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Everything posted by ckevin

  1. Just want to share some pics of tanks i find beautiful-Non local only
  2. wah..you guys are damn persistent and i salute man. Thread almost 7 months old and you guys still won't let off. Me..? I gave up many months back :lol:
  3. Does anyone have a small frag to spare/sell? I am looking for the dark green digitata that PR brought in the last 2 shipments. Thank you in advance.
  4. I am sure a picture of the tank will speed up the sale process by at least 500 percent Just trying to help
  5. It is a funny thread I once heard of a thief who asked for a plastic carrier from the owner of a shop from which he tried to steal a pair of shoes. And in SRC, there is this Joker who is completely ignorant of technology. It is amazing how he feign ignorance Perhaps he has split personality like Fann Wong in the show. It is events like this that constantly spice up the forum Lots of work for the moderators though.
  6. I wonder if anyone noticed this: Example: Reefer A puts up something for sale. The description may be wts 3x1.5x1.5 tank. Reefer B will then start another thread in a day apart that reads wtb 3x1.5x1.5 tank. I had at first thought it is coincidence but now i think it is just games played by the bored. Very funny to read.
  7. Like Simon's comment on Constantine's performance on American Idol (13/04/05) ...........'Astonishing' Bro...you have once again set the standard to beat for the TOTM title. Definitely nerve jolting.
  8. Thanks Clammy, i sure the moderators know that i was just role playing and has also noticed that some of the credos were picked from 'the other forum' . I love SRC.
  9. AT, I suggest we close SRC and let all the members migrate to whichever local/overseas marine forum they like. Let 'them' have a taste of all the shit you have to endure all this while and see if they can still stick to their credo. I remember the days when SRC was newly set up. Membership was only a handful of mature reefers. We were cordial and honest to fellow reefers with a genuine interest to learn and share. When the crowd gets bigger, there is bound to be conflict. It is in the best interest of the club that such disputes are settled as amicably as possible. Are our moderators 'High handed'? I seriously think they have been more than tolerant. I must say it is quite funny to read the quarrels. But the moderators here are so predictable that it takes a big part of the joy away. They will let you vent your frustrations a little. Then advice to take it out of thread and settle privately. Only when things get out of hand do they lock the thread indefinitely and give warning to the parties involved. What if i am involved and i refuse to leave things as it is and i start another thread flaming the other party? What if i use strong words and run down the moderators for interfering? What if i insist on getting support from my 'khakis' and slam the forum and everyone else who disagrees with me? What if there is such a forum that condone my behavior because the forum is for disgruntled i.e unreasonable and unwelcomed SRC reefers like me What if this forum is a special place for free thinking and spirited people that find it offensive to have their posts deleted or have threads they are interested in be stopped? I think if there is such a place. Maybe i will take my quarrels to that forum and use it as my battlefield. And i suggest anyone else who has an axe to grind to do it there to! Do your shit there ..clean up our ###### and come home to SRC smelling nice and fresh. sniff.....I smell the fresh morning dew....
  10. AT, I suggest we close SRC and let all the members migrate to whichever local/overseas marine forum they like. Let 'them' have a taste of all the shit you have to endure all this while and see if they can still stick to their credo.
  11. Alpharomeo, your tank is gorgeous. I like the scape and good mix of LPS and SPS.
  12. Actually, come to think of it you are so right there Reefers afraid of trouble should be collecting stamps and playing badminton right? I guess we just need more testimonies to justify the cost/cause Anything revolutionary will definitely face jurisdiction. Zeovit users- stick to what you believe and make a success of it! No ill intention huh...
  13. I agree with Alentino. i have not tried zeovit ,but from what i have heard, i gather it is crap. First you pay more..lots more. Second, instead of making life any easier, you have to shake the darn reactor everyday; not to mention the careful dose of liquids which causes havoc if overdosed. Third, i think water quality is just one aspect of reef husbandry. Other factors like lighting blah blah blah.. makes a difference. So my argument is that you will never achieve perfection; and we never knew what is perfection. So just stick to basics and make reefing relaxing as well as enjoyable. Success is never achieved by going to extremes in any one direction
  14. I like the way you have the sun corals stuck/positioned under the bubble. Very nice.
  15. Aiyah..this kind of thing has no fixed market value one. As long as you like it enough and can afford. Imagine rics were selling for 50 dollars per polyp and people still buy. Those rics grow like weeds in the wild However, my concern is about the difficulty in keeping sun corals healthy. They require dedicated care and husbandry. Individual polyp feeding is highly recommended. If you have any experience with the normal suncorals you will know what i mean. They usually recede and waste away if you do not have the right conditions. Show us the pics. Not open also nevermind. I am truly interested to see those mega suncorals you have.
  16. I think i know what he meant by super sun coral. I saw those mega size sun corals in Hong kong before. One polyp before blooming has a circumference of 20cents. And one colony has about 5 or six polyps. The entire colony typically measures 3 by 3 inches. In fact i have been asking LFS why those are not brought in and we only receive those puny ones that are only as thick as a pencil. Super suncorals were selling for 25US dollar per colony.
  17. Congratulations! Very well compiled write-up. And it will be in the history as long as Reefcentral forum is around Free database Three Cheers for Dan! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY! HIP HIP HOORAY!
  18. Hi andy, Having done nano for quite a while, I have the following observations and suggestions to make. 1) It will be good if you can reposition your tunze. You may have to rearrange your rocks a little to make space to conceal the tunze. That tunze seems to be taking prime estate in your tank (high light area) where Acros should be. But you have to give considerations when camouflaging the rock for future maintenace. It is a challenge to do all that but it sure makes good sense and i know what i am saying. 2)The flow is never too strong for a SPS dominant tank but you may want to deflect the current to soften the flow near areas where you have LPS (cateye/bubble/goni) 3) I always encourage a wrasse or 2 in a reef to get rid of those nudi pests. They do damage fast so don't procrastinate on that. You can try leopard or six liners. Pls read up on the pros and cons though. cheers.. and i have always liked 2x2x2
  19. 1) diabolus - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 2) hermit - 1 x L, 1 x xL 3) weishun - 1 x M, 1 x XS 4) pegasus1010 - 1 x M White Design 2, 1 x M Black Design 2 5) ahloon - 1 x XL, 1 x XS 6) hamannbmw - 1 x L 7) iori_del - 1 x L 8) livebait- 1 x L BD2 9) dleecool - 1 X L 10) shoelevy - 1 x M 11) Kurt Cobain- 1 x XXL black colour...design 2.... 12) shawncel - 1 x L Black Design 2, 1 x L White Design 2 13) Peh - 1 x L 14) wave_r - 1 x XL 15) shiraz - 1 x XXL? 16) Rapalla - 1 x L Black Design 2 17) Marinehobbist - 1 x XXL, 1 x L, 1 xM Black Design 2 18) Cheese - 1, L, White, Design 2, 19)lhraiders - 1 x XXL Black design 2 20) mwang - 1 x M White Design 2 21) prec - 1 X M Black design 22) kaykay - 1 x M. White. Design#2 23) rshut - 1 x m Black Design 1 & 2 24) XPeriment 626 - 1 x XL, 1 x XS, both Black Design 2 pls! 25) Mars-1x XL Design#2 black 26) Lester - 1 X M design #2 White pls :thanks 27) aCe^bOwleRz - 1 x M black - design 2 28) ReDDeviLs - 1 x L, 1 x S - white design 2 29) zulu-lulu 1 x XL (both black) both design 30) ckevin- 1 x L (Design 2) Black
  20. It is as good as starting the thread with "possible sale of tank" which is getting more popular than the craze for florida rics and rainbow monti. I will possibly start a number of similar threads, possibly selling stock to potential buyers if they offer attractice prices.
  21. I am enjoying this cough cough..brew ######. choke..spew...brew car_ rer
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