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Everything posted by kareen

  1. Juz a little update... Looks like the commensal shrimp inside, do not really harm the squamosa... I have observe new shell forming on all my clams (2 maxima and 1 squamosa) after about 2 month plus in my tank using TM reefpro saltmix for water change. Juz wana make this note 'cos I did not observed that when using coralife....
  2. Then soak the whole thing in for a while before attempting... I think the deposits have dried too long and cake up the joints and thus making it almost impossible to open...
  3. I use the "Easy Blade Algae Scraper". IMO, it is useful in keeping the tank wall clean of all kinds of difficult to remove algae. A few word of caution after the experience.... 1) remove, clean and dry the metal blade after each use. 2) when adjust the height of the blade to fit the magnet cleaner, just put it level on table, slide to correct height and tighten the knot that hold the blade. Do not press down magnet cleaner and then tighten the knot 'cos this way, the blade will tend to scatch the glass wall easily during cleaning. After purchasing it, my whole arm no longer need to be in, just need to wash hands only... so it motivate me to clean it more often and so glass wall is cleaner. The best part is that those algae that was scrap off the wall, peeled off in bigger piece and the tangs are fighting to have bites of it.... PS: found old sales picture... http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...=magnet+cleaner
  4. Hi! I saw that u hv 2 different brand of test kit for the nitrate.... Can take a pic of the content of the two brand? Also, is there any differences in the testing instruction?
  5. Was the anemone previous position receiving plently of flow from the two wavemaker? Is the current position receiving weaker flow? If you want the anemone to move to a better viewing position then u may need to experiment with the wavemaker position.....
  6. Nice. How much is live mysis shrimp selling? Sorry... saw it in earlier posting...
  7. I thought it's someother more hardy species.... The last time I rear the flame scallop in the office, I put them with the seahorses and pipefish. I have to dose "diy" plankton and rotifers 5 times a week.....
  8. Any pics? Or updates? R they still alive?
  9. U must dismantle everything and take a look at the impellor part to see whether is it struck. It is common that pumps stop working after storage 'cos of the dried minerals deposit which were not cleaned properly before keeping. If it is struck, it may be a bit difficult to loosen so soak the whole thing in hot water for sometime and try again... (using the hot expand cold contract theory)
  10. ya... I know.... Hope u don't find me too nosey It's such a nice tank to be wasted this way.... if I were u, I'll probably overcome the problem like moving to another location.... PS: Putting a reply here in a way is also up for you
  11. stuartgiam: wow... these are great advises from experience reefers. Pounder upon it and u will progress from there.
  12. Do these 4 damsels show any aggressiveness between them? Do they mark their terriority already? If so, do some major rescape so that the terrioriy is mixed up. Add tangs that are bigger in size at the same time after the rescape.
  13. I have not kept elegance before but just some comments... U have got a good specimen from reefer and the fact that it did open in your tank and then become like that.... could it be a sudden change in the enviroment? Your liverock seems a bit pale considering it a reef tank.... Also, u mention about market prawn.... could the size be too big? U may wish to consider some partial water change using TM reef pro salt.... I have good experience using them. Another thing is to refrain from feeding directly and chunky food. KennethK: Appreciate if you can share how you care for elegance successfully....
  14. A little bit kapo here.... Why the change of overflow from side of the tank to center? Your tank placement looks nice with side but will probably look awkward at center.... The reason I say that is 'cos with about 2.5' width, adding a overflow at the center will impact significantly the ability to place large stable liverock to be view at both side.... Large stable liverock make scaping easier....
  15. I'm not sure... it may have some effect on PH & KH depending on individual system and the amount of tanin acids.....
  16. ya... I mean the common filter wool lah... Uh, I didn't ask you to poke any hole hor I din't see the skimmer in the pic that's why... whether enough or not do the calulation yourself. To me, filter wool is a great way to do the coase level of filteration. The only drawback is regular maintaince which I do anyway.
  17. Hahaha... seems like wrong application here though.....
  18. there is less energy loss so u can either lower the pump rating or get more flow up your main tank. Another point is that do u have any filter floss anywhere in the filteration? Ur skimmer does not seems to be a powerful enough to cleanse the water.... better have some mechanical filter where u change regularly unless your skimmer pump can deliver 10X faster than your overflow pump..... Also, I notice that the pump serving your chiller is taking unfilter water which may result in more "growth" internally in chiller and eventually result in lower efficiency....
  19. a little observation.... Turn the sump the other way round where the "up" pump do not have such an acute and long distance could save $$$ in the long run....
  20. Do a check on PH & KH to investigate further....
  21. How's thing? Have u find the root cause? If so, appreciate to share ur findings....
  22. Hm... FOLWR tank.... U think your filteration cannot handle the situation? It's live free meal u know.....
  23. BTW, wana to list the things I do to prevent the asexual of grape.... apart from keeping lights on for 24/7 in refugium. I only place small handful in morning near some light source. My observation is that when tank nitrate is high without light, grape asexual easily.... and take longer to asexual when nitrate is at acceptable range ie <40ppm. Also, the location that I clip the algae is moderate to high flow area to dilute any juice if any which I believe my 4 footer ###### 3 footer sump can take it.
  24. If your curious enough, setup a temp tank with sponge filter juz to see....
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