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  1. MH Sold. Tank going for 100/- now.
  2. 2217 - Sold Tank and MH still avail.
  3. UPZ Tank and 2213 still avail. MH light is aquatechnic made in germany. 2 MH bulbs built in 2 FL and 1 moonlight with timer. 300/-. Bought it from A tang but never get a chance to use it.
  4. 2227 - sold Tank and SS tank (brand new) going for 300/- nett.
  5. Have the following items for sale: 1) Eheim 2227 Wet/Dry cannister filter. Completely filled with Eheim Efisubstrate Selling for $120 2) Eheim 2213 for $50/- + eheim surface extractor $30/- 3) Corallife UV steriliser $30/- 4) 4 x 2 x 2 overflow tank + 2 sump tanks for $250/- Also have a metal halide with timer for sale cant remember the make and model will go back to check again have been dormant for quite sometime. To be adv. Kindly sms/call Colin 96281973.
  6. Asking for $10. Size : 1 Inch Bought for only 2 days however seems like my resident fishes cant accept it so have to let go. Collection at Bukit Panjang area on thurs evening. SMS 96281973 or PM me
  7. So sad tot of going down tomorrow to get the leopard wrasse. Looks like now i got to go hunting again.
  8. My anamone fell off the rock and just didnt want to stick back onto the rocks. So i tot it must be dying. was quite tempted to take it out. However i noticed that it wasn't shrinking nor its mouth was wide opened. It still can open up as per normal. It just simply refuse to anchor itself onto the rocks. What could be the problem here?
  9. Got my Sohal tang for abt 2 weeks already. However it seems to love seaweed alot and it neglects/shows no inetersts in brine shrimp, mysis shrimp and pellets. Is it normal???
  10. Looking for leopard wrasse. Didnt seem to spot any over the weekend. Do let me know if there are any out there. Many thanks.
  11. Sorry to hijack this thread but besides pod what other food can i feed a pipe fish. Do they feed on brine shrimp????
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