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Everything posted by Firestarz

  1. n remember to update. Will b looking forward to it!
  2. Eh .. i need one last help from u ppl, Is there anywhere in singapore where i can find the red sea prizm skimmers? .. Thinking of getting one asap .. but no one is selling second hand, so thinking of getting a first hand.
  3. Actually i need a stand as well .. so if i go along with my present i dea i would b getting those wooden stands from furniture shops .. YEa .. i would b considering really hard thru this weeek. Yea .. Hmm .. i think i will juz go ahead with this 2 ft idea .. let this b my first tank n when i get enough knowledge n most probable after i finish schooling, i will upgrade to b bigger n better tank .. so at present i will juz b very careful with wad i do in teh tank. Yea .. thanks alot .. been of great help! Yay! .. i will finally start up my tank after nearly 3 months of researching n consideration .. i must say i hav learnt so many things from u ppl out there! THANKS!
  4. Yea .. thats the thing .. thats y i m thinking of checking if there's any ready made solutions .. But if i m sticking to this tank, the lights sitting on top would not b too much of a problem .. as my lights r those DIY ones n doesnt come with those legs which i feel exerts alot of presseur onto the two sides of the tank .. for mine i juz place the whole thing flat .. so less pressure .. the tank does come with bracings at the side .. so i hope it wouldn't b too much of a problem. As for the skimmer, i will most likely b making a DIY stand for it to rest on so that the pressure would not b resting onto the tank glass. alot for the great help .. of course i wouldnt want to see a swimming pool in my living room when i come home one day .. Yea .. so for now if i cant find any suitable ready made tanks, i would juz hav to make do with this solution.
  5. Hmm .. by red sea ? .. Yea .. looking for something like that ..
  6. Oppz .. i mistook the skimmer owner .. sry ..
  7. Hmm .. i not sure .. someone gave me the tank for free .. But since the tank is 1.5ft high, i hope i can find some suitable 1 piece rock so i dun hav to do stacking thus removing the possiblity of a rock slide .. Eh .. i dun intend to hav a sump .. so thinking of using some hang on skimmer .. any reccommandations out there?
  8. Hey bro .. do u still hav ur red sea prizm skimmer to offer? .. how much would it b n any pics? Thanks!
  9. Hmm .. actually i presently hav a 2ft bow front tank .. it is only made of 5mm thick glass .. so i was actually thinking of doing rockscaping only in the center n not letting any touch the tank walls, any comments?
  10. Hmm ... at present i hav a 2ft T-5 Ho set alrdy .. Preparing to set aside $500 for the tank with cabinate n sump although i hope it would amount to much lesser. (i was qouted $600 for a custom made 2ft cube 10mm glass tank with cabinate n 6mm thick glass sump) For the skimmer i hav marco skimmers in mind. I most probably wouldnt use a chiller but would use a fan instead .. as no natural sunlightbis directed at it, i dun think it would b too hot .. plus i m thinking of using a DIY chiller comprising of a thick styrofoam box where i pump water from my sump in. The box would hav 4 to 6 ice packs placed standing straight up. I would monitor the temperature of teh teank as i very the number of ice packs n would use approipriate number of ice packs depending on whether it will b raining or not, n whethre it is nite or day. I noe this is not encouraged by many reefers but as the tank would b in my living room, my parents does not allow me to use a chiller as they hav personally experiance how hot the chiller can cause the room to b n would not want such a thing to happen. Advise pls. Thanks!
  11. Wow! .. so lucky sia .. All de best to ur sales bro!
  12. Hey guys! .. i m sure some of u might hav heard of my plans of setting up a marine tank .. I hav to admit that i hav been very undecided n jumped from one idea to another.. n now i m backed to my original idea agin. But for my original idea .. i actually wanted to custom make a tank .. but first i m thinking of checking out the prices n quality of ready made tanks as i m currently on a budget n would not b able to spent much. I really dun know where i can find good n affordable tanks for marine setup n would like the help of bros n sis in this. WOuld very much appriaciate the help from u guys. in advance!
  13. Yea .. photo pls. I m on the verge of committing myself to getting acustom made tank .. n i bumbed into this topic .. so yea .. would really like to hav a look. thanks!
  14. Yea .. eh .. actually u can use microsoft powerpoint or paint also. Its much easier .. Yea .. anyway i juz love those seafans in ur tank ..
  15. Its at the highest floor of the shopping complex .. i think its the 3rd floor. there got a number of party stores .. sell almost everything use for partying.
  16. Eh .. warp ? .. Like how? .. arent the water pressure the same for FW n marine? the only way i can think of is the LR pushing against the glass.
  17. Hmm .. okies i will add one. 1. Queensway 2. Wisma Food Court 3. All Pasar Malams, just not SRCs. 4. Yishun Bus Interchange 5. Taman Jurong S-11. 6. Lorong Limau (behind whampao market) juz beside blk 76, the corner coffee shop at the store selling wanton noodles. FYI the store is open permenantly but operates in the morning till abt noon time 1 or 2. Yummy .. muah chee .. *simply delicious* Hehe .. this store is actually juz across the road from my house.
  18. Eh .. Jem .. adding a compionion for ur present blue tang? Haha .. all de best for ur bid
  19. LOL.. I still love the way ur blue tank turns out pinkish on camera. Hehe!
  20. Eh .. mayb can try using mozilla firefox. Its much better in terms of responsiveness .. been using for 3 months mostly for SRC n having no problems.
  21. Eh .. i dun think its 10K .. if we build it in SG. There's the land cost n also custom making such a big tank would cost a bomb. Plus the equipment room would probable cost abt $20 to 25k on its own.
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