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  1. All fishes collected by single buyer. Anyone interested in the tank? Am open to any reasonable offer.
  2. Quick sale All fishes for $150 Artifical rocks for $50 tank set - $400 take all $500
  3. Selling the whole set. Priority to anyone who takes whole set. For fishes, priority to anyone who takes them all. Tank can be sold separately if all the fishes have been sold. PM me an offer. All fishes with me for more than 6 months and feeding on pellets/frozen mysis shrimps. Tank is red sea max: Condition about 8/10. One of the tubes not working and some coolling fans, Make me an offer via PM. Sailfin and purple tang about 5 inches Powder blue abt 2.5 to 3 inches Blue ring angel about 5 inches Blue tang about 2.5 inches Koran angel about 3 inches (not sure if its emperor angel) Clown - abt 2 inches
  4. Have decided to give up the hobby due to frequent travel. Selling complete plug and play redsea Max tank and all live stocks and artificial rocks. All fishes feeding on pellets and frozen mysis shrimp. Been with me for 6 months. https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10151681697584408 Looking at $850 for whole set including fishes. Tank has 4 lights (1 not working), redsea skimmer, pumps etc etc. Please see link for tank details. http://www.redseamax.com/redseamax/250Temp/redseamax/Red_Sea_MAX_HP_250.html Collection in punggol. Not keen on selling individual items, unless someone wants all the fishes. PM if interested. Arrange your own transport please.
  5. Anyone has Ah Bengs number? I know there have a Philippines shipment this week and need to check if they have a powder brown or powder blue tang.
  6. Anyone seen a orange shoulder tang where the colour has already change to half grey? Planning to get one. http://www.google.com.sg/imgres?q=orange+shoulder+tang&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1440&bih=726&tbm=isch&tbnid=En-PnC93ek3J2M:&imgrefurl=http://www.dipity.com/tickr/Flickr-seas-tang/&docid=22bV7zKshJW5sM&imgurl=http://static.flickr.com/3268/2744000001_e5b5678ba7.jpg&w=500&h=334&ei=7RQFUILHGM-eiAeGj_XSCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=934&vpy=201&dur=3000&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=112&ty=79&sig=110791998786535732112&page=1&tbnh=155&tbnw=208&start=0&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:95
  7. Hi...what is the market price for a 3-4 inch AT and how often do these shipments come in?
  8. 2 x 3ft lights - $30 each (reflectors need to be changed) 1 x 4 ft lights - $60 (ATI and Giesmann tubes) Have 5 used 3ft tubes and 2 x normal 4 feet tubes to be given together with the lights.
  9. Clearing my storeroom and selling the following pumps Eheim 2260 Rio 20HF Eheim (model unknown) Ocean free Please quote your best price by PM by 12 noon tomorrow. (5 feb) Will sell to highest offer. Or willing to let go everything for $160. Collection at Punggol
  10. Hi. Do you still have your 3 ft T5 light set? PM or sms (81117171) me if you still have them. Tks.

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