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Everything posted by screamyourheartout

  1. Hey guys, just wondering whether its is hard to make dragonface pipeface take frozen cyclopeez?
  2. In my opinion, i believe that we have to start educating the newbies. Like me, i was a clueless little dude watching those large enormous tanks with beautiful sps in it, i was so envious and was so impulse to get a set of my own. I started with FW fishes and plants, it was pretty easy until it came to the nitrates and stuff... I didn't understand so i went online to search for info. I got guidance from many fish keepers worldwide but i have to say these information are not reliable. There is this particular person on youtube, i was kinda "following" him until i came across this web where it explains SW fish tanks, i slowly got interested. Due to my MASSIVE impulsion, i got myself a 3ft. I was searching the web like liveaquaria and other website for info, and then i move as i fall, i fall and i stand, over and over so many obstacles with fishes that died in my hands, i felt so sad. So thinking about those newbie days i wish that there were people from singapore that could help as i always read overseas articles. Until now lucky i found this forum but if i were to find this web earlier, it could have save my algae, whitespot and many more problems which i face earlier in this hobby. So my conclusion is to advertise this forum very well so that any SW hobbist could get help this may help them get over the freshman period and also we can educate them ourselves so they don't get misguided.
  3. Both them just molted their shell last night, kinda hiding from the fishes rite now at the back of the tank. Dont worry the leopard wrasse is about 1 inch, if it gets big i at most put at 100 gallon. But if not normally i won't as my 100 got big tang above 4inch and a aggressive Mr.Mystery. I will keep more updates coming
  4. Agree but not in this situation, the return pipe is just above it so it should have alot of flow. Sometime my shrimps climb up still cannot tahan the strong wave. However, i would add a wavemaker at the bottom for better circulation in the future.
  5. Updates again!!! Quite some changes from the other update MORE ALGAE THIS TIMES !!! GRRR.... the zoas are not opening well due to the movement of the pipefish, it loves to stick together with the coral then the poylps retracts FTS!! Sorry couldn't get a nice pic of the leopard wrasse very active hard to take pic
  6. oh how much u got it for? probably gonna try some in my nano too
  7. oo coz my temp jumps, at morning and night possible to be 27-28 but afternoon very hot, temp will just jump very high maybe to like 30. btw whr u guys got the two anemones?
  8. wow nice anemones, just wondering if the anemone would survive without a chiller
  9. I got my 100 gallon but i leaving it in external overflow, no sand, hoping some detritus gets thr so i just wondering if no food will still regenerate anot. If not have to put into main display but one leg kena chop, ugly
  10. Ok i will try that but how long does it take for them to heal back?
  11. I rarely see them around but just a month away or two i saw them in cf at about 1.5 red notes. Probably you could call cf aunty and check
  12. Tks but they arent really the ones i intended to get, tot got getting the hawaiian ones but were no where to be found
  13. Hello once again, here comes alittle update of whats going on... added some harlequin shrimp and a sandstar Enjoy! DIATOMS Thats all for today
  14. Just wondering where could i find nice mushrooms and more exotic zoas like purple death so can add into my new nano, please advice
  15. Tks for the heads up, i knew that very well but i dont really worry for it as it tank is probably gonna be a shrimp tank with some zoas on the most top, im not gonna put any coral on the sand bed without light so dont worry
  16. It should be ok for some softies and mushrooms. And, i don't think a wavemaker would fit in. Sure, i would be adding a harlequin shrimp pretty soon, as this tank is specially made for it
  17. Yeah, its comes together with the tank purchased. About the turn-over rate, not really sure about it. Sorry for the blur pic, taken from iphone and just added the premixed saltwater, alittle bit cloudy, now it's clear up pretty well.
  18. Hey guys, During this CNY period, got myself this beautiful nano tank. Probably going to keep shrimps and and softies only. Here are some pictures
  19. Do more water changes!! Since u rescape, alot benefical bacteria is lost so your ammonia and nitrates will higher. This will cause the fishes to feel uncomfortable and therefore, it's immune system drops. When their immune system drops, all these parasites will come attacking. Water change can reduce the amount of the parasite and also ammonia + nitrates. Hope this helps.
  20. wheres irene? i've heard of it many times but still cant find it, can anyone locate in google map?
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