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Everything posted by lesjack

  1. mine found a good spot in 12 hours and never moved since, not an inch for six months...so I guess you got to let it find it's 'perfect' spot.
  2. When you feed small chucks of meaty food, fishes and shrimps (boxer or cleaner, if you have them) will come in to steal some and that can be frustrating cause the individual polyp takes a few minutes to ingest the food fed to it. Read it in some other thread that you can minimise this by placing a cut-off mineral bottle (like a protective cover) over the sun coral.
  3. Hi, you can do a search using key terms like symbiosis, or specifics likes mutualism, commensalism, mimicry or even parasitism...or try these links: 1. http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/.../Symbiosis.html 2. http://www.ms-starship.com/sciencenew/symbiosis.htm
  4. Hi all...thanks, glad to know its normal. Did some search today in the web and that found that certain fishes clears away debris from sandbed to lay eggs...but I have only one clown...so must be pseudopregnancy...
  5. Hi all, need info on this: my maroon clown usually hangs around its anemone since I got it seven to eight months ago. But for the past few days, I noticed a depression created on the sandbed just beneath the anemone (the anemone sits on a LR). Kept spreading the sand out but the depression comes back the next day. Happened to walk by the tank on Sunday and noticed the culprit in action: maroon clown fans the sandbed with its tail until the depression is created. Anyone can explain this observation? I have only one clown, 3 chromis, 2 dispar anthias, a coral beauty, one cleaner wrasse in the tank...and some buttons, mushroom and LPS.
  6. Hello reefers, I usually hand feed my bubble coral (twice a week), ric floridas (once a week) and sun coral (daily) with mysis shrimps or chopped up prawn meat but last night I fed them with chopped up silver fish bought from the local supermarket. Work up this morning at 5am and saw the bubble coral expelling a ball of what seems to be the silverfish (same colour but this time slimy and gluey). Started to remove these chunk (about 3 to 4 pieces) to avoid contamination by wasted food. Never saw this reaction before when I was feeding them with shrimps. Is this normal or is the food fed to them just bad or indigestible? Please advice...thanks
  7. Ha yes, I recalled the shop owner did just that when he secured the pump for me onto the main chamber. He used the same white tape for plumbing.
  8. Hi, I just bought my H & S skimmer a month ago but did not have a detached pipe syndrome as mentioned by you. Checked it and they are tightly secured to the main chamber. Only problem that I had to deal with was the leaking screw-in joint of the collection cup.
  9. You get clowns in primary schools as well as in JCs...(maybe not the top five). Check this out ...three guys actually got drunk in college after consuming one full bottle of volka (straight-up) in a classroom located on the fourth storey (that actually took place during lunchtime!). One teacher had to carry one of them down while the two others followed, staggering behind. Of course got suspended! Sorry cannot reveal the name of the college.
  10. I connect the return pump to the chiller and then the output of the chiller to the main tank, goes through one full loop before coming back down to be taken up by the return pump. I guess the strong winds blowing into my flat from the service balcony is in line with my tank area. Constantly well ventilated...tank was without chiller and doing fine with one fan for 6 months but with the heat wave these days, bopian need to get chiller.
  11. Hi, my initial tank temp without chiller is 28 to 29 degrees. Takes a much longer time to reach up to 28 degrees (actually 27.5 on the digital thermometer) for the chiller to kick in...guess that might be the reason. At night can take up to 3 hours when lights are off before temp goes up to that level, so chiller takes a longer break. I dont use MH too.
  12. Ok..just not sure if that 2 degree fluctuation multiple times in a day is alright with my corals. Though i'am the only one with this problem...paiseh
  13. Yes, I have this black long digital thermometer called something...fishes. can't remember the brand and is suppose to be quite accurate. The reading of this thermometer is different from the reading from the chiller. That can be solved by setting the CL (calibration) - currently set to -1 (i.e. if tank reading is 26, chiller will read 27) Chiller will kick in after about one plus hour..thats the time taken to bring the temp up by 2 degrees.
  14. Hi reefers, I need some advice from anyone with experience in setting the temperature for Resun CL450. Did some reading for the past few days and found that some reefers are able to maintain a stable temperature of 25 or 26 degrees using chillers...hence went to get one. Came back and had lots of difficulty maintaining the temp...how is one going to maintain temp if the chiller kicks when the water temp is 2 degrees above the 'set' temp? Does quite make sense to me?? If I set it at 26 degrees, the chiller is capable to cool the water down to that temp in less than 30mins (3feet tank only), shuts off until the water temp goes up to 28 degrees before starting up again. Is this fluctuating temperature alright...thought suppose to maintain stable temp?? Please help or advice. Thank You.
  15. Hi, are you referring to Boxer crab, Lybia Tesselata, which carries a pair of small anemones in it claws (not the back)...waves the anemones at predators to deter them. I was preparing a lecture on this for my students on mutualism and came across some info on it. Check out this website on symbiosis: http://www.ms-starship.com/sciencenew/symbiosis.htm you can find a picture of the crab holding on to small anemones. Wonder if LFS carry such interesting species?
  16. I saw some on sale in Harleq*** (forgot how to spell that name) on Sunday. All the way to the back of the shop. Didn't ask for the price though.
  17. You can try getting some 'Red Bamboo' or 'Turtle grass'. My YTs feeds on those everyday, alternating it with algae on the LR. They had pinced in stomach when first introduced but look pretty normal after a few days of feeding.
  18. salinity 1.022 as recommended by the LFS.
  19. Hi, I new to reef keeping and has been cycling my tank for more than 2 weeks with LR, sand and a clown fish in it. Just added the clown fish when Ammonia level and Nitrite level are 0. Measured the pH from time to time and it kept reading 7.8. Went to the LFS and bought a pH up, added in but the pH level came back down again after a few hours. Kept on doing this but no use, kept going back down. Can someone tell me why? How to bring pH up to 8.1? Thanks
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