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Everything posted by NiVleKsg

  1. Very expensive rocks! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  2. The thermostat will have its own probe and cut the power to your chiller to your temperature setting Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  3. Use a external thermostat Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  4. You need fish to be delivered to you also if it is free? I remember one thread people giving away stuff and you ask it to be delivered to you. LOL I agree with Mike that you seem like just posting everywhere, wanting everything.
  5. Thats a familar looking tank...and boy, this thread was up from the graves!
  6. Thats a familar looking tank...and boy, this thread was up from the graves!
  7. Quite boring place. It is more cater to dogs. Edisson Pet Farm has some lovely Cavoodle there....Nice price too at $7300.
  8. Nice. Can't wait to see it all up from a seasoned guy! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  9. Nice table also. Looks like a bucket overturned with a piece of wood?
  10. Nice pico reef! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  11. Still see your old tank laying there....hehe
  12. Nemolight is quite affordable. I think just about 100? Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  13. Can show more photo of the HOB skimmer in action?
  14. Always love to get to know more friends!
  15. Not with me any more but with one of the SRC bros here. Well taken care of by him!
  16. During this period, I also realised that the zoas are not doing well, they started to drop off one by one and rot in the tank. It was disposed off immediately. I liked my yellow tang a lot and spent quite the hefty price for it at $55, again at this west side LFS. But after reading up some, I realised that I am overstocking my tank and a yellow tang should not be kept in such nano tanks. I was looking for a new owner for him and decided to sell this and get a AL-60 chiller from a fellow reefer bro here. Things went wrong, the chiller kept leaking despite many attempts at fixing it but this bro was cool and I returned it to him. Also realised that we started reefing at about the same time! During this period also bought more stuffs, like the accudrip from F&M, introduced by a reefer bro. Kinda expensive for such a simple device, but it made acclimination of fishes much easier. Didnt regret it even though you can do the same thing for less than 5 bucks. A Jebao RW-4 was also added to the tank. With so many photos in the forum, it does look to me that they have one thing in common, at least one wavemaker. As I was also going on a long holiday soon, I was figuring out how to do a water top up. I didnt want to spend hundreds on a ATO system but found this at the west side LFS. This is probably the only thing that I did not regret buying from here. It is not cheap, not expensive and served its purpose for the duration that I was away.
  17. Welcome. I am a newbie too! Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app
  18. Around about 1 month into the reef tank hobby, I started visiting many LFS. Wow. They are all much more stocked with more varieties of fishes and corals. What have I been missing? I basically went from Jurong to Pasir Ris numerous times and also to Marine Life at Clementi and CF and 201. The FTS. This is about 1 month old. I added the torch coral and a green plate coral. A boxer shrimp was also added and hiding in this photo.
  19. About 3 weeks into the tank, I started adding more and more livestock, still not knowing much about nitrate levels or the space required for tangs to be housed in. I didnt even know that the Dory (blue tang) can be so huge! It was also around this time that I got my refractometer. And at a damn expensive price at the same LFS @ $89. At this point, the only LFS that I went was this LFS and its neighbour. My first reading with it shocked me, my tank was at almost 1.030. OMG. I immediately removed some water and added the LFS DI water to lower the salinity....not knowing also that a sudden drop in salinity might have adverse effects on the livestock. I also shifted the rocks around again and again and in the blurry shot above, you can see the new fishes added then. The blue and yellow tang were during then, my favorite.
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