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Everything posted by seamonkee

  1. Looks nice lah... but real person a lot of pimple one... see clearly when she is on live tv... haha
  2. Humans are primates too... so u dun like yourself lah... so irony..
  3. I keep hearing this T5 thing again and again... Would anyone care to explain to me what it is? Sound like a light or something...
  4. That's what I thought too! They are illegal right? It is definitely blue ring octopus!!! I recognised it very well... Somemore the LFS puts up tag somemore (Blue Ring Octopus $35)... Already see two LFS actively selling them....
  5. It's known as the pygmy marmoset (Cebuella spp.) .. the smallest in the world.. found only in Western Brazil, Southeastern Colombia, Eastern Ecuador and Eastern Peru... They are one of the few national treasures of Brazil... We don't have any in our Zoo or Night Safari. The smallest primate we have in our collection is the tarsier. They can be found in Night Safari...
  6. I just realised I got lots of typo errors... apologies, but when I typed this, I was fuming mad So didn't really do a spellcheck... Pardon hor, AT... I know u have been encouraging a better standard in our language when posting...
  7. I am not sure if this is something we should all be concerned of... (Well, it could happen to your kid if u bring them along during one of your LFS trip) I went to a few LFS recently and see tha few of them carrying blue-ring octopus!!! Those fellows can kill!!!! Though they are safely placed in individual containers (with holes) but I see some LFS recklessly putting them in lower decks of tanks where children can easily reach and grab these containers... (they still can sting through those holes man!) This is serious! I actually saw a person (looks like a newbie to me) picking one container up and I screamed across and asked him to put it back down!!! The LFS owner just sheepishly said blue ring octopus though venomous is not enoff to kill.. Bullshit!@)(*&#!$. When I told them how venomous they are, the owner's partner (i think its the wife) scolded him upside down for also not warning her... I presumed she was the one asked by the owner to place them in the tank... hahaha... really a good laugh when I see the owner being screamed at.... The owner went on and defended that if venomous fishes like lionfishes can be placed this way in many other LFS, why not blue rings??? Talking about that, I have also witness some of the irresponsible LFS placing their lionfishes on lower decks where children can touch these fishes... Maybe they ran out of space to place them in view of the high stock turnover but still I think it is irresponsible.... I have also seen better LFS place their lionfishes on higher decks... this is something highly commendable... Lionfish though venomous, still can inflict a painful sting... BLUE RING OCTOPUS!!! MY GOD!!! I can't imagine if they papers where to flash someday that one kid or someone got killed at an irresponsible LFS shop. Seriously, these LFS needs to be really educated, man!
  8. woonming, I am searching high and low for orange yuma... Can u clear urs to me instead if Anthony doesn't want it? PM u liao Thanks!
  9. Now I know that I am really addicted to this site... past one week was real "uncomfortable" for me when the site was down...
  10. Is that an arrow crab? Looks like it.... Supposingly good as it feeds on detritus and leftover stuff... Did u bought it? How much?
  11. Yeah, I am interested to know the outcome too. BTW, garlic xtreme was recommended as an alternative.... if u wanna consider cause it's strong smelling too. Best of all, it prevents ich on fishes...
  12. Beautiful seahorses, I love the pygmy....
  13. Marino, these are not your normal or toxic nudibranch but something parasitic that feeds on your zooxanthids (polyps).... Here's the picture of the parasitic nudibranch... Sori fuEl, I know I am breaking your heart again with such "toxic" words used on nudibranchs..
  14. Is there some bickering going on that I dunno of?
  15. Ya got picture or not? Foxface good... foxy lady lagi better...
  16. It definitely looks fun! Wasted I couldn't come cause I have a company event to attend...
  17. Better dun let fuEl hear all these.... he's a nudibranch lover...
  18. If you are on a budget, dun think of even starting! God knows what kind of conditions you'll be giving to your LS, man!
  19. I agreed with Rumor, let them feast on the remaining zoos and then die off by starvation... But then again, besides zoos, do they feed on any other corals or anything else? Anyone have this experience to share?
  20. Yup... Domino Damsels are the fiercest alright... in fact, any of the humbug damsels.... three strips... four strips... Not yet at that size but just you wait when they get big...
  21. Just came back from work and saw another two ###### the life essence of my zoos.... &#@&*($)&%*(!_*#
  22. Ok lah fuEl, I can't debate with that mouth of yours... No hard feelings.. imagine my mood having spent hours plucking them out one by one with frustration... then u say they very good... wah lao er...
  23. Thanks AT... I have removed quite a few already by manual extraction... Need lots and lots of patience man!
  24. FUel, this is not the first time u advise me to keep these slugs knowing jolly well that they are a pest to zoos... Please consider your replys before posting them, if there are newbies around, they probably think these slugs are really worth keeping and are harmless. I would suggest u refer to the thread "Worms That Infest Polyps" ... AT and some other reefers have given some comments...
  25. Haha! I just got the same problem... AT, can remove my thread or not? The one titled "Slug Fest"....
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