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Breeding Mandarin Fish


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  • SRC Member

Hey guys, my mandarin pair have been spawning rather consistently over an interval of 3-4 days each time. I have never managed to get the eggs to hatch though. I've tried the following methods after catching the eggs:

1) in a nylon sock and floating the eggs in the DT

2) in those coffee socks (unused) and floating the eggs in the DT

3) in a small tank with only water from the DT and bubbling air

4) in a small tank with only water from the DT and no aeration

All of these methods basically did not result in any mandarin fry.

Any suggestions to incubate the eggs?

Thank you

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i read a bit about breeding mandarins and clownfish maybe i can help abit.

Do you net the eggs out or u scoop it out with a cup? i think they are too fragile to be net out.

From some journals i read, they separate the eggs from the main tank with a bit of aeration. Is your main tank and hatch tank of the same temp?

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  • SRC Member

I couldnt find details of the exact set up to incubate the eggs online though. I scooped the eggs out with a cup. The times I left the eggs in a separate tank with and without aeration would have meant that the incubation tank wasn't at the same temperature as the main tank.

But the times I left the eggs in a sock in the main tank, the temperature should have been the same.

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  • 1 month later...

i bred madarin in 2013 and picturatus in 2014 ..so i have the same probleme a lot of time .

i'dont know how you're collecting the eggs , but i have 2 things ti say ..:
first , turn off the wave systeme (the flow systems) and 2 wait for a few minutes before collecting the eggs ...
i cant explain why but fertilisation issue is better ...
don't use a metal cup to collect the eggs but a pvc plastic one .

it's still the same methode as you do , i' used permanet coffée filter plastic floatting in the breeders tank

the best hatch are in the breeders tank but the best match is in a mésocosme tank ...with a lot of pod's
rots are too big , only pods nauplius are usefull for the first 10 days .

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

I just checked the eggs I collected from last night :/ no signs of any hatch. All the eggs seem to have settled to the bottom of the coffee filter I was floating in the tank. The eggs are all white now. Anyone has any idea why I just can't get them to hatch? Thanks

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