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Everything posted by Nautical

  1. btw, marinecraz, welcome to your first post in SRC. you mentioned your tank is two months old and you lost your PBT most probably to white spots. shoelevy, new tank also ? imo, PBT and most tangs are prone to white spots and you should not introduce them as your "first" or early introduction of fish type until your tank is more matured and you have also personally gained more experience. i am now into the sixth month of marine, and have lost about six tangs. i have much to learn, so not keeping any tang for time being. i am keeping to hardier ls. you can learn a lot from other reefers. i started out in like manner. however, at the end of the day, experience is the best teacher. my $0.02
  2. thank you, shoelevy. appears many reefers know this lfs, but the fact is some may not. i was looking for it once, but overshot the place, and ended up in another lfs in the vincinity. now that you have brought it up, i may just drop by. also thanks to all others who have contributed their thoughts and knowledge herewith. it makes us better informed and enjoy this site at SRC.
  3. i used the chicken essence bottle method to catch crabs. don't think you will have much luck with the shrimp using the bottle method. have to agree with terryansimon, if shrimp can swim in, what is there to stop it from swimming out.
  4. it is called multi-tasking. hence leading to higher productivity.
  5. Hi AT, i luv your short message about asking the topic starter to pm to change the topic. i am sure newbies will learn fast.
  6. Wow, how can ? Born in the 1970s and you call old dudes. How about those born in the early 1950s like myself ..... May be a case of going, going, gone. hahaha I guess I can be proud to say I am at least half centurion. Let me share a joke from the famous Bob Hope: Question - "Who wants to live up to 100 years old ?" Answer - "When he passed his 99th birthday !! " In any event, Garan, have a blessed birthday.
  7. Let's move on with problem solving or making SRC a better place. Try not to dwell on the past. Have the following suggestions : 1. pointers to be summarized, like a one or max three liners. 2. AT and his team of mods can consider appointing topic starters to be mods for their own threads. However, AT and his primary mods still hold admin powers. 3. all reefers, please look at your average number of posts per day. as an example, ask yourself, is average of ten (10) posts per day for the last 290 days of a really constructive nature ? or is it merely to talk ^%$#@!@#$% ?? Just me $0.02 there are no right and wrong to everything. no matter how thin you slice a paper, there are always two side. please contribute positively, if possible. thank you.
  8. as accidents can happen, what kind of damage can be caused to live stock and/or corals ?
  9. sorry to steal this thread, but thought can share some info. yes, i got this cyanobacteria thing about 2 to 3 weeks ago. grew quite ugly as the days passed. i ended up taking off the top layer of sand. what causes it ? and is there a better way to prevent and if already "kena", how to have it removed ?
  10. thanks for all the kind advices and sharing your experiences. i will monitor PO4, reef builder doses, lighting, current, etc. etc.
  11. try to observe if any fish is pecking or rubbing against the tube. these kind of actions will definitely disturb the worm from coming out. my $0.02
  12. after 56 posts, do we consider as newbie to postings ?
  13. hi bro ah^siao, sorry but cannot agree with you. it is almost like trying to tell a dog that the bowl of food is meant for three meals in the day and not to be finished in one whole meal. each fish in the tank will behave differently. how can you be sure that a fish is not going to snatch the food from the corals even if you think it has taken its fill ? my $0.02
  14. go to this discussion thread: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...topic=19256&hl= i am sure there are others you can look up.
  15. aiyah, don't be so like that leh brother. you assume i know what is the coke bottle method. can please elaborate. thanks a zillion i am learning from people like you who went thru that experience.
  16. between March and June 2004, i have bought separately a green, yellow and brown polyp. when these were in the lfs, they opened up very well .... which is why i bought them. when introduced into my tank, they just don't open. all my other live stock, roti prata, frogspawn, jewel, leather and finger doing good. water parameters assumed okay (no details here) in view of other LS and corals surviving, eating well and looking good. my tank 36 x 18 x 24" with a 24" sump and macro skimmer with 2 x 150w MH, 2 x 39w T5 actinics with chiller set at 27C set up my tank since Feb 2004. please give me some possible reasons why and any recommendations.
  17. ya loh ya loh .... problem is food will drop off, float away or snatched away !!! comments and help please.
  18. but with water current, how to ensure food stays in place ... and not forgetting the other fishes wanting a bite as well ?
  19. ... his bladder was oversized and kept him afloat .....
  20. Do you know who is the target audience (owner/buyer) for the MPV when first introduced and why ? Do you know who is the target audience (owner/buyer) for the Ford Mustang when first introduced and why ? Answers given when I have a sufficient audience requesting. Hahahah .... must "tarik" a bit. If no audience for me, then dig a hole in the ground and bury my head like an ostrich.
  21. sorry need help also. when i put a small piece of prawn into the mouth of the prata, before it closes up, some fishes will take it away. frustrating to see that happened. also, how to feed the bubbles ? when i put in frozen brine shrimp or even mysis, either the fishes will eat them up or the water current will suck it into the overflow. this leaves no chance at all for the corals to eat. please advise. thanks a zillion.
  22. that's right, my green wrasse had the same behaviour when first introduced into the tank. now that he (may be she) is acclimatized, will come out when lights on. however one thing he luvs to do is to kick up sand from the sand bed.
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