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Status Updates posted by Joe_P

  1. Recently acquired 2 specimens of liopropoma sp aka Sunset Basslet. Hope they survive and turn up as a pair !

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Digiman


      The decompression problem usually appear within one or two weeks. So if it survive pass two weeks, high chance they'll do well. I already gave up on them, killed too many from Ah Beng and Reborn shipments.

    3. cedricang


      Wishing you all the best and hope you will be able to successfully breed them !

    4. Joe_P


      Thanks Cedric. I got to first be able to keep them alive.

  2. Just spent the last 2 hours attaching some exotic frags onto my Reef Scape.

  3. My Red Head Gobies (Elacatinus puncticulatus) just laid a nice cluster of eggs !

    1. pokmingsheng


      the ones you got from RB?

    2. Joe_P


      Yes, this pair came from RB. Larve from RHG are a PITA to raise !!

  4. Ultra Blue Hoeksemai and Blue Bonsai Echinata.. yeah!

  5. Calanoids and paracalanids !!

  6. Onyx Percula Eggs !

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