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Everything posted by comycus

  1. omg the lighthouse is actually a skimmer too!?!? haha I also want then when the light gets dimmer you know tt your skimmer cup full liao lol
  2. tilt one of your powerhead/wavemaker to agitate the surface. I thought your tank has overflow? Shouldn't have this problem as it acts as a surface skimmer too. Just get the surface skimmer la. The China made ones are cheap and work as good as the eheim one.
  3. commonly found in most LFS. I saw a couple at AM and Reborn last week.
  4. I think 16" height is too short. should have no problem with 24" since your're planning to use MH. Your sump should be 22x20x16. Unless you have somewhere else to store your sump, I don't think your bottom cabinet will be able to accomodate that size taking into account the cabinet frame. Taking into account running costs like salt, water, carbon, phos remover, electricity, running a 2ft will prob save $$ marginally, think the standard advice is to get the biggest tank your pocket can afford. I agree with AhSiang, just go with Skimz. Many members here use it with good results. Have to watch your sump space though, I've read in quite a few bros posts here that sump space is a major constraint for 2 ft cube. Personally I prefer an external overflow. Easier to aquascape. btw, really nice sketches! What software did you use?
  5. errm can ask stupid qn? How do u 'place' food on the coral? i tried to squirt ard the area n it just floats away (my vortech was already on feeding mode), worse was my hands touched the coral then the tentacles retracted.
  6. hmm bro got check all ure water parameters? maybe something else other than no3 also off...
  7. yupz CF has quite a few true percs. Went last sat morning and there was 1 really cute mated pair as well. Expect at least 2 blue notes or more.
  8. I'm currently using TMPCC dip for all new corals. Think it is harsher on corals, but some ppl do swear by it
  9. Thanks for the explanation Sam! Would like to ask about using Bioptim in conjunction with BioDigest. Is it really necessary to dose both? Will BioDigest alone suffice?
  10. yeah, need deep pockets to start a project like this. btw, this dude from bkk already has pretty impressive notches under his belt. His SPS tank was featured in RC's TOTM in May '08. I leave you to find out his other achievements if interested
  11. I'm currently using 2:1:1 ATI bluespecial:actinic:blueplus. Quite a good mix of whites and blues and fluorescence. Of course nothing beats blue LEDs to show off fluorescence, but $$$. I think the position of your bulbs are also impt. Maybe t5 users can share their config here for everyone to learn? btw i forgot my config le later go home will check
  12. damn cute goby! looking out for one too btw does your chromis disturb the goby?
  13. My understanding is actinic has lower PAR readings compared to other blue lights like ATI's Blue Plus. However it helps to bring out the fluorescence in corals. Hope that helps!
  14. I think shimmering effect aka wave rippling effect can only be achieved using MH or LED lights. Although I get abit from my t5s at the edges of the tank where the light's not so strong. Quite a lot of tests have been done on the different light brands and their PAR values to compare light intensity. Can check out http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...threadid=918935 Hope I'm not violating any forum rules by posting other forum threads. Mods pls help to remove if against the rules.
  15. Guys you gotta check this video out: You can follow his tank setup in RC. This redefines bringing the ocean to the house!
  16. bro you might wanna check out Aquaray LEDs if you interested in LED lighting. I think they will fit your tank nicely. I think GO carries them.
  17. hmmm quoting liveaquaria... "Due to its aggressive behavior towards conspecifics, it should not be kept in large groups, though they do like to have a few other Cardinalfish around."
  18. hmmm could it be a difference in feeding? I read that anthias in general prefer to be fed many times a day. So if they are full, prob won't go opening their big mouths... Any other bros care to share their experience with blotchy to help me decide?
  19. ok thanks. will try to dose kalkwasser on drip at night... time to diy a drip system
  20. The blue eye really looks cute! Nice collection of corals you have
  21. sounds real cool! maybe get 1 from AM tmr... think I saw some kinda urchin there today... will call to cfm tmr. their LPS shipment like kena snapped up so quickly, by the time I went down in the evening, hardly had anything left.
  22. TRIPLE A BATTERY!!! power! hahaa okie... maybe not such a good idea to get blotchy then... not when I'm thinking of keeping relatively small fishes under 4" thanks for the advice! chomp chomp chomp!
  23. The diatoms kinda dying off already i think... it was much worse last week. Been wanting to get some ceriths to help me do the job but haven't been able to find them. seems like I gotta get myself one of them tuxedo urchins! Thanks for the tip!
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