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Status Replies posted by Eniram

  1. Kenya tree boom! Now I'm a proud father of mini kenya tree corals.

  2. my female Genicanthus semifasciatus has improved in health GREATLY. very surprised even for myself. fins all healed, mouth has healed, shipping stress and damage subsided to almost nothing and is eating VERY well!

  3. Kenya tree boom! Now I'm a proud father of mini kenya tree corals.

  4. my female Genicanthus semifasciatus has improved in health GREATLY. very surprised even for myself. fins all healed, mouth has healed, shipping stress and damage subsided to almost nothing and is eating VERY well!

  5. Digiman found a very rare flabelligobius sp. only a few people in Singapore has it and you know who you are! It's my turn next! :)

  6. Anyone knows where i can get a flow accelarator?

  7. Digiman found a very rare flabelligobius sp. only a few people in Singapore has it and you know who you are! It's my turn next! :)

  8. Anyone knows where i can get a flow accelarator?

  9. Finally my yellow belly regal is feeding.... =)

  10. my final fish, venustus or hybrid flame?

  11. So many articles to write for reefbuilders. I've never been so happy to be this busy. The irony

  12. 5 days w/o main return pump and skimmer. Hope all are well when I come home on wed

  13. 5 days w/o main return pump and skimmer. Hope all are well when I come home on wed

  14. rusty. flame.

  15. rusty. flame.

  16. now I know why my sps is surviving ... my nitrate is 2ppm?!

  17. Global warming is getting out of hand, East Coast beach water is warm! not what i expected.

  18. bubble bubble bubble pop bubble bubble pop pop!

  19. Who has had success with C. Potteri???

  20. Just DIY a mini refrugium, hope it will work and be a pod haven.

  21. Just DIY a mini refrugium, hope it will work and be a pod haven.

  22. Anyone knows where to buy live mysis shrimp? Hopefully real small ones.

  23. Should i or should i not, get the disappearing wrasse?

  24. Tomorrow is my decision day..wish me gd luck!

  25. WAH! My nitrate level in my display is 30+...!!! Previous time i checked was less than 5mg

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