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Everything posted by Gideon

  1. Hi guys, after i have used for 6 mths. i Have a pretty good results. All my corals are growing more healthy before. Recommended to all the reef keeper to give a try.
  2. Nice Fish. Very nice and healthy Achilles Tang. My friend try to keep it but he is not eating and dead. He tried a few time, heart broken and give up keeping Achilles Tang.
  3. Nice coral. May I know where you bought this ?? Interested to get one
  4. Interesting Toy. Did you have the name or the band of this toy? interested to get one too
  5. Beside the DI Cartridge, double check did you put the input and output correctly or not. Don't fix the output to you tap water there. If not, try to call back the shop tomorrow
  6. I have tried without chiller too. Its doesn't work in Singapore. The weather is too hot, specially in the afternoon. all the corals soon and later will die. Bro, save some money and get a second hands or china band one.
  7. I have tried without chiller too. Its doesn't work in Singapore. The weather is too hot, specially in the afternoon. all the corals soon and later will die. Bro, save some money and get a second hands or china band one.
  8. In saltwater. He is a saltwater hermit crab.
  9. Omg.. First time I see so beautiful backdrop... Nice.. Very nice
  10. I have kept him for about 1/2 years. Initial is about 5-6cm. Keep charging the shell for him, and he is getting bigger and bigger.
  11. agree. be patient is one of the key on marine fish keeping. all the best and enjoy !!
  12. Heard my friend have the fan problem too.. you are not the only one
  13. hahahaha ...just by chance, no one want him. so i adopted him. one and only one..
  14. thank you very much for the sharing. Wow.. i have learn lot of things from this post.
  15. It is free. i adopted it from the LFS, the size is only about 5cm. I keep changing the shell, and he gettting bigger until this size. hahaha... looking for even a biger shell for him now.
  16. Thank you very much for sharing . em... hope you dont mind, may i know where you get the info, would like to read more from this website.
  17. Basically, most of the LFS sell hermit crab. You can go to "coral farm" there to take a look. The price is about $7-20 if i am not wrong. Depend on what type of hermit crab you buy. For me, I give them the fish pellet and seaweed.
  18. Em.... Sorry, what is NSW ?? Sorry for I am new to the forum.
  19. I saw the fake corals selling at madpetz. You may want to go there and check it out
  20. You may want to give a try on the "seachem garlicGuard" I always dip my pellets before giving to my fishes. It will improve their immunity.
  21. Thanks bro. em.... did you know where can i buy a Giga Clam in singapore ?
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