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Everything posted by YzF

  1. There's also Blueish, Red, Bi-color and Multi Colour Yumas. SPS- Not sure what color as they off lights liao Nice Pink Lobo
  2. Just feed it with market prawn.. then will explode in size. Anyway i think you should set up the tank first. Kelmen your pH is too high? What happen? You should stop dosing calcium if you are dosing it.
  3. Tetra test kits... Do a search in the forum to know which are the prefer brands. Its very important to know the correct readings in the tank. Advices had been given by other reefers and I do not have anything big to add on for now. I second the addition of live rocks.(Another 20kg at least) Do visit the members' tank area to have a better idea how fellow reefers set up their tank.
  4. Well the 'marine shops' near tampines are all at Pasir ris area. Good marine shop is very hard to define. Every shop carry different kind (brand) of equipment and livestock. It will depend on what are you looking for. Looking at the list of things you bought, I personally will not use them for a marine tank. I used those before and i know why i buy those in the first place. One simple reason---- LACK OF KNOWLEDGE. Like other reefers had suggested, read up articles in the forum. A good place to start would be in the Members' Tank area where you can see how other reefers set up their tank and why/what kind of equipments they choose. Sugguest you stop buying for now until you are sure what you are buying. Just my personal opinion.
  5. LCK110 Still have Blackcap. Yumas Coral Farm Tons of True clowns Ah beng ATs Flame angel iaquarium Dun think got any arrival Iwarna Red zoo Clams Acans Yumas All info as of yesterday afternoon.
  6. Can pm your prefered selling price pls.
  7. Wishes to purchase a cooling fan (not those 6 in 1). Prefer those clip on type. Any bro with the above to let go?
  8. Still avail? pls pm me your contacts...
  9. Aquamarin (Jalan kayu) Few Acan left. Crocea Clams (Some giant size) Many Monti (Most encrusting) Acros Good quality shipment.
  10. Some pms but no confirmation yet...
  11. Just to add on, the chiller is no longer under warranty (its only 1 year). The price is slightly neg.
  12. Have a set of 1/3 Daeil Chiller for sale. About 1 yr old. Reliable and quiet chiller. Asking price $1200. Pm if you need more details.
  13. Want to sell off one 1/3 hp Daeil Chiller. Chiller has been used for 1yr 2 mths. Comes complete with manual and accessories. Asking price $1300. For those who are not sure about Daeil Chiller, you can do a search in the forum to know its reliable and low in power comsumption among many other advantages. Interested parties can pm me
  14. i have a brand new 6060 to sell at $170. Comes with free bracket that cost you about 15 bucks to buy.
  15. LCK110 Spotted Mexican Redhead goby, Royal Gamma, Blackcap, Blue Accessor(spelling?) ONE CATALINA GOBY LEFT!!!
  16. Bro, just some suggestions. i think it would help in your sales if you list down your equipments and live stocks. Pics would be better.
  17. Been to LCK110 Still have lots of Blastos.. Blue ring, green ring, green centre, blue centre, green mouth, full red..etc.. Lots of Purple base Yumas Hammers Some candy canes Orange or red strip pratas Open brains Purple cyanarina Some F.ricordia... Blue, green... Yellow neon gobies (Pls note: CONFIRM Will fight if not mated pair) Purple queen anthias Dispar anthais Huge Blue tangs! Many kinds of Angels...
  18. interested in the 6060 pls reserve for me.
  19. LCK still have blackcap and royal gamma. Neon gobies too.
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