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Everything posted by Rocky99

  1. can reefers who had experienced tank leak indicate that which group of silicon was used for its construction. pls help in this poll. very much
  2. can reefers who had experienced tank leak indicate that they are using DC or non-DC for that particular tank. pls help in this poll.
  3. my big squamosa clam opens it mantle only after 12am midnight. initially when i bought it, mantle is open in the day, but because its sensitive to fishes swimming above, it closed up. then i noticed that it opens at 12am so i just turn on my lights till 2-3am to ensure that it receives enough light for the whole day. it's quite a silly thing to do. looks like its suffering from jet lag. what can i do?
  4. hi, i recently acquired a FA in my tank. heard from fellow reefers that risks of it disturbing my corals are quite high. so what i did was to keep it my my beta box for 2 wks until it feeds comfortably on pellets b4 i let it out. so far it's ok, only that most of the time it pecks on the algae on the rocks and glass. my corals and a big clam are ok. keep my fingers crossed. i also make sure that every time i feed the fishes, the FA gets a fair share. otherwise it may turn desperate for food and turn to my corals. juz my 2 cts. gdluck
  5. thanks for the very useful link, i think worse come to worse got to climb into the tank when making adjustments. can't imagine the armpit getting wet i considered a taller tank (as in glass height) because right now my tank is 2ft tall which is juz right when i view only from standing. i thought a 2.5ft tall would also allow me sit down and view also....
  6. thanks bro for you suggestion , i'm presently using an old phone card to do the job, so reaching the bottom is quite a problem esp in places where the liverock is near the glass. do you know where i can get the scraper? 2.5 would be the overall glass height. planning a new tank really takes a lot of effort. currently trying to do more research......
  7. i'm currently making plans to setup a bigger tank. i cannot decide between 2.25 and 2.5 feet for the height. i heard from other people that 2.5' height which i cannot reach will cause backache problems during maintanance. i love the looks of 2.5' but my main concern is about cleaning the glass near the base of the tank. In my current tank, probably because of the lousy water quality, i frequently have to manually hand clean away very very stubborn green algae that cannot be removed with a magnetic cleaner. how do 2.5' tanks owners cope with these problem? if i focus to improve the water condition in my new tank, will these stubborn algae grow on my glass? thanks for your time, i know my question is lengthy.
  8. bro, hows your tank going? got fish inside already?
  9. how abt installing a bracket and hang outside the window? like those split unit compressors...
  10. hi bro, was thinking if its 10watts diff only between 26HF110W and 32HF120W but the flowrate different by abt 1500lph, getting the bigger one might might be a better deal.... unless its the 20HF that consumes 50W.
  11. bro, you drilled a hole into a Deltec.. Much more convenient now...
  12. juz a suggestion. how abt putting a link to the member's tank thread below the avatar. then at anytime surfing, we can conveniently click on it. the member's tank forum has the 2nd most number of visits in SRC
  13. i was told that squamosa's can only be placed on the sandbed. i'm worried that worms in the sandbed might find its way into the clam from its base. is there any thing i can do to prevent it? thanks.
  14. that's abt all for the time being. hope my flame angel will start feeding, got it today only. tried brine shrimp and formula 2, but no results yet.
  15. oblique view. can anyone tell me if the clam looks distressed my tank would surely crash if it does....
  16. thanks, it doesnt disturb my corals. but because my tank is quite crammed, sometimes it has got to climb over them to get pass.
  17. my new clam... no experience with clams. juz got it today... it prbly wont make it, with its siphon of this size... sighz
  18. some update of my tank... pre CNY hope it doesnt crash.....
  19. just to add..... my skimmate is much much less smelly also..... kopi O become green tea....
  20. bro... if you can go for the biggest unit. then to have to upgrade in the future since a 200mg doesnt cost a lot more than a 50mg/hr
  21. bro.. can u show us your tank b4 and after of the bulb change?... =p your corals will look prettier...
  22. i see.... thanks.....complicated stuff but interesting...
  23. heard that some places the meter man to goes down to read meter every 6mths, rest of the month estimate. end up when the bill with the accurate reading come - shocking.
  24. the car battery idea is great. hook up a few more can back up my MHs. correct me if i'm wrong. i thought car battery is usually 12V.
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