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Everything posted by gerrard_boon

  1. twin-head ric-$45 green ric-$35 i have 2 orange ric witout pic...one small$20 one normal$30... take all(twin head,blue ric,green ric n 2 orange ric)-$140
  2. yellow zoos with green skirts-$30 green zoos-$10 blue ric-$35
  3. hi...i'm selling the following corals coz my lights is starting to fail me... 1) a rock of orange yuma(abt 5) plus one green yuma...$25 2) 2 pieces of torchs(6 heads but 2 heads had die off)(both the same), 2 for $27..one for $15 3)assorted us n tonga zoos.... 4)2 bubbles...small zise....1 yellowish white other 1 greenish brown...$30 each...eye cat 5)4 floricida rics 6)red mushrooms
  4. thks..sunny bro...i try to find my way to there in the morning...so hope to see u all there...cheers!!!
  5. hey...guys i'am interested...but can anyone tell me how to go there by public transport?(any lrt nearby?)
  6. mushrooms,leather,star ployp n zoos are among the easiest but yuma are highly unpredictable...esp the bicolour n pink/red ones...they can juz melt for no reasons.
  7. actually it deosn't disappear at night....it doesn't trap air juz dirt...so is it dino?
  8. the dino seems to be growing so fast that it seems like strips of wavy brown hair is in my tank....can cyano grow until that long?could it be diatoms?but nothing seems to be growing on the sandbed...y is this so?help!!!
  9. hi guy...my tank currently seems to have a major invasion of Dinoflagellates, slimy brown stuff are starting to take over my tank n attack my corals!!...can anyone advise if there is any creature that eats it(does snails help) or is there anyway to clear the Dinoflagellates other than a major blackout..?thanks
  10. Ocellaris are common clown.maybe those clowns were harressed by the other fishes u have in yr tank...u have some really aggressive fish in yr little tank...most damsels are considered to little devils...(dun by fooled by their size!!!)n tomato like to whack other clowns real hard....esp yrs is a small tank..maybe u can try removing yr fishes and adding them one by one(every few days maybe,if can longer ..even better)according to their aggression....but i dun think it will work for damsels(little devils nvr changes)....or clown(clowns juz can't stands each other!!)i would suggest u try other fishes...grammas are excellect chioce..really beautiful by a bit ex..(avoid brazilian grammas...heard they are aggressive too)
  11. i believe the Ocellaris are the only clowns that are proven to be friendly...
  12. wait a few more days...sometimes they took longer to open .....anywy star polyps is a soft coral, not lps..
  13. y dun u tell the others the LS u are keeping? perhaps there are some more aggresive creatures disturing the clowns hence stressing them to death....
  14. hmmm....do not underestimate the POWER of a bristleworm.....!
  15. black cap..not really rare nowadays but really nice!
  16. bro,i think rhodatics look really different from yumas..yuma look more smiliar to rics
  17. i believe the most effective way for most corals would be gd lightings n regular water changes(some corals sun corals does not photosynthesis n therefore requires target feeding to ensure best of health)!
  18. ho t5are high output T5 lighting(there another kind of t5 NO-normal output) seio 620 is a wavewaker(poor's man favourite-cheap n gd!)
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