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Everything posted by Nautical

  1. hello tommy, where are you ?
  2. i don't think i can agree with your suggestion on "training". i have a banner butterfly since february till now. it will not disturb, nip or "tock" the corals. most peace loving fish i have seen. guess what ??? in the last few days, it keeps nipping at the corals, even though there has been no change in the feeding cycle or quantity. have just moved him to the sump. personally i feel very sad for the fish, all of a sudden having to be alone.
  3. just wanna share experience of my white coco worm. will come out just in a while, mostly when blue actinic lights are on. apparently don't like MH, as when switched on will retract immediately and takes an hour or two to come out. but then again will retract with slightest disturbance. perhaps i should re-position away from the glass front to avoid disturbance. anyone knows if coco worm dislikes strong lighting ?
  4. oops sorry, is this tunze 6060 controllable as to flow rate ?
  5. what is the capacity of this tunze 6060, i.e. how many litres per hour ? also, is there any other accessories need to drive this tunze, like a power head. if power head need, what is the rating ? thank you.
  6. pangz mentioned "Fuge" shiraz mentioned "refugium" are they the same ???
  7. Good good things not cheap Cheap cheap things not good
  8. Hi ppl, I love the methodical pointers posted by surfedelic. And I especially love the part where its mentioned "Thank GOD you are not born in the older era - Life will be freaking different." Well folks, I served my NS in 1972. Some, if not most, of you were not even born yet. Yes, the early batches after the Israel instructors pulled out from Singapore. But I survived. Matter of fact, I enjoyed my NS days and take pride in what I did. In a couple of years, God willing, I will see my own son going to NS. And I will tell him again what his dad has gone through, with pleasure.
  9. Agree, stop the buying .... if ppl don't know what they're selling. Remember, you are the consumer.
  10. Nautical


    yes, i have what you requested 1 feet by 1 feet. don, are you going to pm me ?
  11. yeah i tried using a pvc pipe, 3 feet long for a 2 feet deep tank. also has a funnel at top of pipe. very troublesome, as need to use chopstick to poke thru the funnel for the sand to slide thru the funnel. time consuming. that's when i use the 1.5 litre soft drink bottle described above. complete the process in no time.
  12. Nautical


    i think i should have. now late, will check tomorrow afternoon. pm me if interested to collect somewhere in katong/marine parade area.
  13. DeepBlue is coming to your defense triggerpuff. So please make your wrong into right.
  14. oops sorry, common sense not so common. remember to open bottle cap when bottle immersed into tank. otherwise how can sand flow out ..... hahaha
  15. hello ppl, its me again. thanks for all the tips. ultimately, after trying out several ways, found the below method to be most efficient. obviously wash sand first. fill sand into a 1.5 litres soft drink bottle to the top. close bottle cap, rinse with water to clear sand on the outside of bottle. then lower bottle into tank and having reached the lowest possible, turn bottle over slowly. sand will start flowing out.
  16. hello, any guru, shifu or experts out there ?? need help leh ....
  17. thanks for letting me see your tank and learned some aspects of reefkeeping from you. May God bless you with safe journey and wish you all the best in your overseas assignment. Take care.
  18. Existing DSB, grade 0 sand, is about 2 to 3 inches for my 3 feet tank. Now four months old. Depth of DSB getting thinner due cleaning out debris over time. Please advise how to add new sand and what precautions to take. I am afraid of disturbing the peace and cause a crash.
  19. I have removed the coral chips from my sump. Is anyone interested in them. I reserve the right to dispose as I deem fit.
  20. absolutely, safety first. another tip for those long distance drivers ..... don't sleep behind the wheels. if at any time you feel like dozing off, find a good stopping place and take a quick nap.
  21. Driven 18 days in north and south island of New Zealand. Driven and circumvent the island of Tasmania. Driven Melbourne to Adelaide in Australia. Malaysia many times. Recently in April, did a grand tour in Canada - Toronto (Niagara Falls), Montreal, Quebec City, Ottawa then back to Toronto in the eastern part of Canada. Then flew to the west, from Vancouver and did a grand tour of the Rockies, then to Calgary, Edmonton, back to Vancouver and cross over to Vancouver Island. Then drove down to Seattle in the USA. But I have another co-driver to take turn. Otherwise may sleep and fall off the Rockies. Sorry, not meant to boast, but I can understand the passion of those who love to drive. I would encourage those who are thinking of holidays .... drive .... rent a car ..... and go free and easssssyyyyyy.
  22. wow, you pic is humogous !!! pls resize. the rock looks like an asteriod seen in Independence Day
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