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Everything posted by shiok

  1. Just my opinon, you have add too much livestock in such a short timing, got to be more patient add a fish or two, wait for them to get use to the water condition before adding new ones. Tanks around or smaller than 2ft, water condition are more difficult to control.
  2. How does flat worms look like? The slug is flat with a line at the centre of the body. At first I thought It's the mushroom's second mouth till I saw it moving.
  3. wow I like your red mushroom
  4. I've discovered very small slug on my hairy mushrooms, what should I do with it? I tried removing it with chopstick and at the middle of the process it ended in my fish's stomach Do you guys just leave the slug alone or what?
  5. Hi can share what size of tank you used on? How does it look like? Cant see properly at the given site.
  6. I did but cant add too many pump, cause I am not using chiller. Anyway thanks for all the suggestion, me went down Marine Life and Henry introduced Sea Hare. It's a hardworking chap clean off the rock and seabed for me. My sand dollar also busy going left and right to clean me sand. As for the sand shifting star, it's MIA Cheers
  7. How can I make my mushies and yumas grow beside light and low water flow? I try feeding mysis to them but my cleaner shrimps will carry off the mysis before the mushies wrap up? As feeding marine snow or coral (liquid)food may cause excess nourishment may cause unwanted algae or cyano, what should I do?
  8. Is there still Gold Flake angel? Is it the same as golden angel?
  9. Do you place it in a bag and place inside your filter canister? For how long? And when should it be replaced?
  10. What is phosphate remover media? Is it for removing the PO3 in tap water?
  11. Thanks, Rockfish & WaNer, managed to buy sand dollar at ah beng liao
  12. Can different types of Goby house in the same tank? I've just bought a Rainford's Goby, and am thinking of buying more different types of Goby.
  13. Yes, I understand what goes in will some comes out , the pile of denitirus piles up becos i thought i shouldnt disturb my sand bed which is about 3" thick. Till I read about the tank cleaner, so i decided to give it a try. Btw my live stock is low, I have only 1 coral beauty(3 yrs old), a common clown(2 yrs+) & 1 cleaner shrimp. Small plot of leather mushroom & 1 yuma. Can i know what does tangs feed on other then algae, cos my plot of algae is not very big, does it eat mysis?
  14. Will the blue hermit harms the snail? where can I buy this blue hermit? what the estimate price?Thanks. Btw those who have the blue hermit and the Algae Blenny which is more easiler to raise? They're doing the same job right?
  15. Need advise on what tank cleaner should I add to my two feet tank(three years old tank). As I have lots of Detritus on the sand bed and recently unwanted green algae(grass-like)/cyano has been growing on my rock Step taken after reading this forum 1. have increase water flow to the cyano area/reducing lighting time. Now waiting to see if there's improvement... 2. Add a sand shifting starfish yesterday. And looking forward to add a sand dollar next (that's if I can find one). What else should I add to remove the algae(it's not a big area)? Should I add hermit crab? Is it reef safe? Or any recomandation? Thanks
  16. I think I saw shells for hermits at Petmart
  17. Can anyone 1 confirm if ah bang still have sand dollar? Thanks.
  18. I just bought a sand shifting starfish from sealife and within second from releasing it into the tank it has disappear into the sand bed Will I see it again?
  19. Wow that's expensive... MacPherson Singapore egg-fried rice cost only $3.50
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