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Everything posted by k0na_scab

  1. post a pic ... it'll help does the stuff looks like salt grains ? or powder like ? hw long u kept the fish ? a more likely prob wif tangs r ich ... keep yr fingers crossed
  2. ...........lame...........lame..........lame.................
  3. can any1 help to ID dis snail thanks
  4. try digging sand worms at the beach or go down to changi to buy i've seen my butterflys eating the worms in my rocks n my tube worms beware the worms can bite !
  5. IMO i would suggest u leave the tank running w/o fishes for 2 mths this would kill off any ich dats left in the tank the sailfin dosnt show any spots dosnt mean its not carrying any do a hypo on the sailfin too qt the fishes b4 puttin in the main tank ,saves ya quite some trouble ~
  6. try catchin the fish wif the lights off (when the fish r ZZzzZZ) using a torch light , Hunt the fish down (usually has a same resting place) when the fish is located , on the room lights / fish lights sometink bright enuff for u to c the fish , use yr net N wahlah~ the fish usually will be 'stunt' by the sudden brightness hope it helps i've caught a few of my fishes this way always qt yr fishes b4 puting it in the main tank can save u lots of problems cheers ~
  7. Bro WeiLeong u stayin at haig rd ?
  8. Me pes B i have a frd who was excused NS !!! !@#$%^&*() BEST !
  9. ello aquanoob nice wk !!! looks much better then mine ... but the trunkin,single core wire i got is slightly cheaper trunkin for $5 for 8ft 20m of single core wire $5 but i got them at the factories behind my place might be the case ... dats y cheaper LOL
  10. hmmm so does TDS meter measure sg?
  11. yup thats a good sign juz cont. feeding as per normal my observations r that , my fishes always go for the formula 1,2 pellets aft they started nipping off the red bamboo most prob they will take another few days , go stock on some red bamboo for now IMO u shd qt the fish 1st make sure that it has no ich/wadever b4 introducing it in the main tank can oso make sure its eating worst is, its dang hard to catch them out of yr tank !! sorry guys but abit off topic , i realise that some of the Naso tangs are prone to having "sunken-in stomach" can any1 share abt this ???
  12. i've tried hypo+myxazin n freshwater dips works for mi (wheres the option for the 3 above ??? LOL.)
  13. uvc $50 sump $50 Atman 4ft (dbl tubes 3ft 30W) FL light $40 90286310 -jo previous ad
  14. uvc $60 sump $50 Atman 4ft (dbl tubes 3ft 30W) FL light $40
  15. the bubbles wil not be as fine is nt using a needle wheel pump the impreller is different thats wad make needle wheel pumps more ex lol. good price , upz for u
  16. saw 2 sohal tang at pr , the newer section (turn left when reach the T junction ) $%) lol.
  17. Yesh !! its only the tank if its only saltwater no rocks or sand it ssshhhddd be quite "safe" can be a qt tank or storage ... collection will be at eunos u'll have to provide yr own transport
  18. k0na_scab

    3ft tanks

    i got 2 3ft tanks for keepin fresh water fishes the glass is quite thin prob 5mm comes wif top filter any one wans ??? no stand just the tank n filter if nt i'm gonna throw away pm mi
  19. Wa chim !!! yup its for microalgae okok i'll go look at them thanks
  20. Hi all went reborn but they kinda out of stock of them ... any 1 knows where to get them ??? how abt those used on freshwater plants ? can they be used too ? thanks
  21. uvc $70 sump $50 Atman 4ft (dbl tubes 3ft 30W) FL light $40
  22. german brand uvc 9watts - $80 sump , glass is 10mm thickness - $50 76cm x 61cm x36 cm 90286310 - jo Eunos
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