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Everything posted by seamonkee

  1. Long Kang Fish = Feeder Fish in aquarium trade... hehehe.... Still call Long Kang Fish no matter what colour, size, ######....
  2. Yup. I think there's a recent surge of LFS selling BROs... really they should ban it... just my opinion...
  3. Saw two before at Liq**d De****. Two dayslater go back, both die liao... Fuel is rite, nudibranches are hard to keep... U gotta trust him.. he's a nudibranch "lover"...
  4. Just a thought.... Wondering by the time we switch completely to Newater... would it be so that we wouldn't need RO units... since Newater is RO technology... Mmmmppphhh.....
  5. shit?! Seen it happen in my tank before... my guess is it's probably some worms at work... thot I never witness before...
  6. agree with fuel... dottybacks are the devils... they are very territorial... notice how some LFS put them in individual containers??? that's why selling at $4 to $6 becoz not many people want it because of its aggressiveness.. Brazilian or Royals are different... they are basslets and are generally peaceful. That's why they are a hot fave among reefers... esp those with small tank setup...
  7. BTW, my weipro ok leh... making kopi-o.... u must adjust your flow rate carefully... also what pump u use? what's it flow rate?
  8. skimmer is the one equipment that all reefers cannot do without... it is the first defence... skimming away detritus stuff even before it got chance to turn into ammonia, nitrite or nitrate...
  9. Yup. I have upgraded to a better skimmer (Black coffee everyday!) + lessen feeding + siphon out what's left... Just want to kill off what's left...
  10. Xmas tree worms with kokhead LH?!?!?!?! That's a big big insult to the Xmas tree worms man!
  11. guppy, those $4 to $6 range are dottybacks and not grammas... derf, there is a difference between royal gramma and brazilian gramma... the royal gramma colours are more vibrant... How I know? Cause I bought a brazilian and few weeks later, happen to chance upon a Royal (my friend's)... then I realise the difference... If u get to see both, then u know what I mean... brazilian colour not so bright and vibrant... and it doesn't have that beautiful "full eyelash" as royal does...
  12. Yup. Seen this documentary b4 where the octopus is clever and strong enoff to open a tightly sealed jar to take out a piece of prawn inside... Hope your tank is covered tight and so is your night pyjamas... Won't want to wake up missing your "prawn"...
  13. See what I mean? That's what I am afraid of... people buying them without realising they are playing with death... No offence, foxprime.. but I believe you are "victim" too... just be careful when u handle your BROs... er... better not to even handle them...
  14. Is the one at ML Loreto or Brazilian? Can someone confirm or not? LCK110 is definitely Brazilian.... $32 bucks is very ex for Brazilian unless it's true that the ones at ML are Loreto... Also, there was an embargo strike at Carribbean... unless it's over... if so, hooray! Cause Carribbean fishes are really beautful and vibrant in colours...
  15. The topic says it all... understand that angels & butterflies peck on corals... any corals that they don't peck on?
  16. Marine Tank = Nope Computer = More than a hundred times....
  17. Yah! Somemore cheap cheap and plenty plenty in many LFS.... suggest u buy one urself....
  18. AVA spy ninjas among us... tsk... tsk.... Scary actually cause that's what happened to Yahoo Pets Classified... Previously, people were selling pythons, ferrets, hedgehogs and stuff till AVA clamp it down... hope they don't do this to us...
  19. Yup. I hope so too... from the looks of it, the man was real grumpy today... could be bad... Anyway, on a personal note, serve him right too...
  20. I know there's a case involving a boy in the early 80s... and that's the only one case in Singapore. (so could be it...) What I understand, they suspect the BRO but never really confirm it... Yup, I agreed with u, AT... BROs should be banned in Singapore. We are just waiting for another incident like this to happen... BTW, I went to the LFS just nowand found that it was raided by A*A yesterday, the BROs and some other stuff were confiscated... someone must have already informed AVA...
  21. Er, AT... you mean to say there's already recorded sightings of BROs in our waters?
  22. If people release LHs into lakes now that the trend is over, shouldn't we worry if newbies start releasing these BROs into our shores? Hopefully, they can't survive in our waters, man!
  23. I like the fishes... know any LFS that carries them?
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