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midnight angel

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Everything posted by midnight angel

  1. bro y r u wanna sell off tis beautiful fish?
  2. fish die with sorts of reason, it could be water para, foreign object getting into the tank without we knowing it, parasites and etc etc. in ur case, since the guy of the shop not letting u to touch ur own tank then it is better for u to call them up to chk on the tank. remember bro u r paying them to keep the tank healthy and not paying them to make urself stress due of losing ls every single day. and i noe tat the contract norm include replacing of ls. it is best tat u can ask them basic test kit for ur aquarium. get in action b4 any worst scenerio happen to ur tank. i werk for aquatic co. b4 tat is wat i usually advise my cust tat we do the necessary maintenance and it's the tank owner responsible to take care and monitor day by day the progress of their tank.if something u find out tat not doing very well, u should ring them asap.
  3. got few pms , whoever sms me 1st will hv the fish. my hp 91181629
  4. selling at $12, size about 5 to 6 inch frm head to tail. ich free, eat almost everything i feed. collection at yishun , can collect only on sat pm or sun coz need to trap first. pic bit blur , sorry for the lousy shooting skill.
  5. anyone selling yt bout 3.5 to 4 inch size?
  6. u can try to rescape the rock so to cover the area where ur gonio is, it might help
  7. let's us pray for all our junior reefers to be healthy and happy always
  8. yes they do need lots of light, but they will get sudden shock from mh if u are using one, since when they at lfs they usually under NO or HO type of light this goes to most of the corals.
  9. i think it,s is call counter current skimmer
  10. it is best not to on and off ur skimmer, it is bcoz tat ur pump lifespan will be shorter and u will need to replace. juz imagine how much u spend if u hv to keep replacing ur pump every few months.
  11. hi all bros , juz to chk is it easy to get macro nw spare parts and who is the local agent for it, thks
  12. try to put it at the lower part of ur tank and slowly raise the position to mid level over few days. u also can try to feed them using liquid food that might help too.
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