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Everything posted by surfedelic

  1. Actually if you look at the US site - some of the wellsi cost more than the merletti .... I definitely vounch they are not rare at all. i spoke to a LFS - according to him it is harvested at greater depth - that's about it. In fact some of the merletti looks much more impressive than the Wellsi.
  2. 47 lit - operating a gas station or what ? My aluminium tank is 6.7 litres for 2 footer already kiasu.
  3. FOC ... you will have overnight queue at your void decks.
  4. $20 per entry for one tank. Never know.
  5. No need lah ... just collect $1 per entry ...
  6. Used to have a pair of cleaner shrimp - they spawn the first 30 mins i switch off the lighting .. so it is true that life become active in the night which is why your sps open up the polyp. And they do that every 3 weeks ... so not a bad idea to invest in cleaner shrimp .... live zooplankton ... dont need to breed.
  7. 40kg is an understatement .....i can see almost 20 person on that thingy ... average out 50 kg x 15 person ..... 750 kg of LR But ... look carefully at the picture ...the motorist is walking
  8. It looks like our tank water is too clean ....thinking of selling if still cannot sustain becasue sps more important
  9. What is the speed ? 5 km/hr .... maybe I could walk faster than that ..
  10. Yah ... I shifted one of the piece to low lights ..... I have another piece with bright green body with red mouth ... putting it on strong lights ... will see how it react - read a article by Abert thiel that some could take strong lights. no problem so far .... mime have short tentacles .... in fact my lobo stings is much more powerful than favia .... a few polpy gone alrady due to that but it is recovering
  11. Sure got pastel color ... don't have to rush ... the recent LCK got alot of pastel colors ones . It 's only a matter of whether the color you are looking for is available or not ... maybe we could put up a list on the "wanted colors"
  12. Are you sure they are yellow body .... they looks bleached to me.. just pointing out ..no offence ... I have bought 1 piece when place under strong MH they will bleachd out and looks exactly like he yellow body.. The bright green body usu have no problem except the dull green ones and the brown body ones
  13. Looks like the same pc Dano have - dual color ..pink and blue ... nice piece ... can't wait to see it color up
  14. One of the most colorful reef in Singapore probably.
  15. Cloud simulation - hmm interesting. Maybe fix a conveyor belt or something which will move across the lighting
  16. Not many in-wall tank here ...Nice setup -- maybe if you could add a firewood place ... you can start telling pple you are from England
  17. Nice tank and...amazing you can do without chiller, but the topup will be everyday I presume. You might want to automate it with float switches. BTW, how do you maintain your Cal and KH - dose everyday ?
  18. Actually if it is a nanos .... Acrylic tank is also not a bad idea. Given the cost and the clarity. Definitely the scratches will be a headache but if you do it cautiously ... it will not be so bad ... but the height this time is much more shallower so the maintenance will be very much easiler .....currently my glass tank got too much tattoos on them and I hope I have an acrylic tank so that I could remove all the scratches.. As for the coraline aglae growth for the acrylic tank - it will not be that bad if you use 14K or 10K .... if you switch to 20k lighting - it will be a different story, you might end up cleaning them up on your front panel. Another idea I was thinking is to have a sligthly bigger tank says 2.5 ft width for lighting with a 2 x 2 light coverage so that the lighting will not fall on the glass panel at least not directly.
  19. Joe, Cool man ....Any pics of your garden eel ?
  20. Thanks for sharing - eye opening experience to see mermaids The chinese are quite creative huh ...
  21. DB, Yah ... I was thinking of garden eel too .. they looks cool... but not sure how deep a sandbed is required as i am not a fan of DSB. Tried a team of yellow-tail blennies but 2 of them went for a hunger strike - now left 1
  22. Welcome to the world of Nanos I think Boxfish will nip on the Polyp of the sps - just for your info. They are not reef-safe and the beak are pretty destructive. And also bear in mind that the dice-looking fish looks cute when small but become quite ugly when they are grows bigger when the color fades
  23. These tanks looks almost impossible to maintain .......the height almost the same as the sofa definitely more than 2ft ..probably 2.5 ft at least .... It is probably a fish only tank ..... otherwise how to maintain Nevertheless it is an interested tank using aviation grade suspension cable ..
  24. Gorgeous Cool icy Blue ... dont forget me when fragging time
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