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Everything posted by monsterz1975

  1. It look like a cup coral to me.
  2. Wow bro 1 whole shot u brought so many of them?
  3. Thanks for the info , still got lots of things to learn.
  4. I been running ozone on my 6ft tank since day 1 . My skimate from my aquamedic 5000baby is also very litter and dry and the only time my skimmer go crazy is when i have a death fish in my tank. If we dose it direct into out skimmer the reaction only take place in the skimmer so by the time the water leave the skimmer it should be free of ozone . So far i been using it for more than 4 months if i not wrong and it doing well for my tank . And i just upgraded from a 50mg to 200mg cos i find 50mg under dose for my tank . I also add a coralife 6x to my tank and i find that help alot during my very bad ICH out break.
  5. I am running an Sander ozone (200mg) together with a coralife 6X will very low water flow rate and all i can say it works . Still waitting for my ORP and PH controller to arrived so dare not blast my O3.
  6. Thank u guys i only left with only 2 sets of the units.
  7. This is how it look like . It the same unit as Aquamedic.
  8. I have a few units of BRAND NEW Sander ozone C200 (200mg) for sale at $370. It come with a 1 year warrenty from the agent. Pilot please stay away from my sale thank u. SMS me at 98239733. This unit is make in Germany.
  9. Bro u teach me to grab whatevere i like don care about space or .............. Becos everytime i look at ur tank i be very sad. So i tell myself to work harder.
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