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Everything posted by bum

  1. me.. i had one frag which i thought was nice!! transparent white with pink bubbles, turns out it was bleached now its a deep green like army. the others seem to be happy mine is 250W radiums btw. i place them quite low though
  2. works for me... better than nothing, safer than a cuke
  3. i recently got some from maxima, he also gave a queen kong!! but just yesterday, i saw one of my dwarf hermits sporting his new queen kong shell i like them, they keep my sand bed relatively clean
  4. my dwarf zebras don't eat cyano, neither do the orange legged ones. my nassarius snails stay clear, so do trochus, astreas and turbos. cyano must taste really bad.
  5. uh, how long before it regains its colour? its now under 250W radiums in a 2ft high tank. its a orange base anemone.
  6. here's a flame scallop FAQ page, happy reading.... can i suggest next time do research before you buy LS? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bivalvmarfaqs.htm
  7. chris, yours died? mine like multiplying... everytime i touch them, the white stuff comes out, YUCKS... i was wondering if its toxic so.... i fed a few to my trigger he ate everything...including the shell. wun break my heart if he gets indigestion let you guys know if my undulated gets
  8. check out the Brotherhood of N.O.D online store, 3 weeks delivery though
  9. mine only braced at the sides you mean they dun like overhangs?
  10. 'slide' it off the glass and throw it back.. it can remain out of water a while, but if it climbs over the glass, chances are it cannot find its way back. i've lost a few nas. snails like that
  11. day, its not, its nothing i've seen before astreas, trochus and turbos all have hard shells... i picked this one up and the shell was soft, like a fajita! also the head extended very far, it looked like it had horns... wondering if it might be a slug of some sort, the weird thing has to be the white relaese of the mucus... like a cuttlefish squirting ink.. only its milky white ice... sounds like it man
  12. i removed 2 big ones about a week back... now i see lots of little ones!!! best description : adult was about 1cm, shell is cream white, looks like a fajita, not joined very soft( i crushed one without knowing it) body is creamy yellow... head is triangular, looks like a cow actually when disturbed, it lets out a lot of white mucus from its 'rear' end. i found the babies in the midst of the grape caulerpa in my refugium wish i could take a pic, but its too small. ifs its not a good snail, i'm chucking the caulerpa clump
  13. my skimmer and circulation pumps are on 24/7. why you wanna off them?
  14. if he doesn't want it in the main tank, best if the refugium tank is the same size as the main tank. but if not any DSB is better han none, right?
  15. now i know where you get your baby soft skin and youthfu good looks oh, btw is that lubricant i see?
  16. as far as i know, crown of thorns feed voraciosly on corals... dun think they can survive on liquid food for long. never heard anyone sell or keep it. fire corals....i saw at some LFS, the owner told me its a fire coral, reddish orange but i doubt it cos i saw him handling it. blue ring... uh, i think someone here keeps it. might be difficult to find in local LFS though... also, its a great escape artist, and feeds on inverts and fish your filtration has to be good too cos if it inks in a small poorly filtered tank, it'll kill everything incluing itself. BUT!!!! most important unlike the lionfish, lyretail blenny,rabbitfish.... which cause pain..... this one kills but if you do manage to find one, i'd like to view it
  17. hey dude, managed to fix up the lights yet? i see you like to live dangerously... why don't you get married? live lifeon the edge everyday
  18. it eats corals think it will be a very expensive star to keep... the people down under have a yearly collection, then they kill them by the hundreds... to protect the GBR i've never seen it for sale here though
  19. looks like what i would do after too many drinks
  20. no pics leh... or is it only me
  21. i see it...nice got more?
  22. Pls add in ur name and day u would like and any comments ~LIST~ 1) Terryz 2) Clownfish 3) Ron 4) hoppinghippos 5) Ian 6) Ruel 7) Bum, pref in afternoon. 8) 9) 10) 11) 13) 14) 15)
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