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reefer guy

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Everything posted by reefer guy

  1. check out planetq's thread in the marketplace forum.....
  2. from kembangan mrt, take bus 42 across kembangan road... used to live a few houses away from there they should have started business 2 years ago....
  3. IMO, if u add more lights instead of getting and replacing ur existing w more intense lights, u r just adding up ur electrical bills w less effeciency in ur lighting. have read before that to be able to get a really good lighting using fl, u will have to literally cover ur tank w fl lights....
  4. hi bro... if u dont have the urge for sps, i think its enough.. but on second thought, 4 x 36w = 144w..... little difference from a 150w mh which is brighter and penetrates deeper.... but then again, u need at least 2... cheers!
  5. so dya guys reckon it to be a potentially good lfs in terms of livestocks and equipments?
  6. errr..... if u need help in to how to go about and u r driving, let me know... id be glad to show u the way there
  7. it's not illegal, nor it is piracy... its just unliscensed ...i saw the shop at clementi abt a month ago, nvr really bothered goin in coz i was in a rush but cant remember wer exactly...
  8. last i saw was in clementi bus interchange... one of the shops ard there....
  9. just wondering... this is a very good buy but no takers... guess everybody aiming for pool size tanks????
  10. hehehe... how i wish.... but his mom is keeping a good look.. hehehe...
  11. reefer guy


    no lights for me, its situated at my backyard under a frosted glass roof so natural light is good enough... right now got sea lettuce, seaweeds and grasses aside from deep sand bed and liverocks...
  12. imo, both sucks... the trouble of maintaining and cleaning it... plus the level of effectivity as compared to sump... bro, y not just get a sump?
  13. hi! just add this in another topic so maybe i have to quote myself again... hope this will help u..... it's true, if ur return pump fails water will overflow the sump... solution: 1) maintain the water in such a way that even if REVERSE FLOW happens, the water in the overflow box will dry up first before it can fill up the sump to overflow level.... 2) make ur return pipe nearest possible to the water surface so once it grasps air, the REVERSE FLOW will stop... another way is drill a small hole at the return pipe just right above the water surface, it will weaken the return pressure abit but in case of return pump failure, it will cut off the siphon due to air sipping in the whole.
  14. living in bishan??? bus 156 all the way to clementi.. hehehe.... u can read up abt marine aquariums, corals and fishes duringur long trips... hehehe.... good luck on ur job hunting bro!!!
  15. reefer guy


    p/s as nicky have said is protein skimmer.... water to go down the tank, overflow system... usually custom made tanks comes with a built in overflow box with a drain at the bottom... in my case, i am using a prefilter overflow box.... it's true, if ur return pump fails water will overflow the sump... solution: 1) maintain the water in such a way that even if REVERSE FLOW happens, the water in the overflow box will dry up first before it can fill up the sump to overflow level.... 2) make ur return pipe nearest possible to the water surface so once it grasps air, the REVERSE FLOW will stop... another way is drill a small hole at the return pipe just right above the water surface, it will weaken the return pressure abit but in case of return pump failure, it will cut off the siphon due to air sipping in the whole.
  16. reefer guy


    err.... which one u want to borrow?
  17. then sell the clam lah.... anyway, check out the website of underwaterworld... they posted it there..... as for henry, it would be better if u drop by and talk to him personally
  18. hey... that's the best way to learn, from someone who does it best and does it for a living... he teaches his customers well, what more if you are an apprentice there, right? also thought of one time..... try applying at underwaterworld... they have part time job openings.... aint it cool to work at what u enjoy the best???
  19. try giving henry of ml a helping hand.....
  20. i'd suggest let him drink the kopi in all skimmer cups at henry's store.....
  21. IME, its hard to kept alive for long in captivity...
  22. bicolour blenny... and i never mentioned abt eating coco... i said nibbling....
  23. reefer guy


    ...... autocad to photoshop... im very technical.. ....was even thinking of doing in 3dsmax n animate but wait til im really bored to death n got nothing more senseful to do... hehehee
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