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Everything posted by Chris

  1. Over 30,000!!! The target should be 600,000!! May the force by with us. "Deceive the public, you must not" "Defeat the durian, we must!"
  2. That means Balaji agree that we should continue to support the patients, provided MKF fulfils it is responsibility to the public by being transparent. So until the day comes, NKF has 30 years to show us that, I will not donate.
  3. Best if the first prize winner of 500K tell the MC on the spot that she/he will immediately cancel her monthly donation and use part of her winning to donate to KDF!! Wow shiok man!
  4. Mr Durian says he will not step down unless the people wants him too. Tonight is the time for the public to make our stand. As mentioned, if $$ keeps coming in, it means to tell him to continue getting 12 months bonus, travel 1st class, own 8 cars, put back gold tap etc. If tonight $$ is miserable, then the masses have spoken!!! Down with durians and peanut!!! I will go buy beer to watch tonight but I cannot afford to eat peanut or just make do with pop-corn.
  5. Ok. I prepare my tank nice nice, get rid of all my current worthless fish. Then make a trip to coral farm to order my school of Gems, a pair of Peppermint angels and a school of helfrich. Think I should if enough if I was given 12 months bonus. If not, I'll just get a dispar.
  6. Can some brilliant computer geek write a programme to disable all calls to 1800 lines tonight? Then we can convey him the Siingapore Idol title!
  7. Our words reflect our thoughts and our values. "All you people make what fuss? 600K is peanut. Oh, you mean you all have not seen 600K or have not seen peanut?" Imagine a lady who cleans the toilet in the first class cabin of aircraft and earns say $800 per month. Contribute $50 of her money every month to NKF. The money goes into the Kitty which is used to pay for our dearest to travel in that plane and shit into the same toilet bowl that our old auntie cleans as she continue thinking that she is helping the poor patients.
  8. Any kind bro can tell me which LFS to approach if I want to buy a Gem Tang? Also, anyone in sg have the peppermint angel? Except Rav65 in his avatar lah. Would be nice to have a tank with both together plus a few helfrichs??
  9. Cleansing in progress.... The above is gone! Soon, I'll be gone!
  10. Yo, you make me feel like an aptisia. Now the situation is like a tank with 20,000 aptisia and multiplying rapidly.
  11. The invisible force is here. Damage control has begun. Mind cleancing process in progress. More will be heard these few days....especially today!
  12. Aiya. Got nothing to do with garment lah, unless Mrs GCT continues more booboo.
  13. I am 8048 man!! I want to buy 4D. So happy so sure can strike.
  14. Tank very nice. Post picture of little baby leh....
  15. "Where to sign up? Bro Rav...can you tell our audience again?" Does that sound familiar? "What number to call? Ah zia...can you tell our audience again?"
  16. This is really a tough fight . . . . . . .. . .between . . . . .Darth Vadar and Super Long. Btw, who is this basita or stealvester?
  17. Should not stir the wrath of the mass with such words. Not for this guy at least!
  18. Don't think it is a good move for her to make any statement now, either way. Bad move, bad bad move.
  19. If nothing to report, please don't chat here!! Most LFS nothing new...same fish, same coral.
  20. But those vandals shouldn't have done that.....Now NKF will need to use more public money to repaint the place. Our dearest may justify a new coat of German paint for his office....arh
  21. Nobody should wait anymore....cancel! Cancel! Donors money go to NKF. NKF pays Global Net to do telemarketing work. Global Net is part of Proton Web. Matilda and our dearest are directors there and earn the money from NKF. WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I belief this other matters should be surfaced if it means that public has been misled. Eg: Were we told when we donate $$ that $600000 every year will go into 1 person's pocket? If I was told and still make donation, then nothing to say. This info was withheld till now?
  23. True but not when the black one is the sherperd himself and the farmer and sheeps are both suffering from his misdeed.
  24. BS are not nutritious enough for fish but also should not be the cause of death to your fish in weeks. If your skimmer is not good enough, then your NH4 and Nitrite should not be zero.
  25. Don't worry lah. Did we mention about patron? hee hee. Anyway, Du**i dare not happy happy sue people after this time.
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