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skimmer and sand

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  • SRC Member

Gonna setup a marine tank soon and i was wondering if the skimmer i bought today, weipro 2011 is enough for a 3ft tank? Or should i take it back and change it to 2012?

Also where can i find grade 0 sand? Search clementi and yishun area today but cannot find. Only grade 1 available.


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  • SRC Member
hi there,

I would say a 2012 at least... :) also you can get the grade 0 sand at serangoon north... get it? btw, why not grade 1? grade 0 maybe a little too fine? u tink?

Vincent Ho

Seems like i will have to change the skimmer then.

Was at serangoon north yesterday but the shop wasnt open. thats why i went hunting elsewhere.

Im still not sure if i should get grade 0 or 1 sand. Are the sand suppose to be erm... yellowish? I still have not seen grade 0 yet and im hoping its more white then yellow. Dont you think so or am i just fussy? :P

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  • SRC Member

hi del... i m not sure why u need 0 grade sand cos.. there might be some problem which u may want to look into.. first, if you do normal gravel cleaning... most of the 0 grade sand will be siphon off cos they are too light and too fine... second, if u don't do normal gravel cleaning... the sand will harden very fast after a short time frame... and if the powerhead u r using is very strong esp when u just set up .. it will stirr up the sand too... so hopefully this information will be helpful to u... :rolleyes: but the advantage is... it will look cool esp the beginning when u just set it up... but problems come later... <_<

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  • SRC Member
hi del... i m not sure why u need 0 grade sand cos.. there might be some problem which u may want to look into.. first, if you do normal gravel cleaning...


Gravel cleaning? I thought its a no no to disturb the DSB. Thought i read that somewhere. So do you purposely poke at the sand to breakup the clumps during cleaning?

Sorry very new here. First time know that sand will clump up.

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  • SRC Member

hi del... well some research did mention that we should not disturb the gravel cos.. cleaning it will remove lots of good baterial and organism but that will only be able to acheive if you use real live sand which mostly u can't get it in local. Cos the live sand will consists of lots and lots of worms, organism, lava, phykton and lots of baterial which will help to break down the waste product etc and normally the fish waste will not be able to breakdown that fast by the baterial which mostly will become a nutrient for the tank. Sea star... sea cumcumber hermit crab all this are the primary tank cleaner cos they ate all this waste product and the waste produce by them are much easier to be consume by the baterial on the gravel. Second, it will also depends on the hobbyist ... cos most of us will overstock the tank and that add on to the waste produced by the LF and during this time if the sand is not capable to dissolve all this waste product it will pack in and sooner it will become a nutrient reservoir... and without sufficent organism to move the sand such as worms, sea cumcumber etc.. the baterial will pack in and slowly u will see a layer of dark slime stuff appearing on the sand bed... this are baterial which gather in big numbers till u can see them... that why if you started off without live sand it is recommended to clean yr gravel or if u don't wish to vacuum out the baterial u can physically stirr the sand once a while... when u see it hardening.... :D

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