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Everything posted by oceanics

  1. Wow T5 tube with no eballast.....better go for PL. Take a GOOD LOOK of the light... not worth getting it.. IMO..
  2. Care to share what they eat, is it all the shit, algae??? How much do u guys pay for it... When u say mature tank, what kind of element does the cuke need to survive
  3. Thanks guys so confirm cannot clean the PH .....
  4. Sorry never tell u my filter history is almost 6 month liao, the flow rate(from the rain bar) used to be like flushing out the water move like mad when my damsel in front of the rain bar will be move away, now my damsel can look at the rain bar ....u know.
  5. Can try Tetra, Nitrate remover
  6. Thanks bwilly, the valve i turn to the max liao, still slow, not mush movement as before, so the PH cannot be clean then SEOW LIAO, no way to clean...
  7. recently my Canister filter the flow out rate is very slow, when open up the filter the PH is inside cannot take out & clean , brush... Can any teacher tell me how to clean the PH so that i can have more water moment in my tank...
  8. Only get to see them for 10 days... never buy anymore.
  9. Just to share with all reefers... I put it in my canister for 2 weeks, all alage gone that grwo on glass & sand. Things to take note my those new introduce fishes DEAD... funny things is that all old fishes & coral still going strong...don't know what happen to new fishes. You can get it from LFS $9.... TRY AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!!! Maybe other can share...
  10. I managed to change from coral chip to '0' sand by take away 1/2 the coral chip & put in #0 sand, let it cycle for 2 weeks, if nothing goes wrong, continue the other half...prepare to have a sand storm
  11. Hi Ian, u mean totally empty... I thought with Coral chips all the $hit will sink to the bottom, can you advise so that i can also remove all my coral chips laio
  12. Change the PH to 2000 to 3000/L or you may try using another air pump(together with PH) plus air stone to produce more bubbles.
  13. Hi Bro lighthouse21, is this shop new???? got to check it out wk end..i stay around that area.U??? There used to have 1 shop selling but LS quite limited..
  14. Turn it on 24x7 man... PH & Pump will not consume much elect. do you want to have a FOS tank..
  15. What about those algae on the surface of the sand...
  16. Hi a Skimmer is a Skimmer, operate by wooden air stone or Power Head, why some can get "Kopi O" some can get "Urine" some get green tea.
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