice wrasse!! Just got myself a yellow wrasse also... so cute.. I love it when it swims in the water column. Love your tank !!! Cheers, Desi
  10. oops.. didn't see.. alamak.. blur.. I blame the flu virus that hit me on friday and I still kena... Brain now only registers fish tank and nothing else.. desi
  11. 1) kikobananas (Bishan) 2) Stevenkoh08 (Woodlands) 3) Ketchup (AMK) 4) Desideria (AMK) 5) kimkim (Woodlands) 6) bugattilambo(serangoon North) 7) Greywolf (Seletar) 8) vt_snowman87 (Woodlands) 9) Daryl Tsc (Sembawang) 10) Macrobutt (AMK) 11) Poomoon (AMK) 12) new_new (Woodlands) 13) Richie13 (Woodlands) 14) ogykogy (Woodlands) 15) yongshun (AMK) 16) sanjaypills55 (Yishun) 17) Desi and & Ketchup (Amk) Let me add our names to the NOrth side Reefer's listing!
  12. hi lemon, yes we know, we have put them in a place with no other corals around them. THANKS though for pointing it out...hee hee... we bought 3 books on Corals, Invertibrates and Fishes so that we can refer to it but as you know sometimes books can't give exact info unlike fellow reefers!!! So don't hesistate to tell us anything u deem necessary. last night, though sick, I couldn't sleep, so I woke up at 2am with a torchligh to check them out and yup... I see some tentacles coming out form both pieces. HEH. Desi.
  13. Hi all, ... did a new rockscape last night with ketchup.. took us 3 hours plus to do a bit of rockscaping, some VERY unsuccessful epoxy-ing .. I think we wasted half a packet.. and we got all the corals which we had reserved previously from the place we have a love-sad r/s with ( love of corals and sad being when you see the credit card bill of the damage done). We have also been testing water parameters on a daily basis to make sure that everything is AOK. After adding the corals last night and liberally squirting in Zooplankton, phytoplankton and rotifers, and some coral additive called : SOL DOM (from this brand : www.coral-shop.com ) which supposedly has 3 vitamins, 8 carbohydrates ,21 amino accids and 2 mixtures of complex acids! Anyone used this before? Also Dosed in some Kent Marine Vitamin C as per the instructions. The water parameters after 24 hours of adding livestock are as follows as of 7pm 15th of Jan which is DAY 15 is :- PH : 8.4, Sg : 1.022 <-- on a mission to raise it to 1.024-1.025 Magnesium : 1260mg/L Ammonia : 0 Nitrite : 0 Nitrate : 5ppm <-- slightly higher than last night's test results of 2.5ppm Calcium : 400-420ppm Phosphate : 0 GH & KH : 8.3Dkh & 2.97meq/L Right now the livestock stands at : 5 Narsi snails added on Day 13 Added : Day 14 night : 1 Coco worm 1 Hammer 1 Alveopora 2 Flavia : 1 Flavia palida and 1 Flavia Specicosa 1 Trechyphillia 1 Lobophyllia 1 Clavularia Sp (clove) And from the pathetic old 2 feet : 1 super sun 1 Cat's eye bubble 1 octopi Will let Ketchup take better pictures of the whole thing but for now this is all I can take being out of sorts... only the purple atinics were on when these 2 pics were taken. The tiny lump of cheato I manage to kapok from my colleague at work. So happy to find another marine fishy nut at work! So convenient to swap fishy stories hee he hee... now in my refrigum HAH! let's see how FAST it grows. That's it for now. another 3 more weeks for penductors, ordered skimmer and FR to come in! ARUGH! Desi.
  14. purigen you need to order as I don't know any shop who brings it in... I ordered mine from Reborn. Cheers, Desi
  15. In a way, snail not as heart pain as a beautiful fish... but then again..... the humble snail still does good work of cleaning the sand.... I will say a little prayer for your half crooked snail.... Desi..
  16. Yeah I'm hoping very hard we can find one so if you guys see any blue hadooni, please give us a shout!! Your carpet is really BEAUTIFUL... the pics are wonderful.. so envious of that lovely piece you got there. A beauty it is! cheers, Desi
  17. Thanks lemon.. we shall take note and just add in some snails first... starfishes can wait another 2 more months down the road yeah? for the cleaner shrimps, we may or may not get 1 pair so we'd see how it goes.. Maybe we'd try out luck and get just 1 pair.... a 4 feet tank having 1 pair of shrimp.. they can't move around THAT fast to snatch the food off the corals. HAHAHAH... guess either leslie or I would have to stand there and do food guard duty when we start feeding corals if we do get it... LOL thanks all for your advice. Oh yes, just got a lump of cheato from a friend and threw it into the refugum. now I'm gonna leave the lights on 24/7 to let the cheato ggrrooowww... For the main display, turning on the MH for 2 hours and the purple atinics for 4 hours since yesterday. hope everyting will turn out fine.. Cheers Desi.
  18. LOL I guess there goes the shrimps... NO more shrimps... we already have to deal with one boxer! sigh... Desi
  19. very nice, very clean. Keep it up! Noob? WHAT noob! not noob at ALL! I like it.. simple and colorful with happy fishes. Keep it up! Cheers, Desi.
  20. AAHH!! Hahahaha.. I got it RIGHT!!! Wadaya know... my german has not failed me. oh well... good ol common sense + flash backs do work! Thanks Straydum!!!! Greatly appreciated. Cheers, Desi
  21. LOL sphinx bro.. I did that before.. when I woke up last week to bid farewell to Ketchup at 530AM in the morning, I sat in front of the sump and tinkled with the air intake of the skimmer for 30 MINS!! /ROFL!!! Desi
  22. Thanks crafts... I love it too.. hee hee hee... I am trying to practice what I said earlier to lemon being : Patience is a virtue.. so I'm trying very hard not to be too kan cheong.. must make sure everything is right to at least lower the possibility of disaster for my livestock. otherwise I think I will be so heartbroken... my husband is not as emo as I when it comes to fishies! HAH just now we both sat in front of the tank on the ottoman chair and stared at the sand and rockscape.. and the MILLIONS OF bacteria floating around.. lol siow liow! Desi
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