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Everything posted by RushAct

  1. monti is around 7cm x 3cm selling $15 (west) (new)ExtraxPhos by Brightwell Aquatics $30 (west or city area) 96885694
  2. all sold and collected by a nice reefer. thanks alll
  3. Hi guys, 9w UV plus cannister for $30 ZooPlanktos 500-1 by Brightwell Aquatics for fishes,stony corals,clams and other filter feeding invertebrates -$8 ULTRA MINf fine food by Fauna Marin for gorgonias, sponges, non-photosynthetic corals and all kinds of filter feeders -$10 96885694
  4. anyone interested ? just name a price. loc bukit batok sms me @ 96885694 THX
  5. Good evening, I would like to give away one true perculas clown fish. Please Pm me, if interested
  6. Try marine life. At hong Leong garden
  7. might be the soil? my guess would be the invertibrates you added makan something from the soil which contains something bad? haha idk
  8. my clown fish died =( didnt make it. Last time got 2 peaceful pair now, ocellaris is bullying that lonely guy.. Dont know if i should try to pair him up with another clownfish. Anyway took a picture today.so gonna share it
  9. Price reduced! Fauna Marin Ultra Min fine food(non-photosynthetic corals n all kinds of filter feeders)left 98% - $15 BrightwellAquatics zooplanktos-m 500-1kym Left 80% - $7 UV light 9w blub is less than a mth old - $12
  10. yup.. reserve for YK. Sorry didnt update.. Fauna Marin Ultra Min fine food(non-photosynthetic corals n all kinds of filter feeders)left 98% - $18 BrightwellAquatics zooplanktos-m 500-1kym Left 80% - $8 UV light 9w blub is less than a mth old - $17
  11. May i know where can i service this chiller? Thanks in advance
  12. Sorry Ukiya, i got lotsa pm and i think i have missed yours. timer - Pending Frag Rack + 12 Reef Plug and plus another free 15 reef plug - Pending magnet cleaner - Pending Fauna Marin Ultra Min fine food(non-photosynthetic corals n all kinds of filter feeders)left 98% - $18 BrightwellAquatics zooplanktos-m 500-1kym Left 80% - $8 UV light 9w blub is less than a mth old - $17
  13. http://delightings.com/index.cfm?GPID=35
  14. Can i have the link to that thread please? Hi guys, recently one of my female clownfish went missing and i could not find it at all and i thot she was attacked by pest or something and after a few days of seacrhing for it, i finally found her! She was lying in a area which is not submerge by water but has high flow. When i found her body it was white(like a dead fish that died for a few days already) and i was pretty sad upon seeing that and i stoned there for a moment. When i look closer i saw some movement.. she was still breathing!so i quickly grab her and put her in my DT but she drops to the sand bed. So wanting her to stay alive i pick her up and start shaking her? i dont know if thats the right word to use. Anyway should i put her on DT or betta box? currently shes in a betta box.
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