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Everything posted by BearishCat

  1. What about Cerith Snails? I bought 5 hermits from CF and 1 turns out to be a cerith and it is hardworking as a mule! Was thinking of going back to Cf and grab 10 more of them
  2. I have read through your FAQ, so what happens when my display tank has only corals and no fishes? Currently my fishes are in a QT undergoing copper treatment. So who eats up the diatoms?
  3. Using DI water. Light photoperiod is 0% white 5% blue to 50% white and 100% blue for 3 hours, then back to 0% white 5% blue again. Can't do blackout, have corals inside. Have rowaphos in a reactor and also fishless atm because doing copper treatment. Im using It's Clear and Coralline Stimulator now and also your chaetos, after 3 days can see a slight decrease in the hair algae.
  4. Hi, i am also facing the same issue. the top of most of my rocks are covered in brown hair algae. Will this Nualgi help in any way of getting rid of them?.
  5. Envy~~ when you are fragging please let me know
  6. My fire shrimp hides in the crevices except during feeding time. The times it didn't appear during feeding was when it was molting. But you shouldn't have 9 shrimps molting at the same time. Have you check for any sightings of mantis?
  7. As above, got the WP40 from a bro here. Too strong for my tank. Interested please PM me. Deal in Jurong.
  8. My copper reading is now at 0.3, I'm dripping 2 drops a day instead of half at a go. Since have to wait 8 weeks on my DT.
  9. No, i'm not using the DT for treatment. The surviving fishes have been caught and placed in the toyogo tub. I have a copper test kit which i'm using everyday. Do you have a link of what exactly the bucket/tank transfer treatment is?
  10. I have lots in my tank, some almost 2cm in size. but they all hide in my overflow.
  11. Most hardware shop sell those cloth like mesh too.
  12. I am now in the 5th day of copper treatment with cupramine. Lost my royal gramma, sunburst and PBT before treatment started. I have a 30l toyogo tub and taking it slow - 2 drops of cupramine per day for 12 days to reduce stress on the surviving fishes. So far so good, and after this, all fishes have to go thru quarantine for sure.
  13. Its been a while since our last update, my PBT, sunburst and royal gramma caught ich (suspected that its from my sunburst which i bought from CF) and has passed away before i could prepare the treatment. Tank know is fishless except for a cleaner shrimp and a fire shrimp. Will just be stocking on corals and invertebrates for the next 8 weeks. The rest of the fishes (3, helfrichi, true perc and an algae blenny) are in a large toyogo box undergoing copper treatment. Really sad week While catching the fishes, did some slight changes to the scaping. Taken with my phone with 5% white and 27% blue LEDs.
  14. Hi all, need some help IDing this hitchhiker. Found it in one of my LR and manage to get it out. I supposed 2 legs and one of the pincer went missing during the struggle.
  15. Do note that most lionfishes are pretty picky eaters that need some training for them to take dead food. If you are just going for 1 lionfish in a 4ft tank then i suggest you go for a volitans or any large size lionfish, looks much more spectacular in a big tank. You might need a skimmer too as they are big eaters as well.
  16. Have not go look for the converter yet. I got the ATO at $60++USD, and a TLF FR at $30++. Paid $110USD including shipping which i think is a good buy.
  17. Yup. Only 1 cable from the ATO. Will do. Thanks for your advise.
  18. Its the JBJ ATO. So the converter should be able to work isn't it? converts our 240v to 115v for the ATO?
  19. Rowaphos needs to go into a FR. You can also put carbon in a FR, but it needs stronger flow compared to rowas, or you can put them in a bag in a high flow area. No exp with sulphur pellets.
  20. Is that a box fish in the 3rd picture?
  21. I'm not really good in eletrical wiring. LOL. Wa boss, that is expensive. I bought a JBJ ATO from amazon. Can we use those normal converter like this one?
  22. Hi all, need some advise from the seniors here. I bought a ATO from Amazon and its 115v AC. Must i buy a transformer or can i use those travel adapter? If transformer, where can i get them and roughly how much should i pay for it? Thanks!
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