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Everything posted by kraken

  1. what is the size of your tank? May uses NSW for water changes also, whether it is economical depends on the volume you use really. Using tap water encourages algae growth since there are many impurities inside, you can check the water using a TDS meter
  2. yes, the pods are poor swimmers, basically they go with the 'flow', thus the water from your ref will contain pods that gets transferred into DT by your return pump.
  3. it depends on your kind of tank, mixed reef? SPS dominated? FOWLR? you have to be specific in order to get specific answers.
  4. the healthier the fish, the less the chances. Also less stress on the BT during and after the transfer from tank to tank will help.
  5. a case of salinity shock for your fishes. Sorry if I have confused you, NSW is usually higher than what reefers keep their tank salinity. I keep mine at 1.025, whereas NSW is usually 1.026 - 1.03, depending on the condition it was harvest, if it had rained day before, the salinity would be lower. in any case, one should exert caution and prudence when using NSW, always check the salinity since its not contant.
  6. plenty is the rule, they cannot get too much light. you would need to have decent flow to encourage growth, I have problems getting the chaeto growth in check, they grow faster than I can harvest and give away
  7. that's for sure, but its very tough to get close approximation for rocks, sand is still okay since one knows from the packaging. unless rocks have been measured before introducing into tank.
  8. do check your NSW for nitrates also, just saying that could be a reason
  9. compressor is cheaper to run since it is more efficient. compressor doesnt kick in often, it depends on your temperature range that you set on the controller. by the way, a compressor cools water faster compared to chiller, provided the same hp.
  10. old number is better than even, so if you insist to have more than one YT, 3 all together is better than 2, less chances of fighting
  11. ur fishes r hungry, its natural for them to look for other food in your tank, feed more pls. Hungry fish is an angry fish
  12. did u increase the salinity of the NSW before to introduce into your tank? Should be a case of low salinity. please check
  13. the cloudiness is probably due to your sand being stirred up by your wavemaker, please check that. You tank water smells because of the ammonia from the market prawn, and please leave the dead prawn alone, it will decompose altogether by 2 weeks time. you better start reading the forum (especially the stickies) and other website more to learn more about marine tank keeping. unless u have been dosing bacteria, I doubt you will have any bacteria bloom to cause cloudy water. assuming this, your cycling should be completed in 3 - 4 weeks. Leave your skimmer on, you may not get any dark skim mate due to no nutrients in your water column. Please make sure the ANN cycle is completed, get some reliable test kits like Salifert brand. Test for NO2 (make sure this is zero) and NO3 (should be high > 20ppm), when this trend is noticed, your tank is fully cycled.
  14. all sold, mods pls close the thread, thks
  15. 1) 2 x Tunze 6095 & tunze controller 7092 with light sensor bought Jan 2013 price reduce, $480 2) Jebao WP 40 bought July 2013 $50
  16. rowas are always moist, they have to be kept that way, I suspect you have an sub standard rowas. Why dun you try rowas from another source and see if you register a trend in the colour change again.
  17. do stock up your fishes very very slowly, the most one per week. this gives your bacteria colony to 'catch up' with the new bioload. Do it slowly and do it right, less headache/problems and lesser risk of your LS dying. do remember to read up on acclimation for LS
  18. dead is dead, cannot be more or less dead:)
  19. try one small fish per week or biweekly to introduce to new tank. this will give time for the bacteria to 'adjust' to the new bio load.
  20. pls bear in mind the salinity of NSW, its lower than what most reefers keep their tank salinity.
  21. kakani should have some to frag, pm him
  22. while cycling, chaeto will not grow, try after the last ANN cycle when NO2 and Ammonia are zero. Chaeto will also need 'kick' in time
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