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Everything posted by spyglass

  1. LCK is open but basically only flame amgel n royal gramma. Tmr hawaii shipment
  2. Hi, anyone has macroalgae to spare ? i have some chaeto in the refugium, just want to have some variety like grapes or red macroalgae. If anyone has some to spare. Do drop a note. Thanks
  3. Hi , anyone have the address of Sealife at bukit merah ? Is it at central near hawker centre?
  4. Hi wats the indicative price like for juvenile queen angel, multicolor and cherub ?
  5. Sorry didnt attach correctly. Here they are.
  6. Hi I have many of these little things sticking onto my glass. Somehow think they are anemones. I dont see any glass anemones in my tank so hopefully these are not tiny glass anemones. They do grab hold of things that float past them like mysis. Size is about 1mm to 2mm. Anyone has similar ? Are they anemones ? Cant clean my glass with them sticking there, cruel to kill them hor.
  7. Hi , the clown triggers are so nice, but they grow fast, right ? Shouldnt consider keeping them in a 2 ft tank right ?
  8. Hi bros, Any of you encountered trigger attacking cleaner shrimps ? Am considering adding a clown trigger but my tank is only 2x1.5x1.5 ft. I guess they will outgrow it soon better not right ?
  9. Thanks !!!! Yes more like the bottom one. Just checked the net for amphipods and seems they are not harmful to the tank and is also food for some fishes. Thanks again !
  10. Hi reefers, Need some expertise, just noticed that my tank has a lot of 2mm to 3mm little creatures crawling on glass and rocks. Pic not too clear. Description: 2mm to 3mm, multi legged, greyish-white colour, has 2 antennas in front and 2 little "antenna like" at the other end, looks something like those (2 or 3cm)creatures that crawl around the rocks in East coast beach except those are out of the water. Marine cockroaches ? Are they harmful to the tank ? Bust them with sixline or other wrasses ? Please share , thanks.
  11. Hi, one fellow reefer pmed me, $40 for smaller ones, $50 for bigger ones.

  12. thanks for the recommendations ! Did consider the MP10 but rightly pointed out, its not cheap to me for sure. How much is the tunze 6025 or 6045 ?
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