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Everything posted by KISS

  1. http://www.singaporebikes.com/forum/index.php?showuser=4225 I don't hav a picture of my car but its a Toyota Picnic. You can see it on the road. Plenty of them. No mod. Just pump petrol and drive. Sometimes, if the weather's fine, I ride my toy. Its a Honda VFR800Fi. Great for touring to Msia and Thailand.
  2. Nasib baik aku tak turun Jln Kayu....aku dah rancang datang around 10pm, tapi apoinment aku dengan client di Pandan Garden habis lambat....sampai pukul 11.30.....aku pun balik terus.. Eh... kalau nak jumpa di Central, boleh jumpa di KTM.... parking pun free......dari Woodland, Jurong , Pasir Ris.....semua sama distance!
  3. Senyap aje...... semua cat rumah ke?
  4. I went to Koh Samui once in 1995. Rode my motorcycle there. Reach there on the 4th day after stopovers in KL, Penang and Hatyai. The ferry took about 2 hrs from the mainland.
  5. I did mine with Wei. Value for $$!
  6. I choose KISS coz it means Keep It Simple n Successful!
  7. Interested in LR. Where is your shop?
  8. Aku pun tengah fikir ni.... mana nak pergi? Kalau KL.... tiap-tiap 3 bulan aku pergi.... dah boring. Baru pergi time Christmas. Kota Tinggi, baru pergi. Desaru, mother-in-law aku tak kasi pegi. Tepi laut, takut tsunami!! Aku ingat nak pergi Pulau Rawa atau Sibu, boleh snorkelling.. Aku pun tak pernah pergi tempat ni. Last year Chinese New Year, aku tinggal kat JB Mutiara Hotel. Plan nak makan ikan bakar kat "atas pokok"... apa nama tempat tu, aku dah lupa. .... on the way, hujan lebat...cancel plan.
  9. I got approval from HDB when I installed a 5 ft tank. My contractor says maximum is 6 ft, but it depends on the location. I guess if HDB approves it, you may be not be liable should anything goes wrong! But its safer that way.
  10. The world is screwed up now more than before. The people involved in mass destruction, violence and causing hardships to certain people are wearing suits and ties in some parts of the world. These mad barbarians are a threat to world stability and peace. They even called themselves liberators.
  11. Aku pun gitu! 6 bulan terus takde window shopping kat kedai marine. Tapi kes aku lagi teruk. Tank aku terletak antara bedroom dan living room (in wall tank). Tiap2 hari tengok pasir, air pun takde. First time bikin kat Hawaii - $1,500 2nd time bikin satu Poly student - $1,800 plus GF piping Yg 2nd ini, kualiti dia berbeza terus dari yg 1st. Value for $. Dia takde showroom, jadi kos biznes dia rendah. Orang perempuan ni weird lah. Dia nak yg cantik, tapi bila dapat tahu harganya. Dia cakap buang2 duit. Kalau aku beli ikan atau accesorries, bila time nak bayar, aku suruh dia (isteri) main jauh-jauh! Nanti terpekik dia kalau satu ikan $20 atau $40!
  12. Kalau cerita tank bocor, aku dah kena dah! Aku punya 5 ft tank bocor in Apr 04. Pukul 5 pagi, maid aku kejutkan aku dari mimpi. "Pak, Pak, rumah kita hanyut! Ada tsunami!" Aku pun kelam kabut! Air laut dah masuk, habis satu living room. Semua air garam! Aku punya tank, air dia dah tinggal 20%. Aku pun dapat save beberapa anak jaws, masuk dalam 2 ft tank. Nasib baik ada 2 spare tank. Tapi coral semua syahid. Lepas tu, aku pun pergi kedai yg aku bikin tank. Alamak, kedai dia dah tutup. Dah pindah ke? Aku rasa dia bankrap, kena saman lain orang. Tank itu aku bikin Oct 03. Aku pun frust lah. 6 bulan, tank ada pasir aje. Sekali nak Hari Raya, aku pun bikin tank baru.
  13. Eh, next time got this lobang to renovate house for free, call me! I want! I want! My house got in-wall tank, between my living room and master bedroom.
  14. Aku ni baru balik JB. Tadi, mandi air terjun, makan IKAN bakar dan pergi Danga Bay. Aku dah cakap tapi Filipino tu cakap "no,no,no its $8!". Aku dah kenal bos perempuan itu for a few years. Dulu, kedai dia lain location. Jadi, aku plan nak return lagi. Nak beli direct dari bos itu. Aku tak tahu pulak yang LR tak boleh sandar kat glass. Tank aku sekarang ini adalah "in-wall tank", 3 sides viewing concept. Dari bedroom dan dari living room boleh tengok. Jadi batu aku semua kat tengah. Aku plan nak sandarkan semua kat tepi. Tapi kalau tak boleh, aku pun kena sandarkan pada kenangan!
  15. Tu hari, ada LFS kat Pasir Ris. Bos dia quote kat aku $5 per kilo. Aku dah lama tak beli batu, jadi aku ingat itu normal price. Aku round dekat lain tempat, most of them selling $8 - $10. Next day, aku return tempat 1st shop. Bos takde, worker dia kasi aku $8. Aku pun tak jadi beli. Nak re scape tank aku, lah. Aku ni tak pandai scaping sangat. Aku punya 4 ft planted tank pun tak cantik. Kalau semalam dapat LR, hari ni nak bikin some work on the tank. Dah takde batu, aku nak tengok batu kat Kota Tinggi pulak. Dah 6 tahun tak mandi air terjun! OOh, lagi satu. Siapa sini biasa pergi scuba atau snorkelling? Aku tak pernah scuba, tapi snorkelling ada jugak beberapa kali. The best so far, aku pergi kat Pulau Perhentian. Ikan dia punya besar! Aku kena gigit damsel beberapa kali, pasal kacau territory dia. Nak return lagi, tapi distance jauh! About 600km from JB, jalan East Coast! Aku keluar rumah pukul 7, sampai Kuala Trengganu 3.30pm. Besok pagi, dua jam lagi, baru sampai Kuala Besut dan naik speedboat 1 jam.
  16. Selamat Hari Raya, semua! Baru balik masjid. Ini tahun balik awal, pasal takde kepala untuk aku penggal. BTW, harga live rock sekarang brapa? Dan selalu beli di mana ?
  17. Aku pun Melayu! Actually, Jawa (bapak) + Cina (mother). Nick: KISS Name: Shah Place: Pasir Ris Age: 36 Occupation: Associate Financial Planner Tank: 5 ft FOWLR
  18. I watch it yesterday nite. Which one is u?
  19. You will send to Pasir Ris for $10? contact is 9628 1170
  20. I saw a tank of about 15 fox face in Pasri Ris just now.
  21. 4 x 1.5 x 1.5 feet IOS tank for sale at $10. 1 year old. Its actually a giveaway at $10. I got many tanks at home, need to clear by Saturday 20th noon. If you're interested, SMS 9628 1170 me Saturday morning after 7am. Do not call. I stay in Pasir Ris Drive 3, Blk 62X. Its opposite Elias Mall. Arrange your own transport. You have to take the tank by Saturday afternoon. Last month, when I sold my 5 ft over flow tank with sump and cabinet for $100, there were so many SMS that I couldnt reply. If you're keen, come at 9am. No reservations. 1st come, 1st served.
  22. Tank Sold! to the 1st person who came at 2pm.
  23. Sorry guys for not answering your many PM. Been very busy! Used for about 7 months. 10mm thickness. The tank is leaking, needs to silicon again. It is a "in the wall tank". Apologies for creating some excitement as I did'nt completely finish my 1st post. I will not reply back to your previous PM as this new info will make some of you re-consider. However, those interested can SMS me at 9628 1170. Start your msg with Tank:.............
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