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Everything posted by albinosage

  1. Before/After It is damn hard to manual focus with the curved glass of the nanocube Top down, same position: In all fairness, my white balance for the 2 shots below are different, so results are not as drastic as they look: Have been dosing 1/4 teaspoon of vitamin c for 3 days. Conclusion? The colours of my zoas really benefited from the vitamin C, but no change in colours observed for my yumas and mushrooms or bubble. Pink zoas haven't fully recovered to it's full potential yet, but the colours are at least 50% better I think.
  2. Vitamin C results as requested: Started dosing 3 days prior to photo taking.
  3. Your patience really paid off then, 3 years is a long time to lurk and research, the effort shows in your tank
  4. Hahaha so funny your wrasse and goby. Yeah probably a case of mistaken identity, very cute.
  5. Haha probably, yeah. But once they establish their dominance one way or another, and pair up, they are very loyal towards each other and fiercely territorial towards others.
  6. Ooh... Niceeeee... Very nice scaping and colours, especially for a first reef tank and a nano. Already spotted lots of gems in your tank, and SPS too.. Do let us know your set up and equipment? Very curious too
  7. How's your tank now, bro? Sorry to hear of the tank mishap during your reservist. Been 20+ days already, looking forward to seeing your revamped/recovered tank soon!
  8. Oops, were you eyeing that piece in pasar malam too? Paiseh, paiseh Quite back breaking lah, cos I use natural seawater for water change, every week buy around 35 litres of water
  9. Actually 5-15ppm is still within the acceptable range, some say the threshold for nitrates in a FOWLR or soft corals and LPS reef tank is 20-25ppm. Mine usually hovers around 5-10ppm too, with 25% water change every 4 days. Within a small tank, the conversion of nitrates to harmless nitrogen is slow, if not non existent, so water change is the only way to constantly dilute it, cos the fish eat and sh!t everyday right? If you change the water today, it will climb back up within the next few days, that's why nano tanks are very troublesome, high maintainence. Wah why you stock up so fast? I mean, besides the ammonia or nitrite spike concerns, what are you gonna do when you see a fish you REALLY like in future? Hahahaha
  10. The 28G is different from the 24G, it costs $700 plus brand new if I'm not wrong. Throw in the chiller, skimmer upgrade and other rubbish, it will easily cost as much as a large LV bag LOL! But yah I got to ask too, fuzzy: you bought the entire set up with stand and chiller 2nd hand from yongshun right?
  11. Depends on a lot of factors like what you are keeping, what equipment you are running, what your water volume is, how high your nutrient level is, how committed to the tank you are, etc... There is no hard and fast rule about how often water should be changed, it varies from person to person.
  12. Just cause it's white doesn't mean it's dead. The bacteria that house themselves in the rocks are invisible to the n@ked eye. A rock can be totally white, and yet be "alive". Coraline algae will grow on the rocks when the calcium level is maintained through dosing additives and water change, it has nothing to do with whether the rock is alive, it is just an aesthetically pleasing bonus. As for worms and crabs, they hitch hike from the ocean when rocks are harvested, some are pests, like bobbit worms, mantis shrimps or non reef safe crabs. Do read up on what's harmful and what's not. Most caterpillar-like worms that you describe, are fire worms or bristle worms, which are harmless, they help you finish up uneaten food, and help stir the sand bed. It is impossible to remove each and every single one of them
  13. Entire rock scape tumbled on her, scared the sh!t out of it and it darted away into a corner to hide. Traumatised haha.
  14. Correction: Once the Ammonia and nitrite is 0, do a 50% water change and retest all parameters.
  15. Hahaha! One of my maroon clowns fought with a newly introduced leather coral - and lost. Nice tank by the way, the GO live rocks are very nice and realistic, should have considered them when I was setting up. I treated my rocks with CO2 for 3 weeks and QT for further 3 weeks cos I hate crabs and worms! You're using black sand? How come there's traces of white sand here and there?
  16. Waiting to mod LED, so I'm leaving the original lights alone first mah... Will increase the lighting hours, currently 8 hours, will on it for 12 hours now.
  17. No la, not everyone who carries expensive camera is a good photographer. It is only a casual hobby... in fact, my gf has been complaining that I use my dslr more for everyday snapshots than "serious" photography or work. But you are right about me using a Nikon - lifelong user since 12yo hahaha. Ok lemon, sorry to crash your thread like that, last post from me tonight, I promise haha, goodnight everyone!
  18. It's about 3 or 4 inches from light. The lighting is PL tubes I think, stock from JBJ, 2 blue, 2 white tubes, 72 watts in total. You're right, it should colour up instead of down. In fact the stems shortened a lot ever since I put it higher up, but I just can't get the colour to improve. Dosing vit c for 3 days liao, the colours of your metallic pink has become 20% more intense, so I guess it's a good sign
  19. Yah expensive stuff, that's why must stock patiently so I won't feel the pinch!
  20. I used to keep static models mah, that's why I recognise the scale. I was quite tempted to get one of these pre-assembled ones when Tamiya had a series of roadshows. Quite reasonably priced, even if you are not racing it, it looks nice on display. Problem was that I didn't know where to play with them haha.
  21. Solution: find a more expensive hobby! LOL... jk. But anyway, it is good to have a hobby whether it is rc cars or reefing, what matters most is that you enjoy it. Keeping fish with soft corals should be low maintenance enough, and since the tank is at home, it will be there at all times to help you relax when you are unable to go out "racing" hahaha. I'm the complete opposite from you, I have a $6.5k camera to remind me constantly how cheap my nano tank is
  22. Is this 1/10 scale? Very nice... Always wanted to try, but dunno where to play with it without looking like an overgrown small boy
  23. Mushies are nice and easy maintainence, but with a limited tank space, it will be a waste if I fill it up with mushrooms then change my mind and start keeping lps or other funny stuff haha. I intend to start keeping rics and yumas instead, prefer the shape and nicer colours
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