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Everything posted by moron_clown

  1. thanx bro...i think there is at least one upside of this freak accident-i think the high temperature killed the blardy ich parasites...
  2. its been 2 hrs since my tank nearly crashed...chiller reading 27 degrees,6 degrees down from the original 33 degrees...time for bed...too tired to do anything more....hope the survivors will pull through.
  3. wanna go harle**** calll me along....can get u very big discounts.....
  4. this one might be a little sensitive post-911
  5. get a bmw and shag the girl of your dreams...
  6. sorry,wrong series...this pic is supposed to be in my next jokes posting .....the banned in s'pore levi ad.
  7. here are some pics to cheer u guys up....
  8. ok..i think i'll do just that....sorry x-glare, could'nt take care of ur wonderful specimen ...thanx fuel....
  9. thanx all..just threw away my green monti....smells dead....orange monti cap. also rtn-ing....how the hell do i frag monti caps????
  10. went home today and heard chiller sounding very stressed from the first floor.went up to my room and saw that the temperature reading is 33 degrees ..i had forgotten to reset my timer and my twin 250watts were on from this morning till now.a piece of sponge had stucked in the chiller pump,causing severely obstructed water flow. casualties-mass rtn of most sps colonies green monti rtn-ed most brains,open brains,pratas look very stressed none of my fishes could be seen actions taken-done a 20% water change -fragged off most rtn sps branches -use a more powerful pump to direct the water straight from my chiller to the main tank -on my air-con at full blast with the cold air blowing the water -removed my hood and placed a full sized room fan blowing on the water conclusions-ACCIDENTS DO happen,when they do,make sure u are prepared... i had to dig out old leftover salt because i did'nt stock any salt.i am very grateful to the fella who made my skimmer as it went into ultra skimming mode thus reducing the possibillity of a tank crash.once again,the prowess of the beckett is proven. i lost alot of good stuff....
  11. tour tank is full of hammers and octopussies,ooops,i mean octopi
  12. i'm using 3m ones....bloody $2 per piece....but i think i'll cry without it.it cures underwater in 10 secs,does not smudge.
  13. x-glare(gary) has a few for sale...pm him.
  14. shiat,now the tune is stucked in my head.
  15. and now,presenting the prettiest girl in the whole universe,Miss PIG FACE!!
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