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Everything posted by alanseah

  1. Hi, Yes it's MgCl2 and it's even more concenrated then those selling outside.. A bottle can last you long (depending on your tank Mg needs).
  2. haiya let them be... end of the day sale suck and only 1 story.. time for close shop that's all... Tell you guy what i encounter that time that piss me dam off... 1st time go there and the shop is so hard to find. Then ok after searching for a while manage to find it. Go in look look and find a fish that interest me. So ask the lady boss if the fish is already feeding... Then she told me yup feading already.. then i ask her can demo and see cause if it really feeding then i confirm buying.. U know what, she turn her backside at me and say, u want to come see feeding come tomorrow cause the feeding time over already. Wow when i listen this i pengz big time, you think i go zoo see show huh... I live in sengkang and come so far to see your shop and hope to buy fish u tell me that. And then she just pretend I'm not around while I'm standing there staring at her. horrible right...
  3. try go sim lim and buy those server fan... just 1 size bigger then pc fan.. and it is 3000 rpm. And run on DC which is strong enough
  4. i guess i know which shop u refering.. the one station at a shopping building one right... lolz.. I gatta before and too bad I wont go there anymore also..
  5. i see zeovit reactor... nice photo... keep it coming.... o ya try tune your CR and dont add addivitive cause this will cost imbalance
  6. that's a big one.. why not try frag it and put them on the bottom of the tank and let them grow and cover the bottom glass... I believe it will look nice...
  7. gd work... and thanx for the photo... keep it coming.. we can see a better pic everyday....
  8. Got a few bottle of Mg to clear. 1 litre per bottle and they are pure food grade Mg - $50 per bottle. 1 x CV Eballast (Few month old still uder warrenty) + Free CV Bulb = $180 1 x Deltec Rowphos 1 litre bottle, use only 10% = $65
  9. wow the high tech power come already...
  10. none... cause i watch watch and then forget about it... no fav... lolz...
  11. i want treat to go ha yi bao yu to eat will do.
  12. well I think bigger sump only prevent from ovr flooding only. What you need to think about is baffle to prevent all those bubble.
  13. lolz.. that's something we always bring around very impt one.. so dont forget about it...
  14. 1. 金蛇剑 - weileong 2. 打狗棒 - weileong 3. 屠龙刀 - weileong 4. 倚天剑 - weileong 5. 辟血剑 - weileong 6. 紫青双剑 - weileong 7. 江南十大兵器 - weileong 8. 一 笔闯天下- hamannbmw 9.绝对super-star兵器 - weileong 10. 放狗屁- hamannbmw 11. 小柄银枪 - weileong 12. 天晶剑 - alanseah 13. 长剑 - alanseah 14. 紫云剑 - alanseah 15. 七星剑 - alanseah 16. 五曜剑 - alanseah 17. 玄铁重剑 - alanseah 18. 干将宝剑 - alanseah 19. 莫邪宝剑 - alanseah 20. 泰阿宝剑 - alanseah 21. 八卦封魔剑 - alanseah 22. 血河神剑 - alanseah 23. 铁爪 - alanseah 24. 混金爪 - alanseah 25. 白玉爪 - alanseah 26. 玄冰爪 - alanseah 27. 胭脂血 - alanseah 28. 灭魂爪 - alanseah 29. 幽冥鬼爪 - alanseah 30. 天狼爪 - alanseah 31. 百兽精华 - alanseah 32. 撕天裂地 - alanseah 33. 脸皮厚厚 - weileong 34. 开天劈地流星刀 - alanseah 35. 斩妖除魔封魔剑 - alanseah 36. 鬼哭神嚎飞魂刃 - alanseah 37. 神兵一出天下惊 - alanseah 38. 血滴子 - AREA51 39. 彩红剑 - hanambmw " " 40. 木剑 - alanseah 41. 匕首 - alanseah 42. 青铜剑 - alanseah 43. 铁剑 - alanseah 44. 破魂 - alanseah 45. 赤血宝剑 - alanseah 46. 薄刀 - alanseah 47. 蝉翼刀 - alanseah 48. 浪雨刀 - alanseah 49. 白虎剑 - alanseah 50. 鹤嘴锄 - alanseah 51. 风之鹤嘴锄 - alanseah 52. 攻杀铁剑 - alanseah 53. 焱火剑 - alanseah 54. 祈祷之刃 - alanseah 55. 青铜斧 - alanseah 56. 短剑 - alanseah 57. 八荒 - alanseah 58. 凌风 - alanseah 59. 斩马刀 - alanseah 60. 修罗 - alanseah 61. 沃玛修罗 - alanseah 62. 双刃剑 - alanseah 63. 凝霜 - alanseah 64. 诺玛族修罗 - alanseah 65. 蓝光凝霜 - alanseah 66. 炸铜炼狱 - alanseah 67. 命运之刃 - alanseah 68. 潘夜命运之刃 - alanseah 69. 祖玛裁决之杖 - alanseah 70. 炼狱 - alanseah 71. 井中月 - alanseah 72. 裁决之杖 - alanseah 73. 旋风流星刀 - alanseah 74. 屠龙 - alanseah 75. 墨龙屠龙 - alanseah 76. 破山剑 - alanseah 77. 霹雷 - alanseah 78. 袖里剑 - alanseah 79. 铁枪 - alanseah 80. 标枪 - alanseah 81. 乌木剑 - alanseah 82. 诅咒海魂 - alanseah 83. 海魂 - alanseah 84. 偃月 - alanseah 85. 红光偃月 - alanseah 86. 沃玛偃月 - alanseah 87. 魔杖 - alanseah 88. 诺玛族魔杖 - alanseah 89. 血饮 - alanseah 90. 潘夜魔杖 - alanseah 91. 祖玛骨玉权杖 - alanseah 92. 潘夜血饮 - alanseah 93. 潘夜天灵 - alanseah 94. 墨龙嗜魂法杖 - alanseah 95. 骨玉权杖 - alanseah 96. 飞魂魔刃 - alanseah 97. 铁轮 - alanseah 98. 嗜魂法杖 - alanseah 99. 天神法杖 - alanseah 100. 诅咒半月 - alanseah 101. 半月 - alanseah 102. 降魔 - alanseah 103. 黑光降魔 - alanseah 104. 沃玛降魔 - alanseah 105. 银蛇 - alanseah 106. 诅咒银蛇 - alanseah 107. 无名刀 - alanseah 108. 潘夜银蛇 - alanseah 109. 祖玛无极棍 - alanseah 110. 潘夜无极棍 - alanseah 111. 无极棍 - alanseah 112. 封魔剑 - alanseah 113. 龙纹剑 - alanseah 114. 墨龙龙纹剑 - alanseah 115. 逍遥扇 - alanseah 116. 影魅之刃 - alanseah 117. 寂幻之刃 - alanseah 118. 泰轮拂尘 - alanseah 119. 飞龙剑 - alanseah 120. 元月弯刀 - weileong 121. 天亮牌鲍鱼剑法 - hamannbmw 122. 伊蚊 - weileong 123. clementi鱼翅剑 - weileong 124. 小弟弟 - alanseah
  15. lolz... hope i did not miss out anything.. lolz..
  16. 1. 金蛇剑 - weileong 2. 打狗棒 - weileong 3. 屠龙刀 - weileong 4. 倚天剑 - weileong 5. 辟血剑 - weileong 6. 紫青双剑 - weileong 7. 江南十大兵器 - weileong 8. 一 笔闯天下- hamannbmw 9.绝对super-star兵器 - weileong 10. 放狗屁- hamannbmw 11. 小柄银枪 - weileong 12. 天晶剑 - alanseah 13. 长剑 - alanseah 14. 紫云剑 - alanseah 15. 七星剑 - alanseah 16. 五曜剑 - alanseah 17. 玄铁重剑 - alanseah 18. 干将宝剑 - alanseah 19. 莫邪宝剑 - alanseah 20. 泰阿宝剑 - alanseah 21. 八卦封魔剑 - alanseah 22. 血河神剑 - alanseah 23. 铁爪 - alanseah 24. 混金爪 - alanseah 25. 白玉爪 - alanseah 26. 玄冰爪 - alanseah 27. 胭脂血 - alanseah 28. 灭魂爪 - alanseah 29. 幽冥鬼爪 - alanseah 30. 天狼爪 - alanseah 31. 百兽精华 - alanseah 32. 撕天裂地 - alanseah 33. 脸皮厚厚 - weileong 34. 开天劈地流星刀 - alanseah 35. 斩妖除魔封魔剑 - alanseah 36. 鬼哭神嚎飞魂刃 - alanseah 37. 神兵一出天下惊 - alanseah 38. 血滴子 - AREA51 39. 彩红剑 - hanambmw 40. 木剑 - alanseah 41. 匕首 - alanseah 42. 青铜剑 - alanseah 43. 铁剑 - alanseah 44. 破魂 - alanseah 45. 赤血宝剑 - alanseah 46. 薄刀 - alanseah 47. 蝉翼刀 - alanseah 48. 浪雨刀 - alanseah 49. 白虎剑 - alanseah 50. 鹤嘴锄 - alanseah 51. 风之鹤嘴锄 - alanseah 52. 攻杀铁剑 - alanseah 53. 焱火剑 - alanseah 54. 祈祷之刃 - alanseah 55. 青铜斧 - alanseah 56. 短剑 - alanseah 57. 八荒 - alanseah 58. 凌风 - alanseah 59. 斩马刀 - alanseah 60. 修罗 - alanseah 61. 沃玛修罗 - alanseah 62. 双刃剑 - alanseah 63. 凝霜 - alanseah 64. 诺玛族修罗 - alanseah 65. 蓝光凝霜 - alanseah 66. 炸铜炼狱 - alanseah 67. 命运之刃 - alanseah 68. 潘夜命运之刃 - alanseah 69. 祖玛裁决之杖 - alanseah 70. 炼狱 - alanseah 71. 井中月 - alanseah 72. 裁决之杖 - alanseah 73. 旋风流星刀 - alanseah 74. 屠龙 - alanseah 75. 墨龙屠龙 - alanseah 76. 破山剑 - alanseah 77. 霹雷 - alanseah 78. 袖里剑 - alanseah 79. 铁枪 - alanseah 80. 标枪 - alanseah 81. 乌木剑 - alanseah 82. 诅咒海魂 - alanseah 83. 海魂 - alanseah 84. 偃月 - alanseah 85. 红光偃月 - alanseah 86. 沃玛偃月 - alanseah 87. 魔杖 - alanseah 88. 诺玛族魔杖 - alanseah 89. 血饮 - alanseah 90. 潘夜魔杖 - alanseah 91. 祖玛骨玉权杖 - alanseah 92. 潘夜血饮 - alanseah 93. 潘夜天灵 - alanseah 94. 墨龙嗜魂法杖 - alanseah 95. 骨玉权杖 - alanseah 96. 飞魂魔刃 - alanseah 97. 铁轮 - alanseah 98. 嗜魂法杖 - alanseah 99. 天神法杖 - alanseah 100. 诅咒半月 - alanseah 101. 半月 - alanseah 102. 降魔 - alanseah 103. 黑光降魔 - alanseah 104. 沃玛降魔 - alanseah 105. 银蛇 - alanseah 106. 诅咒银蛇 - alanseah 107. 无名刀 - alanseah 108. 潘夜银蛇 - alanseah 109. 祖玛无极棍 - alanseah 110. 潘夜无极棍 - alanseah 111. 无极棍 - alanseah 112. 封魔剑 - alanseah 113. 龙纹剑 - alanseah 114. 墨龙龙纹剑 - alanseah 115. 逍遥扇 - alanseah 116. 影魅之刃 - alanseah 117. 寂幻之刃 - alanseah 118. 泰轮拂尘 - alanseah 119. 飞龙剑 - alanseah 120. 元月弯刀 - weileong
  17. ok la another long list... stop all post and wait for mine to finish compile it..
  18. 1. 金蛇剑 - weileong 2. 打狗棒 - weileong 3. 屠龙刀 - weileong 4. 倚天剑 - weileong 5. 辟血剑 - weileong 6. 紫青双剑 - weileong 7. 江南十大兵器 - weileong 8. 一 笔闯天下- hamannbmw 9.绝对super-star兵器 - weileong 10. 放狗屁- hamannbmw 11. 小柄银枪 - weileong 12. 天晶剑 - alanseah 13. 长剑 - alanseah 14. 紫云剑 - alanseah 15. 七星剑 - alanseah 16. 五曜剑 - alanseah 17. 玄铁重剑 - alanseah 18. 干将宝剑 - alanseah 19. 莫邪宝剑 - alanseah 20. 泰阿宝剑 - alanseah 21. 八卦封魔剑 - alanseah 22. 血河神剑 - alanseah 23. 铁爪 - alanseah 24. 混金爪 - alanseah 25. 白玉爪 - alanseah 26. 玄冰爪 - alanseah 27. 胭脂血 - alanseah 28. 灭魂爪 - alanseah 29. 幽冥鬼爪 - alanseah 30. 天狼爪 - alanseah 31. 百兽精华 - alanseah 32. 撕天裂地 - alanseah 33. 脸皮厚厚 - weileong 34. 开天劈地流星刀 - alanseah 35. 斩妖除魔封魔剑 - alanseah 36. 鬼哭神嚎飞魂刃 - alanseah 37. 神兵一出天下惊 - alanseah
  19. cause me throwing a big amt of weapon ma...
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