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Everything posted by hermit

  1. somw reefers tanks crash is also due to this problem................. i just encounter this last nte only!!!
  2. hahaha.................getting more and more interesting now.................. ok, let me find a date where we can go together!!!
  3. hahaha............ i normally go on my own lor.......... no need book or wat so ever lor............ just rent a bike and there we go.............. see those rangers then act blurr and see how lor
  4. no problem................. so long as u fully prepared to step into the mud...........
  5. lets organise another trip.......... bring u all to see some zoos and buttons........ green in colours, alot too.............
  6. hahaha.................. that is the fish which was first seen by me at the chek jawa tat time went wif lin last year. at first i thought it was some how a stone or rocks from faraway...... when approaching it seem to be a fish like stuff.............close in at look, found tat the fish jaw seem to moving.....!!! hahaha, out of curiousity all of us start to disturb the fish liao........... heeeeeeeeee, funny.................... we thought tat the fish will die out of the water so we pick it up and put him back into the sea again.................................... who know..............swim back again........................!!!
  7. wow jaslin.................. hahahaha, double stress on HERMIT huh........??? u wanna drag me out 4 this talk huh????????????????? hahaha
  8. hahaha funny................!!! tats a good one bro............ use some valve or wat to suck to their "nipples" and then u can drink milk in under water.............. hahaha
  9. hermit

    Where to buy ?

    the floor seem to be like ur living room flooring..........!!!
  10. cools..................... good luck bro.....................
  11. 1. Morgan 2. Achilles Tang 3. Danano 4. Robe 5. Bloop! 6. Foxface 7. Day 8. Bum 9. Kelstorm (PADI) 10.hoppinghippos 11.chrislwp (Padi) 12.Tango_Liverock 13. WLSS 14. Benz... (Padi) 15. Rycin (Padi) 16. yus (naui) 17. TanGo (Navy, NAUI Adv) 18. Alentino (Padi) 19. Tfrancis (Padi) 20. Angry (Padi) 21. Ian(PADI) 22. Supremo (Padi) 23. TTboy 24. dradttg 25. clammy (padi) 26. damsel-in-distress (Padi Adv.) 27.Calciumreef(Naui Adv.) 28. Guinness 29. Assillian (PADI) 30. ryz(Basic is SSI, Advanced is PADI.. screwed up eh? haha) 31. jd 32. narkosis (Naui DM) 33. wedgee 34. Huanjie (PADI Adv.) 35. JaGr (NAUI Adv, TDI) 36.dispar_anthias(PADI) 37. auberon (PADI) 38. dust_to_debris (PADI DM) 39. cysiong 40. manta (SSI) 41. euggoh (SSI) 42. KKX7 (PADI) 43. cowgum 44. ivanlaw (PADI...hot from over on 16 Nov) 45. yogurt 46. reefer guy 47. nicken 48. kokhui (PADI Adv.) 49. daimy068 (PADI) 50. barnacle 51. Bandit (PADI Rescue Diver + Nitrox) 52. Kit (PADI Rescue, currently doing DM) 53. eddtsk (PADI) 54. acidjazz (PADI) 55.Lucifer 56.hermit(PADI)
  12. hahaha wait long long dude...................... dun imagine too much !!! cheers
  13. wow................. interesting...........................!
  14. hahaha funny................ how to long ban huh................ u hold the grip, i hold ur fin....................!!!!
  15. haha.............. ya lor..................... so good if the battery can be even more lighter!!! but dunno how the effect like leh? dunno whether is fast anot? if slower than wat we can finning ard tink it may not be so good liao....!
  16. opppp maybe i new to diving quite sua ku abit................hahaha....... anyway wats the price like for this thing? if cheap can get one and go diving nxt rd....!
  17. hey divers just came across some funny but cool stuff on the net...........! wonder whether singapore really got sell such equipment anot?? anyway anyone tried this before? think is more for divers who are very lazy one
  18. wow bro u really give an evil curse leh.................. but, if it really happen........ SERVE YOU RIGHT........................... people trying to help you and you repay them in this way. it is really up to your mind and soul to go and think about what have you done........
  19. hermit


    hahahah..................no problem bro.... u make me go ter one mah.....! up till now the coral still never pulsing abt lor
  20. hermit


    any reefer out there can help me understand more on the basic of keeping xenia? just brought a rock but dunno whether it can servive anot! just want to know more on how to keep them......................
  21. ask urself wat am i goin to keep? big fishes? mix reef? so if u intending to keep alot of fishes then wif a 522 tank is more then better, but if u want to have reef tank wif certain fish, try a 3 or 4footer instead...... as u know the bigger u go....the more ex it will become
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