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Everything posted by Archilles19

  1. Split naturally by itself of course can lah....but our friend here want to cut it into two.....cannot lah....
  2. Sapa-sapa pun boleh.....cuma tang bayaran tu nak kena plan betul-betul..... BTW.....Jumaat malam jadi tak......jalan kayu....tapi kedai mana huh....???? The first kedai Muslim yg sebelah Aquamarin tu.....ape jenama dia....cuma tau meja dia kaler biru........ PS....Pada semua tolong confirm......
  3. So far I know...anemone cannot be split.....U cut it & it will die....anyway I have a 5 footer tank .....maybe can let me have it for my clown fish to play with it
  4. Ni apa ni ...1/2 malay/chinese lah............1/2 bugis/jawa boleh tak...???? Anyway tu hari gua lupa nak post.......ada orang kasi gua lobang untuk buat setup......bayaran belum confirm betul.......untuk tank 5 kaki gua anggarkan dalam 3 ribu untuk LS+LR+pasir + sikit coral lah......belen duit gua punya...tapi kalu tank besar gua tak larat buat sorang.....kalu dah confirm nanti gua post kat sini & tengok kalu ada yg interested......nati gua inform dia punya share of pendapatan sekali....kalu dua or tiga orang campur gau sekali kira ok jugak..... Anyway......gua ingat kalu buat gatherin...tak payah yg besar-besar lah....kecik-kecik ok......apa kata buat hari Jumaat ni....dalam pukul 9.00 malam....kat jalan kayu.....kalu ada yg nak tukar tempat boleh suggest lah........anything pasal this meetingg tolong post di sini....jadi semua nampak.... Update list src_mly.doc
  5. Nak gather nantilah.....aku rasa orang semua this few weeks into the new year semua sibuk sikit....nak habis kan dateline...anak baru masuk sekolah....baru kahwin.......nati guaa announce lah..... Azam tahun baru ni...hmmmmm Nak kurang kan rokok...dah fulfill ###### part nak behenti tu ada sikit susah lah....lagi pun aku punya boys nampak pun tak elok lah.....influence tak baik. Nak tank besar dah daapat....5 kaki beb.....problen dia pun besar jugak....hari khamis tu return pipe diaa bocor....menggelabah sekejap....malam pulak tu....nak call tank maker dia nombor kat office pulak...office dah tutup sooo...kenalal tuggu sampai Jumaat pagi..lepas tu call dia (apek kedai tank tu lah)...dia datang pukul 3.00 petang lepas tu settle free-of-charge....selamat nama bapak aku... Nak tukar kereta...baru je tukar tahun 2003.....sekarang nak jual pun tengah mahal....nak kena top-up duit banyaak soo...tunggu lah..... Nak anak yg no 3.....kalau boleh pompuan pulak lah tapi Mem aku tengah ada night-class lah sooo...kena tunngu bulan 6 tahun 2006.....dia habis sekolah baru boleh cakap...... tentang perjumpaan ni....ada sesiapa nak suggest tempat & date.....aku anything punya cuma kalau malam mungkin ada members kita yg susah sikit pasal kerja malam macm Yus & Dainese.......diaorang kerja gali minyak lah.....so time taak tentu
  6. Animals are created a lot less intelectual than human.....got brain but cannat use lah......but one thing special about them animal is that they can sense danger miles away......could be because the change in the atmosphere....change in magnetic fields surrounding us.....smell....moisture.....but one thing for sure they dont have the ego some of us have. like not warning people about an incoming disaster. There are few facts about animals & the place they live in....some of them,... 1) If Ur in a trekking through the jungle & in Ur path there's a big plot of very nice, green grass or pasture.....nicer than its surrounding....dont go through it but around it because some people say its a deception by something to trap anything that step into the nicer plot. 2) Animals will run or scammper when they sense danger......& they will always run in the same direction...any species...will run in the same direction...sooo....if U see this....run in the same direction too because U can be sure the other way might just fulfill Ur wish for eternity in paradise.....
  7. LORONG HAJI TAIB....!!!!!! tu bukan jauh sikit....tu dah terlampau jauh.....nak mampus....????? Hai....kenapalah time dulu members aku semua tak buat bachelor parti aku kat L12..... HA....Yus...kalau mahu....kita boleh uruskan......darah manis punya soal bolah tolak tepi....bukan dia boleh rasa....
  8. Okay Brudders....ni updated name list.....nampaknya sambutan tidak menggalakkan.....masih ramai yg tak nak bagi infor....tapi takpe....tidak boleh memaksa. Kalau ada contact...lain kali kalau ada member nak let go barang bagus boleh inform kita sebelum posting in Pasar Malam....... src_mly.doc
  9. So far...aku bawak 100km/hr on expressway....diaorang pun tak tahan.....aku ingat jangan lebih daari itu ok lah........tapi so far tak pernak sejuk...aku ok aje...cuma time bawak proton wira 2nd hand dua tahun lepas kena tahan TP pasal exhaust pipe dia modified..old owner puya angkara. Lepas tu dia aksi aku warning suruh tukar pipe biasa & pergi inspection....dia kata tak saman.....satu minggu lepas tu dapat surat dari LTA kena compund $30/-....menyumpah tak sudah....
  10. Whoa....just like mine....same problem...
  11. Boleeehh.......lepas tu kalau dia tahan cakap aje `I just want to say good morning'...
  12. You are running too many programme at the same time...if not....the memory just cant take so much operation running concurrently. U may be playing just the game but in the background there are others programme that are running together eg. anti-virus, OS.... At times the RAM just cant take it.....even the processor cant take it also at times....BEST SUGGESTION......uninstall the game.....maybe U already install too many thing inside the system....especially those that U may have downloaded from Internet. ANOTHER SUGGESTION......uninstall those that U very..very...very..rarely use programme......free Ur hardrive space as such when boot-up...theres not much programme running in the background........bear in mind.....install too much stuff.....download from an unknown website may disrupt Ur system...even make Ur OS, hardrive not functioning at all......trust me...I know from first hand experience
  13. Kalau masih tak sure...kau horn ajelah ape-ape motor yang kau nampak
  14. Siapa-siapa mau update dia orang ounya info....tolong pm gua...nanti gua update untuk lu orang download lah...... Kalau boleh kasi address & contact no....lain kali kalu ada emergency dah tahu siapa paling terdekat.....ikan nak bertelur ke.....coral nak beranak ke..... Kalu info sudah memuaskan then baru boleh kita organise satu perjumpaan di kedai kopi di Jalan Kayu ke.....Lorong 12 ke................eh!!!!.....macam mana boleh ke situ pulak ni.....
  15. Ni ada dua soalan.....pertama.. 1)siapa naak jadi kit punya ``representative'....nak panggil `ketua' takut tittle tu berat sangat. kedua.... 2) Korang taknak update korang punya info ke...no talipon ke....address rumah ke...nama penuh ke.....boleh kasi kemas sikit macam yg diorang bikin untuk refeers di Sengkang.....
  16. Eh brudder....if that Ur tank size then better forget everything else & go for high end type like beckett or bubble king. Im running a 5 footer & was using MAcro NW AS300.....even not enough let alone Weipro...trust me...i know...
  17. Eh Boss....donated already...this morning the coffe lady went round the office & collect donation plus remiding us that if we want to donate any used clothes caan do so tomorrow..... BTW...there goes the shipment of LS...& there goes the price of LS....shoot sky high....
  18. Ni nak kena tengok stok.....aku punya dalam 1.5 to 2 inch...beli kat Coral Farm di Lim Chu Kang.....kat kedaai lain pun ada tapi macam aku cakap tadi....nak kena tengok stok. Tu hari kat Iwarna pun ada sebesar 1.5 inch.....kalau naak lagi besar......beli ikan JAWS.....
  19. This is one of the reasons Ive stopped reading the newspaper.....U start Ur day with things that are soooo depressing.......Afganistan....Irag....Palestine....Thailand.....now this..... Will we ever get to close our eyes & not worry about the future of our youngs.....U read all this stuff...U watch it on TV....then U look at the innocents of Ur sleeping children & U hope & pray soooo much that they will grow up & enjoy life & U get to see it till the Almighty come calling.....
  20. Alamak....I cannot see Ur thread anymore lah...thinking that U giving up this hobby until further notice (which don know till when) makes me sad.....knowing that I cant get anymore frags from U......
  21. I was in Langkawi 1 week ++ back.....thanks heaven it happen this week (no mean to be heartless).....cant imagine if got caught in the distruction Prayers to all those who perished & may all those who survive have strength to carry on.......
  22. It always happen when Ur in a crowded places like this.....even if your super-duper careful.....it only takes a few seconds for you to let ur guard down & for them to strike. Since teens I never like to go to these places during the festive seasons....too dangerous. When I was in the St John Ambulance during sec school....i was on duty at one of thos swing singapore & we had to attend to alot of people suffering from cuts to breathing problem...including some policemen....
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