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  1. Whats the problem with you guys? Just buy the damn SiSir approved lamps and p ay Power supplier. Why am i even reading this thread.
  2. Good price. If I ever need an air con will let you know.
  3. Ha ha. Let me try.. Mmmm, Yes , i know Get a barber. Or buy snail, crab or even chemical from equarenature. Those from Sea chem that remove Silicate or phasphate
  4. At least 6 inches. ANd depends on bulb brightness, it could be lower. Right?
  5. I also want. Will come with reefdude. I have 1 snail caught in the wild!
  6. Where can I buy cheap seachea media? Thanks
  7. I am using a five blade make in Japan plastic fan! Ha ha ha. I am looking for a cooler but i still love my wife. Maybe want I want her to leave, i will get "That Thing".
  8. Yah, and remember to come home for dinner tonight.
  9. Oh man! I really can't stop laughing. Sorry guys I don't mean to be rude. I believe that is a good chiller , for those who needs to cool your tank go ahead. Worth the money. Now you know why your wife can't stand it. She goes for looks. In i am not married, i won't love to have "That thing".
  10. I don't believe my eyes when I see that. Laught till my tears drop. You actually trying to sell "that thing"? Is it working? If I have that, I think my wife will start screaming at me. My kids may get electricuted. It looks like a time bomb. Tell you what i will pay $50 to remove from my house it i have it.
  11. Nobody offence me. But the thought of people wasting money boils me up! DAMNN IT!!!!! OK.Hmmmm! Lets try this. My Dearest fish lovers, While it may seems that MH at $500 is a good price, i would like to suggest you don't spent that kind of money. MH lamps are MH lamps so to speak. The lamp post in the street light is not MH lamps but a sodium High presure lamp of 2000 Kelvin. As this will be my last mail. I won't like to suggest everyone to read up first before buying. . Good luck. Thank you.
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