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What is the PH of newly mixed water?


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  • SRC Member

I realised that on mixing my salt water for a water change just now with Marine Environment Dual Phase Salt to Salinity of 1.020..and tested for PH with pH meter..I get 9.3!!

ISn;t salt supposed to buffer PH around 8.3??

I was quite surprised at this PH and decided to water change another day to prevent flucutations.

ANother surprising phenomenon is I did not expect the KH of my 220 Litre tank filled with Red Sea Salt to be Kh 6!!!..I thought it will buffer it at minimum 9 or abv..

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It's common for different brands of salts to have different pH level after mixing with freshwater but a pH of 9.3 is unheard of. First, you need to make sure that your pH tester is properly calibrated and in proper working. Then, I'd also check the pH of the water you used for mixing the salt with if I were you.

Red Sea salt as well, how many tanks do you have by the way? :) I won't be able to help unless you also provide the following info on your 220.

1. pH

2. Cacium

3. Magnesium

4. Livestocks

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  • SRC Member

I think Ph meter should be calibrated properly at 7.0 with buffer soln. The tap water reads 7.9 to 8.0 today.. last week itwas 7.6

I JUST tested my mixed salt solution and again 9.3!!!! I think I need to verify with my Sera Test PH kit.

I have 2 tanks....Marine that is..1 220 Litre 3 Ft and 1 2Ft standby tank...

BOth the water of both tanks reads 8.2....I have increased KH by adding KH up powder - Think this is actually sodium bicarbonate but not yet tested. COS KH 6 the last time really shocked me..

Ca is 360 ppm I think despite only have 3 hard corals : hammer , Goniapora Jewel x 2...and 5 soft corals mushrooms etc.. and run less than 2 mths!!

1 fish and 1 shrimp left..all the rest died i think due to stress and disease.

my 2feet has 1 anemone and a clown with my old coral chips in a bag and some grade 0 sand thin layer..surprisingly no No2 problems at all.

I don;t have Mg test kit? what is it for?

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  • SRC Member

I did a verification test of my NEw Salt water with my Sera Test ktis..yes it read PH 9.0..hence my PH meter was correct..!!!

And guess what my KH is only 4 in the water!!!

My Tank water I tested still KH 6 #@#*##**

How can this be? Don't tell me salts have expiry dates??

I added KH powder further to increase KH towards 10 slowly.

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  • SRC Member

it really depends on the water in your area and the salt brand you use..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member
I use Marine Environm friend..and in my last tank I use Marine Environment all the way..gave me PH 8.3 not 9.3


friend ..then what about water? .. like I say got many factors.. have you been testing your tap water before you mix salt? tested the tap water before and now? There might be variations .. You never know what PUB have been doing/adding to the water. Maybe now use newater so different leh.. :P

have you tried with a new pack of salt? Then this way you also will know if the salt has a lifespan....

so many other factors and ways to target your problem..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Wah lao...donno what to do with my Pail of Salt now throw away $$$$...

I don;t think I will buy a new pack of salt...as I am moving away at end of mth.

My Tap water measures 7.9 on PH scale..

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  • SRC Member

Yes I have...but are u going to risk throwing in KH 4 and PH 9.3 water into your tank?? :)

So what's your experience with salt mixes..do you need to raise the KH with sodium bicarbonate or anything like that.?

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Yes I have...but are u going to risk throwing in KH 4 and PH 9.3 water into your tank?? :)

So what's your experience with salt mixes..do you need to raise the KH with sodium bicarbonate or anything like that.?

If there's nothing wrong with your water source and your pH tester, I suggest you bring the box of salt back to the shop and ask for a refund.

The pH of your tank is ok. So you need not worry about that. In fact, you need not sweat about your Ca. and alkilinity levels as well. :) 360ppm for Ca and an alkalinity of 6 dKh is not too low and you can easily correct that with any 2 part Ca/alk supplement such as C Balance or B-Ionic.

I suggest you read this article by Dr Randy Holmes-Farley

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