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Everything posted by Aldaris

  1. dont throw away.wasted. give it to lfs or anyone else. you never mention where you are staying.
  2. looks like a unciorn tang to me.
  3. http://blogtoomin.blogspot.com/ Tell me what you all think about it. Help me click on the google advertisment too. I will appreciate it.
  4. remove those fishes you have first. re-buy fishes.
  5. make it abit weeny more cheaper and i will buy!
  6. yupyup. dont tell you how i know.
  7. heh.i remember over a year ago you are a big noob.you are better now
  8. liveaqauria mentions anthias needs at least 25gallon. keeping 5 requires 125gallons! hmmmm. up to you. i want to keep too!
  9. your first fish is a tang... becareful on how you add fishes(esp another tang) in the future.
  10. its not wise for you to keep them in a small tank. unless, you are, confident of clearing its waste and handling a lionfish heavy bioload.
  11. agreed.dont be so greedy. you got 5 tangs already.
  12. i like black tang. i got 5 chromis with him in a 155 gallon tank.
  13. they will continue to fight someday. its best to remove the most agressive tang. dont cause stress to the powder brown unnecessary.
  14. eh.your tank is too small for the tangs la.
  15. i didnt see any fishes(other than long nose hawk) in your most recent FTS
  16. becareful really. show me that all is still there after 2 months and i hail you god-like
  17. i want those electric blue legs ones. red hermits also can. anyone willing to sell? i want small one please.
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